Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 7 Chapter 63: Tall gnome, quest delegation

Latest Website: After a rudimentary alliance with the fairies of the Rhine, Clark bids them farewell, leaves the bottom of the Rhine, and returns to the ground.

This time, instead of walking slowly as before, he picked up his pace.

For this reason, he also spent 100 experience points in exchange for a teleportation ability [speed burst].

[Speed ​​Burst]: Level 1 ability, consumes 1 power point, a powerful mind can stimulate your body, greatly increase your speed, agility +1, duration 19 (intelligence) minutes.

With the blessing of this ability, Clark ran like the wind. It should have taken half an hour to travel, but he finished it in ten minutes.

Soon, he came to the foot of the mountain above the Rhine.

As he got closer, he raised his head and looked up, the lofty mountain range was pressing straight towards him, as if it was an indomitable giant looking down at him.

Not only that, as he approached, a heat wave also came from the blue-black mountain, and the surrounding temperature instantly increased by more than ten degrees, becoming unbearably hot.

Because of this, the snow on the top of the mountain quickly turned into snow water under the action of the heat wave, poured down the mountain, and merged into the Rhine River.

"Okay, our Clark warrior finally arrived before the dragon cave, but... why did he stop again." Outside of the illusion, looking at Clark's image, Bagman also felt a headache.

It can be said that Clark is the most troublesome of the few warriors he explained.

You can never guess what he can bring you.

Of course, he also hates and loves this situation. Because this also means that there will be more changes in Clark's bet.

Maybe, he has the opportunity to repay the gambling debt he owed in the Quidditch World Cup.

At this time, Clark in the illusion stopped for a while in front of the mountain where the fire dragon was staying, and then turned his head. He didn't even enter the mountain, but after carefully observing for a while, he started to detour along the side of the mountain.

Perhaps because of the risks inherent in this place, no one has been here before.

So walking along the foot of the mountain, you can't see a road up the mountain.

The whole mountain is a steep and smooth rock face, sloping upwards.

Such a scene, Clark saw it, and immediately analyzed it. I am afraid that this mountain is not a natural formation.

Because in general, the formation of mountains is more due to the displacement and extrusion of different geological plates.

So there should be a smooth transition between the mountains and the surrounding environment.

However, the Alps mountain range in front of them was erected abruptly on this vast plain, and there was a clear boundary between the two.

It was as if there was no such mountain here originally, but suddenly one day, it fell from the sky and landed here.

Clark had some guesses about the origin of this mountain, but now he still needs to find another former party to verify this.

His idea was quickly satisfied, and perhaps the former client also wanted to see him.

Anyway, when Clark walked around the foot of the Alps for about ten minutes, his psionic ability [Time Stamp] noticed that someone had passed by not long ago.

That's right, not long ago, the time gap between now and now was less than half an hour.

It's just that because of the hard rock wall, this "person" did not leave any footprints.

Of course, this is not a problem for Clark.

Relying on the ability of [Time Stamp] to view past history, soon, the figure from half an hour ago seemed to appear in front of his eyes.

Clark followed this figure, flying over the eaves and walls, and soon climbed up this mountain where there may be a dragon.

Fortunately, the "person" seemed to know the situation of the mountain very well. Clark, who followed behind him, did not encounter any danger along the way.

In this way, he climbed all the way up outside the fantasy world, under the surprised eyes of everyone, and soon approached the snow line of the Alps.

From a distance, you can see that there is a clear dividing line on the blue-black rock.

Above the dividing line is a blanket of white snow.

Below the demarcation line is a black jagged rock.

The figure that only Clark could see disappeared on the dividing line not far away.

Clark remained vigilant and approached the past little by little.

When he got close, he saw that there was a hut made of rocks and mud at the snow line.

It was only because the roof of the hut and the surrounding area were covered with thick snow, which made it difficult to be seen.

With the help of the [Time Stamp], Clark watched the figure enter the hut.

He knew that this was the person he was looking for.

So he stepped forward and knocked on the rudimentary door, which was only bound by a few pieces of wood.

After a while, the door creaked open, and a tall figure appeared in front of Clark.

"This, this is—"

Outside the illusion, everyone also saw the figure, and they all turned their heads to look at the last row of the stand. All this was just because the figure was six or seven similar to Hagrid.

They were all about the same height and looked extraordinarily burly. They also had **** beards all over their faces, and they looked like little giants.

The difference is that the little giant's skin is a little whiter than Hagrid's, as if the sun is often not shining, as pale as a corpse.

His body proportions are also not so well-proportioned. His legs are short and his hands are long. Like Uncle Liu, his hands reach to his knees, and he is somewhat similar to a gorilla.

Clark looked up at this tall weirdo, and couldn't help but complain, "This is a **** dwarf! You call this tall a dwarf!"

Although Clark also knew that ancient times were different from modern times, the golden humans at that time were tall and fit, like sculptures in ancient Greece.

But the creature in front of him is not called a dwarf.

In fact, this is Clark's lack of knowledge. He didn't know that the dwarf in Norse mythology should actually be the prototype of the fictional creature "dwarf" in many fantasy works.

This is not the same as another fictional creature "gnome/goblin/goblin", which is more of a re-creation from some homes.

