Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 7 Chapter 66: Rapid pursuit, 2 pole reversal

"Stupid humans!"

Clark's last words seemed to really offend the dragon Fafnir.

Looking at this nasty little guy in front of him, he immediately opened his big mouth and took a deep breath.

The powerful suction was like a tornado, pulling on Clark's body, making it difficult for him to even take a step.

Then, a dazzling red light began to light up on Fafnir's white belly.

As its inhalation ended, the red light gradually rolled up and moved up, passing through its slender neck, and finally spit out a fiery flame from that open mouth.

The viscous flame is like magma, spraying out overwhelmingly, whether it is gold, silver, or hard rock, as long as it gets on it, it will melt into a flowing red liquid, bubbling hot.

"You fool, never make fun of a living dragon!"

Fafnir, who had breathed out the dragon's breath, looked at the sea of ​​fire in front of him and said mockingly, this is his catchphrase, but in his opinion, that little guy probably won't hear it anymore.

It just didn't wait long for it to be happy when a nasty voice came from above its head again.

"Hey, I said, Mr. Fafnir, have you been in the cave so long that your eyesight has deteriorated?"

Clark stood at the tunnel entrance of the cave and waved at the dragon under him, "I'm here!"

No one knows when he got up there, not even the wizards watching from outside the phantom.

They only saw Clark disappear into the sea of ​​flames, thinking that his career was over, but they didn't expect him to appear again.

Fafner raised his head after hearing the voice.

Clark knew what it wanted to do, and without saying a word, he turned his head and ran, and got into the passage where he came.

The next moment, a fire passed behind him, if he didn't avoid it in time, he would be sprayed right on...

"Hey, **** little bug, you're going to cause endless trouble for you!"

Fafnir's exasperated voice sounded from behind, its sturdy feet slammed hard, the gold coins under its feet exploded like waves, and its huge wings whipped up a gust of wind, helping him jump up the passage.

"I'll catch you!"

Due to the narrowness of the cave, Fafnir was unable to spread his wings and fly, so he could only use all four of his feet, sprinting quickly on the ground, and his hard claws and tail left deep scratches on the rock wall.

With its length and foot spacing, Clark's short legs can't outrun it at all.

But in the next second, Clark jumped and made a completely unexpected action.

He jumped up high, and actually hovered in mid-air like this.

Moreover, before everyone outside the illusion continued to be amazed, he rushed out like an arrow from the string.

"My God, he can fly!"

From the stands, Bagman shouted—the audience screamed and gasped, "Did you see that, Mr. Krum? Clark doesn't need a broom to fly!"

Yes, Clark was flying in the air without any basis.

The power of the mind turned into a strange force, surrounding him, quickly counteracting the gravity exerted on him.

It can even exert an instant acceleration force on Clark like rocket fuel!

This is the teleportation system ability that he just spent 16,000 experience points to exchange—[Advanced Flying Technique].

[Advanced Flying (Teleportation)]: Level 6 ability, consumes 11 points of psionic energy.

You can use the power of your mind to counteract the gravitational effects of the planetary cover on yourself and others, so you can fly freely in the sky.

The duration is 41 (Intelligence + Constitution + Dexterity) minutes.

Once the psionic power reaches level 6, it can be said that a qualitative change has occurred.

For Clark, the [Advanced Flying Technique] at this moment can no longer be said to be an ability spell, it is more like an instinctive operation of the skill of flying.

There is no need for any control process at all, and it will not produce a series of floating reactions such as fear of heights, weightlessness, physical imbalance, and hypoxia.

Just like Superman and Wonder Woman, they neither use air as a fulcrum to walk in the air, nor do they use external force to be wrapped and pushed by force.

This is real flying!

Clark experienced this brand-new flying feeling with a touch of excitement, and flew towards the exit of the cave at a high speed.

The evil dragon Fafnir followed him from a distance, and his fierce eyes still followed him, as if he was not surprised that he could fly.

