Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 7 Chapter 65: Friendly conversation with the dragon

"Safe travels!"

Clark waves goodbye to the dwarf meme in front of the hut ruins on the edge of the snow line.

However, as soon as he turned his head, the smile on Clark's face disappeared instantly.

Gnome meme? I'm afraid it's the dwarf Mime!

The former, but a poor man destroyed by the dragon.

The latter is a despicable villain who helped the giant win the Ring of Rhine from his brother because of greed.

That's right, although Clark told Fleur about the story of "The Gold of Leyin" before, there is actually more content that hasn't been said yet.

A lot of this may be irrelevant, but there are some details that are worth pondering.

For example, Siegfried, the hero who finally killed the dragon, relied on the divine sword Grammer, which was handed over to Siegfried's father by a one-eyed wizard through Siegfried's mother. of.

And this divine sword was broken again in the hands of Siegfried's father, and was finally re-forged and repaired by Siegfried's adoptive father, Mime.

That's right, in this Mime, it's the dwarf who just said goodbye to Clark.

In the not-too-distant future, he will not only adopt Siegfried, the hero who killed the dragon, but will also pass a bowl of poison to his adopted son after Siegfried kills the dragon.

Combined with the fact that the dwarf meme helped the giant to kill his brother at the beginning, it can almost be determined that his mind has always been on the Nibelungen ring that contains powerful magic.

Therefore, Clark guessed that this guy will definitely not stay away from the dragon, and greed will prompt him to stay here.

At the same time, he will definitely think hard and find a way to kill the dragon.

And things were just as he expected. With the help of [Reading Object] and [Time Mark], he successfully found the trace of the dwarf Mime and made contact with him.

When Clark knew the details of Mime, but Mime didn't know Clark, he successfully took a weapon from the opponent's hand that could kill the dragon.

Now, as long as he kills the dragon and obtains the treasure, he can leave this illusion and officially complete the game.

Clark carried the sword upside down, and followed the method told by the dwarf Mime, and returned to the foot of the mountain. Then, he walked along the Lein River all the way upstream, and soon found the entrance to the cave where the dragon was hiding.

It is said to be a cave, but the entrance is a triangular portal framed by two sloping and collapsed peaks.

The snow water that melted and flowed from the top of the snow mountain fell from the top of the portal, forming a curtain of water.

Clark carefully passed through the water curtain, but he was not attacked by the evil dragon he imagined.

He didn't let his guard down, and continued to walk inward along the passage behind the cave.

The entrance to this cave is huge, and the road slopes down slowly.

Clark walked down, as if a dwarf had strayed into the kingdom of giants.

During this in-depth process, he occasionally found many traces of friction and clasping on the stone walls of the cave.

Based on these alone, Clark could imagine how fast and powerful the dragon was, violently roaming through this cave.

Clark's footsteps became lighter and lighter, and the psionic power that could block and isolate his own breath was also put on him by him.

In this way, when he went all the way down, the surrounding temperature began to rise, and he felt that it was getting warmer and warmer.

"Is there any light in front of me?" Clark thought to himself.

He was right, as he went deeper, in the originally dim tunnel, the light became stronger and stronger, which made him more certain.

It was an increasingly reddish glow, brighter as the temperature rose.

The wisps of steam drifted past Clark, making him sweat.

A voice also began to dance in his ears, sounding like water in a boiler boiling and bubbling.

At the same time, there was a sound similar to a big cat growling, which made people's hair stand on end.

Later, the sound slowly turned into the snoring sound of some kind of giant monster snoring in its sleep.

When he turned the last corner, Clark stretched his head and finally saw the bottom layer of the cave dug by the Nordic gnome in the mountain.

It was pitch black here, and Clark couldn't judge how wide it was, but in the middle of the bottom of the cave, Clark found the figure of the Hungarian wasp.

Do not! What appeared in front of Clark at this time was no longer the Hungarian Horntail.

Under the blessing and tracing of the illusion, its bloodline has been strengthened and returned to its ancestors like never before.

At this time, it is extremely huge, almost twice the size of the original, and it is also covered with dark red, hard scales the size of a dining table, the sharp corners on its head are bent and forked, and the black spikes on its back extend all the way to on the tail.

Obviously, the red light that Clark saw just now was the light emitted by the evil dragon Fafnir!

Such a ferocious and terrifying image has overlapped with Clark's memory, the black dragon and the red dragon in the DND world.

It seems that the legend of the DND world is correct, the dragon is indeed an invader from outside the universe.

Their existence seems to have left traces in the heavens and the world.

Clark held his breath, carried the Dragon Slayer Sword on his back and carefully slid down a gap along the edge of the wall.

As the distance increased, the appearance of the evil dragon Fafnir gradually became clearer.

The huge black dragon just lay there quietly, sleeping undisturbed.

A wisp of black smoke with a smell of sulphur came out of its sharp teeth and nostrils, as if the flames in its belly were not so vigorous when it was sleeping.

Under its limbs and tail, as well as the entire cave, are filled with all kinds of gold and silver jewelry, magic props.

There is gold and precious stones that have not yet been cast, works of art that have been carefully polished, and instruments that radiate magical auras.

These treasures are the props that Clark used to evaluate the score in this competition, and they can also be taken out of this illusion.

It's just that at this moment they are all stained with a layer of bright red, strange light like blood and flames.

The wings of the evil dragon Fafnir were folded, like a hybrid of a huge bat and a lizard.

It slept on its side so Clark could see it, its pale belly pressed against the priceless bed.

As the belly has been pressed against these treasures for a long time, many gems and gold are stuck in its belly and adorn its body.

