Hogwarts: The Book of Laws

Chapter 100 Unicorn

Walking in the dark forest, Malfoy held a lamp in his hand and kept observing his surroundings. Although he was holding Fang, everything around him was constantly oppressing Malfoy's mind, so he decided to do something to relieve it.

"Potter, I heard that you are going to be suspended? God, this is really bad, but I heard that the reason for your suspension is even more pitiful. There are people who have such poor grades that they have to be watched by professors. This really makes me Eye-opener."

Malfoy grinned. What could be more relaxing than mocking Potter?

"Oh, really? It seems that the so-called purebloods can only complain to the teacher behind their backs." Harry said sarcastically, not to be outdone.

"Woof woof woof!"

Malfoy was about to say something, but Fang suddenly shouted, startling Malfoy and Harry.

But then, the two of them realized that Yaya might have discovered something.

Malfoy tremblingly raised the lantern in his hand and looked ahead seriously, trying to make out what was ahead.

Harry was also a little scared at this time. With trembling hands, he took out his wand from his pocket and pointed it straight ahead. He was still mumbling something, as if he was ready to cast a spell as soon as there was any movement.

Immediately afterwards, they saw a pure white horn falling to the ground, and silver blood spread all over the surrounding grass. There is a man in black robes on the unicorn, and it seems that he is sucking the blood of the unicorn.

When Malfoy saw this scene, he was so frightened that he even forgot the dog leash in his hand. Fang escaped from Malfoy's grasp without any resistance and ran quickly behind him.

Malfoy also noticed Yaya's departure at this time. Originally, he only had the courage to enter the Forbidden Forest because of his mighty Yaya. At this time, Yaya's departure broke Malfoy's last layer of sanity.

"Ah!" Malfoy screamed and ran quickly along the way he came.

Malfoy's scream clearly alarmed the man in black robes. He raised his head and looked at Harry, who was still there in a daze, and raised his hand to wipe the silver-white blood from the corner of his mouth.

Harry watched the man in black robes in front of him slowly walking towards him, and he couldn't restrain the fear in his heart and backed away.

However, this was a forest. Harry didn't pay attention to his feet and fell to the ground. However, the man in black robe was still approaching.

good chance!

When Li En saw this scene, his heart moved, and his whole body suddenly turned into a black mist and disappeared into the tree.

The Forbidden Forest is so close to Hogwarts that Dumbledore can come at any time.

Harry fell to the ground, looking at the man in black robes getting closer and closer, praying constantly in his heart. However, suddenly, he found another man in black robes appearing next to the unicorn's body.

What happened next made Harry feel a little surprised. With a wave of the hand of the new man in black robe, the body of the unicorn on the ground disappeared in an instant.

However, the actions of the man in black robes immediately left Harry speechless. The man in black robes took out a jar from his pocket that obviously did not meet the capacity of the bag and had a layer of silver-white liquid inside.

At the same time, the unicorn blood that was originally scattered on the ground began to float and slowly fell into the bottle.

Quirrell noticed something strange about Harry, because the boy no longer stared at him with fearful eyes, but looked behind him in surprise.

Quirrell thought for a moment that Dumbledore had appeared. He turned around hurriedly and saw a man in black robes standing there, where a unicorn corpse should have been placed - that was him Hope of survival.

"Damn it!" An old and decaying voice came from Quirrell. This was Voldemort's voice.

The unicorn is not only Quirrell's hope for survival, but also the key to whether he can gain enough strength to seize the Philosopher's Stone.

"Kill him!" Voldemort's voice rang in Quirrell's ears.

Quirrell also took out his wand, not for any other reason, because Lien's move was really killing him.

"Avada Kedavra!" Green light illuminated the dark Forbidden Forest.

Lean didn't panic at all. He ducked sideways to avoid Quirrell's life-killing curse, but suddenly there was the sound of a sharp arrow piercing the air behind him.

"Damn it, I forgot that the centaurs would get involved." Lien cursed secretly, but without putting down his hand, he immediately released a magic shield behind his back.

"Ding!" The arrow hit the magic shield and made a crisp sound, attracting everyone's attention.

Quirrell looked at the arrows that fell to the ground and instantly realized the centaurs' arrival. He now has some intention of retreating, and he is afraid of death. If this were not the case, then he would not have allowed Voldemort to take possession of him, nor would he have come to suck the unicorn's blood.

Voldemort also had some intention of retreating. Before that, Quirrell had absorbed a lot of blood, and this power was enough for him to grab the Sorcerer's Stone. And most importantly, the arrival of the centaurs means that Dumbledore may arrive.

"Let's go," Voldemort said to Quirrell.

Quirrell breathed a sigh of relief. What he was most afraid of was that Voldemort would ask him to rush forward and fight.

After receiving the order, Quirrell floated instantly, then floated for a few times before disappearing in front of everyone.

Lean noticed Quirrell's disappearance, and also noticed the tall centaur behind him.

"The guy hiding in the black robe, hand over the body of the unicorn. The Holy Spirit will not allow you hidden rats to invade." Firenze aimed his bow at Lien and said with great momentum.

Lean looked at Firenze in front of him, then turned to look at Harry who had just released the red flare, and curled his lips in disdain.

Immediately afterwards, his body turned into a burst of black mist, blended into the Forbidden Forest, and disappeared.

Firenze's pupils shrank, his hands subconsciously relaxed, and the arrow whizzed out, landing on the soil behind where Lien originally stood.

In Slytherin's dormitory, the clone Rean who was sleeping on the bed suddenly turned into a black mist, and then the black mist condensed into Rean again.

"The harvest is good." Rean said with a smile.

However, he was not in a hurry to decompose the unicorn's body, because he stored it in his own space bag.

The space bag is different from the traceless stretch bag. There is no air in the space bag and cannot store living objects. Everything put into it will be frozen in time.

So the unicorn carcass will not deteriorate if placed inside.

Early the next morning, Rean saw a pale Malfoy with thick dark circles under his eyes in the Slytherin common room.

Obviously, this young man was frightened to death last night.

But Lean didn't have time to pay attention to him.

Because the final exam was approaching, Hermione had been strictly asking Lean to go to the library to review whenever he had free time.

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