Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 101 The last day of first grade

Although all the little wizards expected that the final exam would come one day late, time was fair to everyone, so the exam time finally arrived.

The first grade test questions were very easy for Ryan and Hermione, and they easily won the praise of all the teachers.

But on the other side, life was not easy for Ron and Harry. Although the seniors helped with the surprise review before the exam, when they saw the serious eyes of the professors, their minds went blank.

After the exam, no matter how well they did, all the little wizards felt relaxed, and the thousand-year-old magic castle returned to its former bustle.

Hermione seemed to have exhausted her love for books due to the review plan she had made, and she took Rean around the entire castle in the past two days.

It was the last day of this school year, and when the little wizards entered the dining hall, they found that the dining hall was filled with Slytherin house flags.

Except for the little wizard from Slytherin who instantly became elated, the little wizards from the other three houses looked a little disappointed and frustrated.

The entire restaurant echoed with the laughter of the Slytherin snakes, because today would be the day they won the House Cup for eight consecutive years.

Everyone at the Gryffindor table was ignoring Harry and Ron, and there were not many wizards sitting around them.

But neither of them cared. They were discussing the amazing adventure last night.

"I dare to believe that it will definitely be an adventure that will amaze every Gryffindor." Ron pulled Harry and whispered.

He still can't believe that he was actually involved in the incident between the mysterious man and the Sorcerer's Stone.

"Yes, I can't believe it either." Harry looked very excited at this time.

Being born in the Muggle world, he could never imagine such a wonderful adventure.

"Okay, please be quiet." Dumbledore stood up and glanced in the direction of the Slytherin table as he spoke.

"I know everyone is hungry. In fact, I am also very hungry, but there are some things that need to be explained before that. Now, we need to conduct the Academy Cup award ceremony first. The specific scores of each academy are as follows: Fourth place, Glen Fendo, two hundred and thirty points; third place, Hufflepuff, three hundred and fifty points..."

The little lions at the Gryffindor table lowered their heads. They did not expect that their own house was more than a hundred points lower than the third place.

When Dumbledore read Slytherin, the Slytherin table erupted in cheers.

"But there are a few things recently that I think should be included. First of all, Mr. Ron Weasley, he played the most wonderful game of chess in Hogwarts in many years, so here I want to reward Gran. Seventy points to Findo Academy.”

The Gryffindor table instantly erupted in cheers that were even louder than those of Slytherin just now.

"Next is Mr. Neville Longbottom. It takes courage to deal with the enemy, but it also takes courage to stand your ground in front of your friends. So I am here to award thirty points to Gryffindor House."

The little lions are even crazier, they are now a full hundred points taller. And there will definitely be a reward for Mr. Potter next, they suddenly feel that they are so close to the Academy Cup.

"Finally, Mr. Harry Potter. His fearlessness and courage shocked the world, so I would like to reward him with 150 points."

After speaking, Dumbledore took the lead in applauding.

Suddenly, the entire restaurant burst into applause, except for Slytherin and Snape.

Snape stared at Harry hard, with indescribable disgust in his eyes. The little snakes at the Slytherin table were immediately discouraged. They felt helpless that Dumbledore was so partial to Gryffindor.

"Okay, it seems that the decoration in the restaurant needs to be changed." Dumbledore clapped his hands, and the Slytherin flag flying in the restaurant instantly turned into the Gryffindor flag.

"Okay, kids, enjoy your dinner!"

The little wizards suddenly felt that tonight's meal was particularly delicious, except for Slytherin and Snape.

The next morning, the little wizards will have a thrilling experience as soon as they open their eyes - their report cards are placed on everyone's bedside by the house elves all night long.

So you can see this scene: some little wizards are happily packing their things, while some are packing their things slowly, sighing from time to time.

Of course, a notice was issued with the transcripts prohibiting the use of wands outside of school.

"How was it?" Hermione asked, her tone full of pride as she sat on the boat heading to Hogsmeade Station.

"How about what?" Rean was a little confused.

"I'm talking about the results. Have you forgotten our bet?" Hermione pursed her lips.

"Of course not. I got six O's. What about you?"

"Me too, what about the bet?" Hermione looked a little disappointed.

"How about...both sides win?" Lien said weakly.

Hermione nodded: "Okay."

This can be regarded as a victory over Rean, right?


Hermione suddenly thought of the content of the bet, and a blush suddenly appeared on her fair face.

"So what are you waiting for?" Lean looked at Hermione with a smile and said in a teasing tone.

The little girl suddenly became shy.

"Well...it's better to just count you as the winner."

"How can that be possible? We both have the same score. No matter how you calculate it, I can't be considered the winner." Lean continued to say with a smile.

After a discussion between Lean and Hermione, the little girl finally shyly gave Lean a bite on the face after getting on the train.

After an afternoon passed, the train finally arrived at King's Cross station.

"Lean, don't you need my dad to take you back?" Hermione stood on the platform and said to Lean while carrying her suitcase.

"No, Hermione. I'll probably be away from home this summer. As for my home, I'll leave it to you. By the way, this is for you." As he said that, Rean took out a long box and handed it to Hermione.

"This is a small box that can isolate the magic power fluctuations. If you go to my house to read a book, just ask Pudding to take you there. If you put the wand in it at this time, the magic power fluctuations will not be detected."

Hermione nodded. Ryan had already told her about the existence of pudding.

"Okay, I think I have to start my trip. I will write to you every day." Rean waved to Hermione and disappeared on the platform.

Hermione looked at the place where Rean disappeared and couldn't help but sigh.

She also wanted to leave and appear at will so casually, but she still couldn't do it with her current strength.

However, Hermione was not discouraged. It was Rean's presence that gave her the motivation to continue studying.

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