It was a witch with a sallow face, a thin body, and a hideous expression.

She's almost insane, and when she sees people, she fires spells indiscriminately.

Dumbledore's face stood in front of everyone with a serious face.

"If you still have a conscience, you will know that it is not Vesie......"

Before he could finish his sentence, the witch had already fired a spell at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore wasn't afraid.

His magic is very strong, and it is useless for ordinary people to just stand next to him and hit him with spells.

What's more, he's not unprepared.

When he stood in front of the woman, he had already used the Iron Armor Charm.

What he was waiting for was an attack on him by a woman.

It only takes one moment for this woman to enter Azkaban.

But he made a mistake.

He had thought about everyone's reaction, but he had not thought of Vessy's reaction at all.

Visy pounced in front of Dumbledore as everyone watched the scene amusedly.

Then her body flashed with bursts of white light, and she disappeared in place in an instant.


Snape reached for it, leaving only a few strands of red hair in his palm.


At the same time.

Vicie, who used the energy point to come to Nicolamay Manor, scolded in his heart.

Snape, that bastard.

Who caught someone else's hair when they caught someone?

Although I didn't catch much, it hurt Vicsy!

Thankfully, Snape didn't catch much, and if he had too many, Vesy might have gone bald.

The thought of being bald almost made Nishi go berserk.

Fortunately, she is not bald now.

Vesey let out a sigh.

She checked with energy points and there were people around.

And there is more than one person.

So she'd better not move now.

After pretending to be dizzy in Nicolame's manor for a while, Vicy pretended to wake up slowly.

She looked at the scene around her blankly, as if she was stunned.


"I don't know how I got here?"

"I want to go back quickly, the principal and the professors will definitely be worried. "

"And that lady, I should apologize to her......"

She muttered quietly, and then realized that there was no one around, and she hesitated for a few moments before finding her way through the manor.

"It looks like someone else's home, I really hope the owner won't be angry, I'll leave when I find someone!"

"But it's impossible not to be angry when you think about it, right?"

"If my house is broken into, I'll definitely be angry, and I'll definitely say a few words to him!"

"Alas, it's definitely because I was so bad before, I indirectly killed a few vampire wizards, and I didn't have a little fear and guilt in my heart, I'm really not a good boy!"

She muttered, her eyes full of self-reproach.

Nicola May and his wife exchanged glances.

A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth.

"She's not bad, right?"

Perenal snorted.

"It feels good, but how did you know she was here? You brought this kid here? You didn't do anything outside, did you?"

She looked at Nicolame's expression and began to wonder if there was any red-haired and green-eyed bloodline in the Nicolame family.

Don't be the daughter of this old guy outside, so she brought it back, right?

Perenard was very suspicious, after all, she told this old guy not to die before, and this old guy didn't listen to him alive or dead, and he didn't listen to the cold war.

Such a stubborn guy suddenly told her some time ago that he didn't want to die.

He was going to teach a child, or a girl.

Nicolame boasted about the child's talent in heaven and on earth.

Such a situation, of course, made Perenal angry.

After a lifetime of husband and wife, how stubborn he is Perenal has long understood, but he actually changed his mind for a little girl?

Perenal had no ill will towards the red-haired girl, she just had doubts about her own way of seeing people.

The old husband and wife have lived a lifetime, this old man is not ashamed to be someone outside, right?

Now the kids are all out.

Is this taking advantage of her death to come over the road?

The more Perenar thought about it, the more angry he became, and he shivered with cold as he slid through Nicolemé in a ghostly stance.

"Oh, what?" (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Nothing, huh!"

Perenal floated in front of Vesy in a huff, and wanted to ask her who she was and how she came here, but she heard Vesie's confessional voice say:

"Hello, you must be the owner of this place, right? I'm sorry, I don't know how I got here? I fell under a spell and came here.

Can you give us some way to the exit?

I'm leaving right away, really, I'm not a bad person, I'm a Hogwarts student Vesiepoter, I was attacked in the Hall of Judgment today, so I was here inexplicably, I really don't have any ill will.

0 for flowers0

If you don't believe me, you can take my wand and throw it to me when I'm out!"

She honestly took out her wand and put it under her feet, a little further away from it, as if she was worried that Perenar's fear.

Perenal has seen many people.

In order for her husband to tell the secret of the Philosopher's Stone, whether it is coercion, seduction, or pretending to be pitiful, but there has never been such a sincere child.

She even patted her clothes to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, proving that she had absolutely no other wands hidden on her.

This is a child who is so sincere that it is helpless.

Perenal's heart softened, and her tone softened.

"There's no need, pick up your wand, I'll take you to my husband, you know, I'm just a ghost, and he'll be able to send you back. "

Viche seemed to be even happier.

She graciously picked up the wand on the ground, but as if she was afraid that Perenel would think more, she tucked it into her bosom and did not hold it in her hand.

Perenal chatted with Vesey along the way.

She tentatively asked about Vesie's identity, thinking that Vicy might be reluctant to say.


Weixi not only told her about her life experience, but also told her about the life in the orphanage.

He even talked about her being captured by a vampire wizard.

It's almost a no-brainer.

Perenar was a little helpless.

After only one meeting, she was already worried about the child.

Is it true that this kid can't be bullied?

That's too good, isn't it?

But the child turned out to be the Potters' child.

She didn't know much about the outside world over the years, only that the Potters gave birth to a son, but she didn't expect that there was also a girl.

She gave Visy a pitiful look.

This kid must be living a very poor life, right?

Since he was a child, he had no relatives to take care of him, stayed in an orphanage and suffered, and finally at the age of ten, he came to Hogwarts, who knew that he was still targeted by those vampire wizards.

She put her hand on Weixi's head, it's okay, I'll take care of you in the future!

She had heard from her husband that he would become Vesie's teacher in the future, so now she had come to see Vicie as their junior.

So she comforted Vesie and glared at her husband.

"What are you doing? Why don't you come out yet? Hurry up and take the students!".

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