In Norse mythology, these gnomes are more accustomed to living in mountains, underground or mines. They like stones and metallurgy, have superb forging skills, are good at magic and rune script, and are the makers of many artifacts.

And they are not short. Nordic gnomes were not described as short in works before the 13th century.

Regarding this point, in Clark's previous life, "Reunion 3", the dwarf king who helped Thor forge the storm axe is very restored.

The reason why they are considered short is because they are more the result of comparison with those giants.

However, in the eyes of Clark, who has knowledge of another world, the Nordic dwarf in front of him is more like the "Grey Dwarf" or "Durga Dwarf" of "Dungeon and Dragon".

Of course, it didn't matter what race the other party was, after all Clark was here to ask for help.

It's just that before Clark spoke, the tall dwarf said first, "Welcome, brave warrior from afar."

The language he used was the same as that used by the fairies in the river just now. It was a strange language similar to chant.

Even if Clark has not learned this language, as long as he hears it, he will naturally understand the meaning of the other party.

It is as if the words and texts in these languages ​​naturally have meanings attached to them and need no further explanation.

Clark, who has studied ancient rune, knows that this should be the most primitive rune script in the ancient times, which is said to contain magical power.

This kind of script is also known as Rune script, and the ancient rune class that Clark and the others took is about this knowledge.

It's just that in their era, although this kind of writing also had many magical effects, it was a lot worse than the ancient times.

After hearing the dwarf's invitation, Clark was not polite and did not worry that the other party would be disadvantaged to him, and walked directly into the stone house.

Contrary to what he imagined, this windowless house was not dark and cold, but very bright and warm.

In the center of the room, a huge stove is burning with blazing flames, providing warmth and light to the entire room.

Clark followed the dwarf's instructions and sat down on the stool beside the stove. Soon, the other party picked up the copper pot hanging on the stove and poured him a cup of hot goat milk from a rustic wooden cup.

"A brave man from afar, please enjoy."

Clark took the cup from the dwarf's hand, and did not dislike that the rim of the cup had turned black. He blew lightly, and took a sip.

A mellow, tainted milk fragrance spread in his mouth instantly.

At the same time, a scalding warm current fell down the throat all the way to his stomach, and the heat instantly dissipated the chill on his body.

"Thank you, it tastes good," Clark thanked, put the glass down, and asked the dwarf, "I just don't know, what should I call you, dear elder?"

The tall dwarf looked as rude as Hagrid, but he was also very kind.

After hearing Clark's question, he immediately replied, "You can call me meme, blacksmith meme, brave man from afar."

"Why do you call me a brave man from afar?" Clark asked again.

The meme looked at him with a smile, his black beetle-like eyes narrowed into slits.

"Because there is an evil dragon living in this mountain, few people come here.

And once someone comes, then he must come to solve this evil dragon.

Dare to fight the dragon, with great courage, how can he not be a brave man? "

Clark nodded, agreeing with what he said.

"What about you? Dear elder, why are you staying here? After all, this place doesn't seem to be very suitable for one's life."

Faced with Clark's question, the dwarf meme sighed with a sad look on his face.

Through his narration, Clark learned that the dwarf meme was also a victim of a dragon.

In his story, the cave under this mountain was once the domain of their dwarf clan. These tall dwarfs dig mountains, dig ores, smelt metals, build palaces, and live in peace and contentment here.

But one day, an evil dragon named Fafnir set his eyes on this place, and saw the warm home of the dwarfs, as well as the various gold, silver and gems that they have collected and smelted for generations.

The evil dragon blocked the door of the dwarf's house, got into the cave, used flames, claws and threats to drive out and kill the dwarf in the cave, occupied the place, and even occupied the treasure in the cave.

"Although we also have many powerful magical weapons, the dragon's scales are extremely hard, and even the armor-piercing arrows forged with fine gold can't hurt him in the slightest.

My clansmen rushed up wielding swords, and then fell one by one. In the end, the surviving clansmen were also frightened and fled here in a hurry. "

The dwarf meme spoke mournfully, two tears the size of a baby's fist from the corners of his eyes.

Clark comforted him, but also asked, "Then why didn't you leave with them?"

"I'm not reconciled!" Mim wiped away tears and said viciously, "I want to prove that we dwarfs are not all cowards, and I want to avenge my brother, and see that evil dragon pierced through the heart! "

After speaking, he looked at Clark with anticipation again, "Young brave man, may I ask, are you willing to help me fulfill my wish and get rid of that evil dragon?"

If this is an RPG adventure game, a red exclamation mark should have appeared above the dwarf's head at this time.

Maybe if you take this quest, you can also get a lot of experience, some gold coins, and a magic weapon presented by the quest publisher.

However, this is not an adventure game, and Clark is not a controlled adventure character.

So he did not respond to the other party's request casually, but said, "Although I also want to help you, unfortunately, I don't have the strength to kill this evil dragon. The scales on the other party's body are also for me. An inexorable existence."

In the face of Clark's shirk, the dwarf meme was not disappointed, but said confidently, "Don't worry, brave man from afar, I will help you. As for how to hurt the dragon, I have found a way. ."

"Have you found a way?" Clark asked curiously. "But didn't you say that even the crossbow bolts made of adamantine don't work on that dragon?"

Mim nodded, "Yes, ordinary weapons can't hurt the dragon, but there are still unusual weapons in this world."

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