In this ancient era when humans and gods lived together, it was not uncommon for a mortal to activate the blood of gods and master the supernatural powers of flying.

Fafnir opened his mouth, and a fiery wave of fire surged along the narrow passage, trailing Clark's figure.

The flames condensed into various ferocious images behind him, but the distance from Clark was always a little short.

Finally, a bright spot the size of a fingernail appeared at the end of the cave passage. As Clark flew closer, the spot became bigger and bigger, and the sound of running water reached his ears.

The cave has arrived!

Clark's heart was filled with joy at first, and then a warning sign came from behind him.

He quickly turned his body and rolled around in the air. A huge fireball flew quickly by his side. He got out of the hole first, and burned the hanging water curtain into a mist of water all over the sky. .

Clark plunged his head into the mist, and then got out of it. The red sunset shed a dim yellow light on him. Only then did he realize that this match had been going on for a long time.

"Then end it, right here!"

He grunted in his heart, and at the same time a Harrier turned over and landed directly on the rock at the top of the cave, quietly waiting for the appearance of the evil dragon.

It's just that with the appearance of that large group of malicious intent, Clark's [Detection Thought] also detected some fragmentary thought fragments of Fafnir.

Clark, who was about to jump down the hole, quickly stopped and stepped back in time.

In the next second, the evil dragon Fafnir actually slipped out of the cave tunnel lying on his back with his back to the ground.

And at the moment he appeared, the surging dragon breath was also sprayed directly at the top of the cave.

If Clark was about to jump down and jump on the back of the dragon just now, he would be greeted by this fiery dragon flame.

Clark, who was hiding behind him, and the little wizards outside the illusion all breathed a sigh of relief, and the evil dragon Fafnir, who rose up from the ground, also laughed wildly.

"Want to attack me?

The great Fafnir possesses the wisdom of countless years and incomparably powerful strength.

Thief in the shadows, you can't beat me! "

His wings fluttered, and a gust of wind rushed towards Clark.

The tip of Clark's horn was a little on the ground, and the whole mermaid jumped up and flew high into the sky.

One person, one dragon, one after the other, started a chasing battle in the air.

Of course, judging from the status quo, Clark is completely at a disadvantage.

After all, his enemy was a giant beast about the size of a small airliner, and he had the terrifying ability to shoot flames.

Countless fireballs, fire rains, lines of fire, fire waves hit Clark, and even the air seemed to be melted and burned.

He could only rely on his small body and flexible displacement to dodge crazily in the air, and there was no chance for him to fight back.

"Ah, look, our Clark flies so only in the sky, like a fish swimming in water, he's so agile, that dragon can't catch him at all."

Bagman seemed to have received money, and desperately boasted about Clark's behavior on the referee's bench, as if he couldn't see it at all.

"Look, poor little one, there's no one to help you, you've been abandoned!"

After chasing for a few laps, Fafnir, who felt that he was winning, finally slowed down the intensity of the pursuit and the frequency of spraying flames. It seemed that a long period of intense activity had consumed a lot of physical strength.

This also caused it to start talking, trying to shake Clark's will with words.

And this just happened to fulfill Clark's wish. As a [Psion], no one knows how to deceive people better than him.

"Dear Mr. Fafnir, you can't catch up with me, and I can't hurt you. We might as well stop making peace and leave each other, how about it?"

[Spiritual Infection], [Suppressing Morale], [Charming Monster], [Advanced Domination] and other psionic abilities use his voice as a carrier, through the ears of the dragon, directly to its heart.

Fafnir's speed really slowed down a lot, and he seemed to be really considering Clark's suggestion.

However, the next moment, the dragon's face changed drastically.

"Damn thief, you even have accomplices!"

He fiercely spewed four or five huge fireballs at Clark, blocking all his escape directions, up, down, left, and right, and then turned his head away without even looking at the result, speeding up and flying toward his cave.


