Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 150 Hogwarts encounters a seal

After eating and drinking, the young wizards finally cheered up and looked at the Mr. Auror sitting at the staff table.

Mr. March stood up with a smile, first nodded slightly to everyone, and then began to say: "When I accepted this task, I was actually a little surprised. But no matter how surprised, it can't change the fact that it has happened. "

"Several professors have searched in the castle before, but without any results, so the results will be the same if it is me. Now the only thing we can do is prevention, so I hope that everyone will not go to remote places during normal times. Went. Everyone should stay in the dormitory at night and do not go out at night. There will be professors responsible for night patrols. In addition, if anything goes wrong, please fire the red flare as soon as possible. The professors and I will rush to the scene as soon as possible. Past.”

The little wizards listened to Madge's words and breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts. They thought Madge was going to issue some bans.

"Of course, it is best for everyone to travel in groups of three or more. In addition, please ask the prefect to be responsible for everyone's outings. If someone is missing and no one knows his whereabouts, please report it to the dean of each college immediately."

After saying that, Mr. March smiled at everyone and sat down again.

"Okay, kids, you're feeling tired after an afternoon's drive. Go back to bed."

The little wizards, led by their respective superiors, walked out from the gate one by one.

However, there was no one within at least one meter around Harry. Even when he passed through the restaurant door, the little wizards asked him to go through first, and then they went through.

Rean was walking in the Slytherin team and suddenly heard a quarrel at the front of the team.

But soon, the team turned a corner and continued to move forward.

This is a completely different road than usual, more open, but also farther.

When Li En walked forward to the corner, he realized what had happened.

Filch is erecting barriers at the entrances and exits of some trails with "No Access" signs posted on them.

Kess and Beaver, who were walking beside Lean, also saw it and couldn't help but started complaining.

"We've been walking this trail for so many years, and there's nothing happening at all. And everyone uses that trail, so it's not a remote place."

"If you ask me, this corridor is a remote place. No one has ever been there."

They used to take a shortcut to the Slytherin common room, but now that the shortcut is blocked, it can be said to be a blow to everyone.

Especially for little wizards like Kes and Beaver who are bedridden, the blockade of shortcuts means that they have to get up a few minutes earlier every morning. This is simply a crueler punishment than being imprisoned in Azkaban.

But Filch didn't care at all, and blocked all the "secret paths" from the basement to the eighth floor overnight, so that when the little wizards woke up the next morning, everyone washed their eyes several times, thinking that they had seen it wrong.

"Damn it, has Filch lost his mind? Why is this place closed?" A little Gryffindor lion stood in a corridor, looking at the obstacles in front of him and the slogans on them, jumping up and cursing. .

"Hahaha, for those staff members who criticize Hogwarts behind your back, I think you should come with me to Professor McGonagall's office."

Filch's voice sounded behind the little wizard, and then he pulled the little wizard toward Professor McGonagall's office, leaving wailing sounds all the way.

The entire castle, except for the main road and a few stairs, was all boarded up by Filch.

"Who dares to go out at night now, fearing that he will bump into the professor on night watch if he goes out?"

During breakfast, Kes sat at the dining table and looked at the listless expressions of the Gryffindor little lions, and said with a smile.

"Ah, yes, Professor McGonagall must also agree with Filch's approach, so that they will restrain themselves and read books carefully."

Beaver also said with a smile.

Slytherin and Gryffindor have always been at odds with each other. Although Beaver and Kes will be more polite to Hermione because of their relationship with Lean, they are only polite to Hermione. They still have the same attitude towards the other little lions. .

Now seeing their old enemy listless, the little snakes were naturally very happy.

The first class today was Defense Against the Dark Arts. After breakfast, Lean and Hermione came to the classroom together.

"Ah, now these guys should have nowhere to vent their energy." Hermione sat down and picked up Lockhart's book "Wandering with Werewolves" to read through.

"Tell me, are these experiences of Professor Lockhart true? I see that every plot in this book is intertwined, and these spells seem to be able to be released, especially this humanoid restoration spell."

After flipping through the book for a while, Hermione spread it out and pointed to a passage in the book for Rean to read.

"Ah, of course it's true, and I can't see any flaws. But having said that, Lockhart's strength is really bad, which makes people wonder whether these books are fake."

"But think about it, if Lockhart's book is fake, wouldn't so many wizards in the wizarding world not be able to tell it? So, Lockhart's book cannot be fake, so there is only one possibility, that is, these experiences are Others experienced it, and he wrote about it.”

Rean sat aside and said silently.

"And didn't I tell you about my friend Fovo? He had a friend who lost his memory after meeting Lockhart, and then Lockhart published a book "Traveling with Vampires". And it just so happened that The thing is, what Mr. Drom is most proud of after losing his memory is that he once fought vampires."

"So what you're saying is... No, isn't this fraud?" Hermione looked a little angry.

"But even so, it will be difficult to go far in the magical world without strength, so Lockhart won't be able to dance for long."

Rean thought for a while and warned Hermione not to ruin Lao Deng's plan: "Don't worry about this matter. Professor Dumbledore has his own plan."

"You mean, Professor Dumbledore knows that Lockhart is a parallel importer?" Hermione couldn't believe it. "But, what is his plan? This is a year for the little wizards, fifth grade and seventh grade Students in the first grade still have exams!"

Li En had a headache, and in the end he could only refuse with the excuse that he didn't need you to worry about.

While talking, Lockhart walked in. Today's class was still the same drama performance as before, except that the leading actor was changed.

Lockhart glanced at Harry and the empty tables and chairs around him, and finally decided to change a young wizard to perform with him.

It's up to you, Neville Longbottom!

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