Monsieur Nicolamay knew that his wife would like Vesie, for in the diary he had a good relationship with Vesie.

Even after Vesie's real death, he went down the path of self-destruction with him.

Self-destruction means that even the soul has dissipated.

With such a deep affection, how could he not like Vessy?

So he followed him incognito for a while, just waiting for them to develop a relationship.

Sure enough, it had only been long before Perenal began to glare at him for Vessy.

He sighed, and finally appeared in front of Vesie.

"Oh my God, who is this, how is it on our manor?"

Nicolelemay exclaimed, exaggeratedly.

Vicie hurriedly said: "Hello, I'm Vicie Potter, I'm ......"

She introduced herself.

As I said to Perenal, honestly, without the slightest concealment.

Nicolame had listened to it just now, but he still listened to it with a grin this time.

Then, when Vicie had finally finished, he pretended to be abrupt and said:

"I remembered you, Dumbledore said you didn't want to be my student, have you changed your mind now?"

His smug words froze Perenal.

What the?

This child did not agree to be her husband's student?

Then he told her all day long that his students would come during the summer vacation, so ......

What the hell is he pretending?

Perenar's speechlessness, Nicolamel, of course, did not know.

He wasn't too angry when he learned from Dumbledore that Vesey had refused to be his student.

He knew very well that none of them had met, how could Vesy be willing to be his student?

And he is also a student who will not return to Hogwarts in the future.

Although he is famous, he knows that Vesey is a genius and she will be great in the future.

There is no problem with such a genius not choosing him as a teacher.

Nicola May understood it all.

So he was going to have a good discussion with Vesie so that she could truly understand alchemy.

I believe that Vesy will definitely find the charm of alchemy.

And here in alchemy, he is the real authority!

He knew that Vicie would be here for the summer vacation, so he stayed here all the time.

Sure enough, Vesy came.

As soon as he met, he thought that this girl was good, a girl with a simple mind and no bad intentions.

As for whether Vesie will be pretended?

Nicola May certainly wouldn't be so stupid.

He had been observing Vesie for a long time, and the child's conduct was very good, and this time the vampire wizard attacked, she even left with those people alone for the sake of others.

In the end, it almost happened.

He even knew a little about why Vesey was here.

Vicie was there to block the spell for Dumbledore.

Nicolame thought that Dumbledore would have no problem taking spells empty-handed.

But Vicsey obviously didn't know, she thought that the woman was here to kill her, and she didn't want Dumbledore to be hurt, so she blocked it herself.

Although Nicolame didn't know why the woman's explosive curse allowed Vesy to come here, and even affected his manor.

But he took it all as a gift from Merlin.

Merlin knew he lacked an heir, so he sent Vesie.

Merlin knew that he had lost his heir in that timeline, so he gave him a journal so that he could make amends from scratch.

Nicola May worked hard to make amends.

He sighed deeply.

Then he looked at Vissy.

"That's right, I'm Nicolame!"

Visey looked shocked.

"You are Mr. Nicolamay?"

Then, an apologetic look appeared on her face.

"I'm sorry, I'm still sticking to my idea, I can't be your student.

Headmaster Dumbledore says that if you want to be your student, you have to drop out.

I can't leave my brother, I don't want to leave Hogwarts, and the professors and classmates there, even the cat there, I think, I can't give up. "

Visey said seriously.

Nicol Lemay was silent.

He had never thought of this kid as determined before.

He always thought he was in time.

As long as he keeps this kid here, he'll be safe.

But the child said she didn't want to. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Oh, yes!

Who wants to live in one place all the time?

Even he and Perenal would go out for a walk from time to time, let alone a child like Vesie.


If she doesn't drop out of school, she stays there, and the end result is likely to die!

"I'm not afraid of death, if it's a valuable death, what's the harm if it's dead?"

Visy said loudly.

Nicola May realized that he was careless and asked directly.

The child also told him without fear: not afraid of death!

If it were someone else, Nicolame might have thought that those people were lying... 0

After all, many people are afraid to go to that terrible unknown.

Voldemort even made himself unincapable of being a ghost in order to prevent death.

But he knew that Vesie was really not afraid.

In the end, she really faced death calmly.

At a very young age.

He was so sorry that he didn't know how to persuade Vicsy.

And, if Vesie really has to face death, does he really want to take Vesie as a student?

Can he really bear the pain of losing a loved one once and for all?

While he was hesitating, he suddenly heard Perenal ask speechlessly:

"When is it stipulated that you have to be a student? Also, Weixi is so young, what do you say that you can't die? You can keep me for so long, can't you save a Weixi?"

Nicola May was stunned.

Then he patted his head.

The reason why Vesie faces death in the diary is because she wants to die herself.

But if he hadn't been angry with Wei Xi at that time, hadn't had trouble with her, and came out to find her, maybe he would have saved her a long time ago.

If this child was asked to live, she would not have refused.

The discerning Nicol Lemay has long seen that Viche is a man of great affection.

She couldn't even bear to have a cat, she should have drilled the tip of the horns at that time.

There were only a few unreliable girls left outside to accompany her, all wanting to make her happy and happy, so they let her die.

But if he had been there, he would have cured Wei 1.4 directly, leaving her with no reason to look for that great adventure.

At the thought of this, Nicolame immediately rejoiced.

He looked at Visey and said, "Okay, I'll take a step back, you don't have to drop out of Hogwarts, you can still go to school in the future, but you have to come here every summer to learn alchemy!"

Vesy seemed stunned.

"But, but I've never touched ...... I don't know if I'm going to, I'm stupid, probably ......"

She was a little hesitant and hesitant.

But Nicol Lemay has already settled it.

He had a fox-like smile on his face, and then said briskly:

"That's your business, you should know that I'm 665 years old, and Perenal can't hold on and has left before me.

I originally wanted to leave with her, it was your appearance that gave me the desire to live, if you can't learn, I will kill myself in front of you!".

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