Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 7 Chapter 62: The Phantom in the Lake, an initial alliance

Latest URL: "Ah!"

When Clark was suddenly attacked, some timid witches in the stands were already screaming.

However, for Clark, all this is but a trifle.

The opening of the global vision of the third-level psionic power brought him a 360-degree vision without blind spots.

As soon as the shadow entered Clark's perception circle, he was discovered by him.

"There are many obstacles!"

Before the incantation was finished, a secondary shock wave rushed towards the shadow.

Not only that, charm and shock are also applied to each other at the same time.

The black shadow was caught off guard by the attack from the mind, and the figure paused in mid-air for a second, and the next moment, it was hit in the chest by the secondary shock wave and flew out.

It's just that the black shadow doesn't seem to be easy to get along with. After being hit by Clark, he actually flipped in the air, like a fish, and got into the water again.

Clark turned around, and saw the dark figure swimming fast against the edge of his shield.

Once Clark didn't turn around in time, he raised his hand and waved in the water, and a water arrow was hit and shot towards Clark's back.

Of course, this kind of sneak attack had no effect on Clark, who had a global vision, and he calmly avoided it.

It's just that the shadow seems to know that humans like Clark can't stay in the water for long.

He can survive at the bottom of the river now, just because of this strange air cover, but maintaining this thing must also consume physical or mental energy.

So, as long as you drag on, you will be able to win without a fight.

It's a pity that although the shadow knows Clark's weaknesses, he also knows the other's weaknesses.

Seeing that the shadow couldn't hurt him, Clark ignored him, raised his feet, and walked straight towards the center of the ruins at the bottom of the river.

The shadow didn't react at first, but when an open space surrounded by clam shell houses appeared in front of Clark, he let out a strange cry and was completely provoked.

With his roar and arm swing, more water arrows were shot at Clark.

At the end, when the shadow rubbed his hands together, a huge swirling water column condensed and charged towards Clark.

Transparent river water was originally the softest substance in the world, but once rotation and speed were added, it became the most terrifying weapon.

Even hard steel has to be defeated in the face of high-speed water, let alone flesh and blood.

However, when Clark faced the fast-rotating rhinestones, he did not dodge or evade, and stood there upright, as if he did not pay attention to the attack at all.

The little wizards outside the illusion gasped at Clark's bold behavior, and some of the witches screamed and covered their eyes in fright.

But after screaming, when they removed their hands covering their eyes, they found that Clark was standing there like a nobody.

"What happened just now, did Clark crack the magic?" asked a lower grade Gryffindor girl.

Ginny answered her question without looking back, "No, it was the enemy who took the initiative to withdraw the attack. He didn't seem willing to hurt anyone."

That's right, in the face of the spiral water column that is enough to disembowel people and cut thousands of pieces, Clark did not dodge.

And the shadow didn't seem to want to kill him either, and just a second before the water column reached his body, he controlled it to disintegrate in time, turned into water droplets all over the sky, and flew past Clark.

"Hey...you...sss...why...sss...don't hide?"

Speak... Speak!

The shadow that ran up to Clark opened his mouth and made a hoarse, intermittent sound, which made Clark stunned for a moment.

However, he seemed to have some expectations for this, and quickly recovered from the surprise.

Only then did he have the opportunity to take a good look at the shadow blocking him in front of him.

This is a slender humanoid creature, he (she) has limbs, a head, and a slightly undulating curve on the chest, which looks like a female.

Her skin isn't black either, it's just because she wears a dark green garment woven with water grass, and has long black hair that twists like a living thing, so she looks so weird.

Through its exposed neck and wrists, it can be seen that the other party's skin is a translucent white, like the finest pearls.

Although the facial features on his face were covered by a layer of seaweed mud, the neat and white teeth and big watery eyes were incomparable to a mixed-race veela like Furong.

"Hi... the outsider... hiss... leave!"

After seeing that Clark did not answer his own words, the odd man made another strange voice and shouted.

This hissing sound is not a common human language, but as soon as the sound reached Clark's ears, he miraculously understood the meaning of the other party's words.

Clark knew that the guy in front of him didn't know the human language, so while speaking English, he used the mental link ability to convey the meaning of the words to the other party's heart.

"I have no ill intentions, I just want to help you." Clark spread his hands, and the wand was also received in his sleeve.

That weirdo didn't let his guard down because of this, and still stared at her with big eyes, but she was more cute than vicious.

"Hey...leave...hess...not welcome..."

Clark can see that although this guy can communicate, it seems that because of the long-term absence of communication, her communication skills are not very proficient, and it is just a few words over and over.

In addition, when Clark and this weirdo stopped to confront each other, there were several black images that were like swimming fish, shuttled back and forth in the river around them, and a wave of maliciousness was also locked on Clark's body.

The little wizards watching outside broke into a cold sweat because of Clark's current situation. Because of the separation of a space, they couldn't hear the sound in the historical fantasy, and could only see the tense confrontation scene at the scene.

In addition, Bagman is also joking.

"Ah, it looks like our Clark is in trouble right now.

As many adventure storybooks say, there are always some monsters guarding the ancient ruins. His practice of trying to avoid the dragon to obtain the treasure seems to be unworkable. "

However, they who can't read lips don't know that in the fantasy, the relationship between Clark and these weirdos is no longer so serious.

All this is because, Clark said to the weirdos, "I'm here to deal with that evil dragon. You guys, don't you want to get the gold back?"

