Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 149 Arriving at the Castle

"I heard that Percy Weasley took all the electives, and the professors responded well to his grades."

"Bill Weasley also chose all the courses and got all the certificates. To be honest, these two don't look like Weasleys at all. Especially Percy Weasley, I think he is A qualified Ravenclaw is old-fashioned."

"Their brother Ron Weasley doesn't fare well in comparison."

"Hmm, I heard that Professor McGonagall has exchanged several letters with Mrs. Weasley about this matter."

Chris and Beaver each said something.

"What about you? What classes are you going to take?" Kes asked curiously.

"Of course I choose them all." Hermione raised her head and said proudly.

This is the only thing she can be proud of in front of these pure-blood wizards.

Rean shook his head. He planned to go out for a year in third grade and come back to see Voldemort after his resurrection when the Goblet of Fire was held.

"Ryan, aren't you going to choose a course?" Hermione asked worriedly.

In addition to electing courses in the third grade, compulsory courses such as Charms and Transfiguration are still required, so not electing courses is actually not a big problem.

"I plan to go on a trip when I am in third grade. My strength has now reached a bottleneck. Only more battles can make me break through."

Li En said something lightly, causing the three people present to immediately open their mouths.

"It's unbelievable," muttered Beaver.

The three of them did not doubt Li En's thoughts at all, because in the past year and a half, Li En had proven his strength with actions.

A plantation from the Malfoy family is still in his hands today. Just looking at this incident shows that Rean's strength is not simple.

But this is normal. Since Lean lifted the ban on Pudding not being able to cast spells on wizards, the plantation has become much safer, not to mention that Lean has left a back-up there.

"So you want to take a break from school?" Hermione asked. The little girl lowered her head and was not very interested.

"Yes, after all, it is really difficult to improve one's strength in school."

Hermione nodded. She had known that such a day would come, but she didn't expect that this day would come so quickly.

"Ah, let's play something else."

Beaver said, and then Chris joined in. The two of them were Slytherin's living treasures before. Although they have changed their minds now, the skills they mastered before are still there.

The atmosphere in the cubicle quickly returned to its original cheerfulness.

By three or four o'clock in the afternoon, the four of them were tired. Hermione leaned on Lean and fell asleep. Chris and Beaver also fell asleep. Lean looked out the window at the receding bare trees. daze.

At about five o'clock, the sun completely disappeared, and the whole world fell into darkness. The orange lights on the train began to light up, and the voices of the little wizards began to become quieter.

At this time, the little wizards had been working hard all afternoon, and now they were very sleepy. However, the train was about to arrive at the station, and sleep could not last long, so the little wizards fell into a painful situation.

Fortunately, the little wizards didn't suffer long before the train pulled into the station.

"Hermione, Hermione, we're here." Rean pushed Hermione who was sleeping against him and said softly.

"Lean, are we there yet?" Hermione was dazed, holding Lean in her arms like a big pillow.

"Yes, we're at the station. Let's get down there. There's a sumptuous dinner waiting for us."


The little girl stood up in a daze and walked out awkwardly. Rean was supporting Hermione beside him, and when he was leaving the compartment, he kicked Chris and Beaver to wake them up.

The two woke up slowly from the pain, and all they saw was an empty cubicle and little wizards walking around outside the window.

"Hell, Rean didn't even call us."

"I think he shouted."

The two hurriedly got off the train and caught up with the last Ye Qi car.

When the little wizards arrived in front of the castle, Professor McGonagall was already waiting at the door, but the professor's face didn't look very good.

The little wizards stood in front of Professor McGonagall, and the sounds of playing and playing gradually disappeared.

"Dinner is ready, welcome back." Professor McGonagall said with a straight face, then turned around and led the way.

The little wizards followed Professor McGonagall forward and started talking to each other, wondering why Professor McGonagall looked so bad.

In the end, the only thing that came up for discussion was what happened last night.

There were already several young wizards who were staying at the school sitting in the restaurant, and the faculty seats were also filled with professors.

Dumbledore sat in the middle of the staff bench, but there was an extra seat at the end of the staff bench, and an unknown person.

Rean followed the team and sat at the Slytherin table.

"Lean, you are so unloyal."

"If I hadn't kicked that, you two would be on your way back to London by now."

"Can't you be gentler?"

"Okay, who is that extra person on the faculty bench?"

"Which one?"

"The one on the far right."

After Lean and Beaver finished talking, Beaver stretched his neck, looked to the far right of the staff chair, and then retracted his neck.

"What the hell, Tomloch March, an Auror, why is he here?"


Lean was a little surprised. Now the Ministry of Magic has sent Aurors to station at Hogwarts?

But his surprise was soon answered.

"Children, welcome back to this big family. First of all, I would like to introduce to you Mr. Tomloch March. He is an experienced Auror."

Dumbledore stood up and said to everyone. When Madge was introduced, the Auror stood up and gestured to everyone.

"I think everyone has heard about what happened in the castle recently, so the Ministry of Magic sent an Auror to the castle to protect your safety."

After saying that, Dumbledore wanted to sit down, but when his butt was almost close to the cushion, he bounced up again.

"By the way, Mr. March has something to announce later. However, I think you are all hungry by now, so let's start dinner, kids."

As Dumbledore finished speaking, food that was different from before appeared on the table.

Roast chicken, roast goose, roast suckling pig, etc.

"What do you think Mr. Auror is going to announce later?" Chris asked, chewing the crispy golden skin of the roasted suckling pig.

"Who knows, it's probably some kind of ban, after all, such a big thing happened."

Rean cut a piece of roast duck and tasted it slowly.

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