On the wall behind Fafnir, chainmail, helmets, axes, swords, swords, halberds and other weapons used by gnomes could still be seen hanging on the wall.

In the same place, there are also many large urns containing innumerable amounts of gold.

Outside of the illusion, the little wizards in the stands also saw this scene.

It would not be too much to say that they forgot to breathe.

After all, in human language, there is no language to describe their excitement and excitement, even if they have watched it three times just now, it is still the same.

This splendor, this temptation, and this wealth of gold and silver jewelry completely surpassed their imagination. Compared with this, the underground vault of Gringotts can only be regarded as a younger brother.

It's no wonder that so many people are fascinated by the legendary treasure of the Nibelung.

There was an uproar in the auditorium, and the little wizards were worried about Clark's current situation while imagining what they could do with so much money.

Compared with the three games they've watched before, the dragon that Clark is facing now can be said to be the most powerful and ferocious.

Regarding the discussions of the little wizards outside, Clark in the illusion has no way of knowing, nor does he care.

Now, he does what he has to do...

However, Clark just took a step forward and inadvertently stepped on a gold coin scattered on the ground, and the dragon, who was still sleeping just now, suddenly snorted.

The fine sparks mixed with black smoke sprayed out from the dragon's nostrils, and the gold coins it touched instantly melted into flowing gold liquid.

Before Clark took a few steps back to hide, the dragon who was lying there had already opened his yellow eyes amid the sound of "crashing" gold coins.

"I smell it, thief!"

The black dragon raised its head, propped its two front paws on the ground, and opened its **** mouth to speak to the little guy standing in front of him.

Fire dragons can talk!

Such a strange scene opened the eyes of the little wizards outside the fantasy world.

You know, in the first three games, the three warriors went straight to A as soon as they saw the dragon, and they didn't give these big guys a chance to die too much.

"Ah, look what I found? A human!"

The dragon lowered its huge head full of ferocious thorns, and the yellow beast boy stared viciously at Clark.

"I smell a familiar smell from you, tell me, are you here for these treasures?"

Clark said calmly under the fierce gaze of the giant beast.

"Oh no, this mighty Mr. Fafnir, I'm not here to get a present.

I just want to come and see you, to prove that you are as powerful as the legend, I really don't believe the description in the legend. "

"what about now?"

The dragon Fafnir looked flattered, but he wasn't stupid enough to believe anything the other said.

"Oh, Lord Fafnir, the greatest and noblest among the beasts, those songs and legends are not even one-tenth of the truth!" Clark replied with a smile.

"As a thief and a liar, you are quite polite!" said the dragon, his eyes resting for a moment on the hilt of Clark's shoulder, "You seem to be familiar with me, but I have never smelled you before. Please allow me to ask about your origin and name, okay?"

"Of course!" Clark said. "I came from the far-flung Eastern Land Tang. My road crossed mountains, across plains, and across rivers."

"I believe," Fafner said, "I've never smelled your scent!"

"I am the collector, custodian, and disseminator of knowledge, and a good friend of all wise men."

"That's a lovely name!" said the dragon contemptuously, "but the wise man won't necessarily protect you."

"I banish demons, slay basilisks, dance in the desert of death, and swim in the vortex of time."

"This is so much better!" Fafner said. "But don't let your imagination run wild!"

This is the way the dragon speaks, and it is the information Clark obtained from the fragment of the godhead of the God of Knowledge.

Generally speaking, if you don't want to say your name outright or reject them rudely, that's usually what you have to say.

No dragon can resist the temptation to play riddles and waste time figuring out content, which is an excellent way to waste time for them with long lives.

So even if Fafnir wanted to swallow the little thing in front of him, he had to wait until he understood enough and solved the doubts in his heart before starting to do it.

"Excellent, wise warrior!" it exclaimed: "Perhaps you have experienced many adventures and resolved many crises, but I would like to give you a piece of advice: never deal with dwarfs!"

"Dwarf!" Clark said, feigning surprise.

"Stop pretending!" Fafner said. "I know the taste of dwarfs. No one knows them better than I do."

"Those guys never gave up, they refused to leave like flies," he continued.

"Say, don't you?

Well, that's their style, like a rat in the gutter.

I figured they must be hiding out safely, and it's up to you to do the dangerous job and steal that thing while I'm not looking.

You're all working for them, right?

What will you get? A large fortune? Do you really believe it! You'll be giggling if you can save the dog's life! "

Fafnir laughed. It seemed that in addition to having a strong body, he also had a smart mind, was very scheming, and was good at playing with people's hearts.

But Clark wasn't mad at his simple sowing, because he never believed in the dwarf from start to finish.

Of course, he wouldn't tell the dragon, he still said very calmly.

"No! You are wrong, Mr. Fafner.

I tell you, gold and treasure are just bonuses. I have traveled thousands of miles to come here, in order to seek justice for those souls who lost their lives in your mouth! "

The dragon Fafnir let out a real laugh, a deafening sound that shook the earth.

"Just ask for justice!" He snorted, the red light in his eyes shrouded the entire hall in a blood-red light. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Another fool who was bewitched by the so-called legend, the dwarf kingdom has been destroyed for so long, who would dare to take revenge on their descendants?

Here, I will kill if I want to, eat if I want, and no one can stop me. "

He fluttered his huge wings and boasted:

"My scales are like ten layers of overlapping steel shields, my fangs are like long swords, and my claws are like spears and halberds.

With the slightest flick of my tail, mortals are struck by lightning; with the slightest flap of my wings, sand and rocks will fly away between heaven and earth.

My breath alone is enough to bring death! "

"Oh, really?"

Clark smiled and took off the long sword behind his back and held it in his hand.

"I do not believe!"

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