After hearing Clark's words, the weirdo who had planned to drive him away was stunned, and the shadows wandering around him also stopped.

They gathered together, still discussing in that strange tone, while Clark had already walked around to the square in the center of the ruins and began to look at it.

To say that this is a square is actually an exaggeration.

From Clark's point of view, this is just an ordinary open space. At most, there is a regular semi-circular boulder in the center of the open space.

There was also a circular tub-sized pit on the top of the stone, as if a piece had been dug out, but the inside was clean, and it was obvious that someone was cleaning it frequently.

At this time, the weirdos seemed to have already discussed it, and they walked in front of Clark again, pointing to the groove on the semi-circular boulder and asking.

"You... hiss... can we... take... hiss... that?"

Clark heard a touch of excitement from their words, and at the same time understood that the groove they were referring to was where the "Rhine Gold" was originally stored.

That's right, Clark walked slowly along the Rhine River, not for cowardice, but to use the psychic power of reading objects and time stamps to find the legendary treasure hidden in the Rhine River and guarding the Rhine's gold. The fairy in the lake.

Facts have proved that Clark's judgment is correct. Since this historical fantasy is an interception of a real myth and epic legend, then it must conform to the background of that legend.

It is not a monster fighting game with only fixed lines, but an open adventure sandbox world.

So when Clark walked along the Rhine, it was natural to read from a certain river stone that it had been stepped on by a "person".

Through the time stamp, I saw the slender figure who sneaked ashore and sniffed the fragrance of wild flowers.

It's just that he didn't expect that the fairies in the river who can fascinate the dwarfs in the story turned out to be such an image.

Sure enough, the fairy tales are all lies!

It seemed to be a little impatient with Clark's scrutiny and his silence, and the fairies in the lake all stared at him aggressively.

"Don't...hs...try to lie to me!"

It seems that because of more communication, the other party's words have become a lot more agile.

Clark nodded with a smile, "Of course not, I came here with sincerity."

It's a pity that the fairies in the lake don't seem to believe him very much. One of them is older and more stout, standing up and asking, "What do you need to exchange... hiss?"

It seems that this little fairy still knows the world, and understands that if you want others to help, you need to give some benefits.

While saying this, the fairy in the lake who attacked Clark at the beginning also wiped off the seaweed mud smeared on her face, revealing an indescribably beautiful face.


Outside of the illusion, the wizards who saw this face almost at the same time as Clark took a deep breath, and their faces showed a look of obsession. Even Bagman was no exception, mumbling incessantly. , "So beautiful! So beautiful!"

That's right, these fairies in the lake are worthy of the name of the fairy in the legend. When she showed her beautiful face in the legend, Clark only felt that the dark bottom of the lake became brighter.

Even some smudges left on her face became just right and became the most beautiful decorative color.

The dilapidated wreckage around was illuminated by the bright light she radiated, and it also brought a somewhat incomplete historical charm.

Clark knew that this was neither visual beauty in the conventional sense, nor the veela's enchanting allure.

The beauty of the fairies in the river is more like the concretization of the word "beautiful", the concept of beauty itself.

Therefore, even the firm-minded Clark couldn't help but indulge in her beauty and almost couldn't extricate himself.

If it wasn't for a fragment of the godhead of the **** of knowledge in his mind, exuding some cool breath, I am afraid that in the future, he will be like the one who was injured by alcohol, so haggard, and thus quit drinking today. the same.

The fairies in the lake also seemed to understand the lethal power of their beauty, and after playing a trick and a little beauty trick, the one who showed up covered her face again with the seaweed on her body.

This kind of behavior made the boys outside the illusion wailed.

At this time, the older lake fairy also said to Clark, "You help us, she likes you... hiss."

Clark certainly wouldn't be fooled by such a crude method.

He shook his head and refused, "This condition is not good, I need you to help me kill that evil dragon, I can't deal with him alone."

Clark's words were straight and straight, and the other party was also, "No, the dragon is too strong, and there is gold, we can't hurt him."

"It's my business to kill him, I just need you to help me contain him." He looked confident.

"After being with that magic gold for so many years, I believe you must have a way to influence the Lord of the Rings forged in Rhine gold.

You only need to restrain him for a while, and I can kill the dragon. "

Clark seemed to be right. After the river fairies were silent for a while, the older one finally nodded.

"We can help you, but you have to give us the gold."

"No problem!" Clark agreed very readily, "Do I need to sign any magic contract?"

The River Fairy glanced at Clark suspiciously, and then he realized that in the ancient times when this epic legend occurred, there was no such concept as a magic contract.

However, their communication itself relies on spiritual links. Even if these fairies in the river don't understand what a magic contract is, they understand Clark's meaning.

So the older river fairy said directly, "Just make an oath to this river."

Clark did not hesitate, and said to the slowly flowing Rhine water.

"I swear by this Rhine~www.readwn.com~ As long as you help me contain the dragon and kill him, I will definitely return the magic ring made of Rhinegold to you."

After saying this, the faces of the fairies in the river immediately showed satisfied smiles, and they all came forward to express their kindness to Clark, not at all, and some even started to move on him curiously.

Of course, the reason why they trust Clark so much, you can hardly say that it is not because of the handsome face as the reader.

If he were replaced by an ugly dwarf, let alone such a simple oath, even if he took his heart and his lungs, these fairies in the river would not necessarily give him a second look.

It's just that Clark didn't know that when he was enjoying the encirclement of fairies in the illusion, Hermione outside had a frosty face and snorted heavily.

"Humph! This bastard!"

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