Clark made an emergency stop in the air, and four fireballs brushed past him and collided in front of him. As for the fireball that flew towards his back, it was engulfed by the space gate of his [Material Teleportation]. where.

"It seems that the dwarf Mime has stolen the house. Sure enough, all tactics are switchers."

Although he was dissatisfied that this cunning dwarf used himself as a bait, he couldn't just let this evil dragon go.

So when Clark saw the dragon turned and turned around, he quickly followed, ready to pull him.

However, just as Clark accelerated to catch up, the dragon suddenly spread its wings, and the strong wind provided a counterforce, causing the dragon's upper body to quickly lean back, like a cobra man standing up.

At the same time, the increased force area also greatly reduced the flying speed of the evil dragon Fafnir. Clark, who was chasing after him, jumped in front of it without checking, exposing himself to the opponent's attack range. .

It turns out that the target of this evil dragon has always been Clark, and it has never changed.

The fiery dragon breath spewed out of the mouth that had been prepared, and turned into a fire curtain that fell from the sky, covering Clark in front of him.

"Ah! Be careful!"

The spectators outside the fantasy realm exclaimed loudly when they saw that Clark was in danger.

A good Clark, even in the face of danger, he hugged his knees, formed a ball, and fell rapidly downward, dodging the flame like a hood.

But this time he wasn't so lucky - although he avoided the flames, the dragon's tail was drawn towards him from the bottom up.

The long and thick tail is covered with spikes, like an iron whip, and like a meteor hammer, waving it with a whistling scream.

Clark's falling body stagnated, stretched out from the ball, and turned sideways in the air like a diver, trying to avoid the heavy blow.

It's just that when he turned to the left, a spike on the dragon's tail stuck into his shoulder and tore his robe—

The blood spilled into the air in an instant, and Clark could feel a sharp pain, but he could also feel that the wound wasn't really deep...

It's just that a numbness seems to come from the wound. The spikes on the tail of this evil dragon are actually poisonous!

Clark began to plummet, rolling in the air like falling leaves.

The evil dragon followed closely and opened its **** mouth. This time, it did not choose to breathe out the dragon's breath, but prepared to bite Clark in its mouth. He heard the pain when his hands and feet were bitten off with his own ears. howling.

One person and one dragon rushed straight to the ground, and the dragon's speed was even faster. Finally, when it was about to hit the ground, the dragon's mouth was less than one meter away from Clark.

Paralyzed, he could already smell the stench in the other's mouth, and the pride and cruelty of the yellow beast boy was clearly visible.

"Say goodbye to the world." It still had the energy to make this taunt, and then bit into Clark.

In the process, it also spreads its wings to slow down to prevent itself from hitting the ground.

Although they landed on a river, as a fire dragon, it didn't like water.

"Right now, do it!"

Clark's paralyzed body suddenly regained its vitality. With a push of his hands, the [Secondary Shock Wave] hit the dragon's cheek, and the reaction force directly pushed Clark to accelerate and fall, hitting the water heavily.

Generally speaking, falling on the water at this height and speed is almost the same as falling on the concrete floor. It is the end of the mud.

It's just that when Clark was about to fall on the water, the slowly flowing river water suddenly surged up, like a pair of big hands, gently catching him.

At the same time, more water flowed out of the river, like tentacles, entangled in the approaching evil dragon.

"Damn bastard, you actually have a helper!" Fafnir, the evil dragon entangled in the water, shouted angrily.

He struggled hard, flapping his fleshy wings, wiggling his head and tail, and tearing with his claws, but to the flowing river tentacles, it didn't work at all.

Clark stood still in the river, and five or six beautiful river fairies appeared behind him.

That's right, tigers hurt people, and people also have the heart to hunt tigers.

The evil dragon used a conspiracy to hurt Clark, but he didn't know that Clark was also a planner. In this battle between humans and dragons, Clark was slightly better in the end.

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