Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 7 Chapter 53: Holy Grail War, a two-party plan

"So, you can pass Principal Dumbledore's age line entirely because of the special treasures generated by the dragon farm secret realm?"

When Clark and Hermione and Neville got together again, it was the next morning, time for breakfast.

Clark replied as he put buttered scrambled eggs and fried bacon on toast with peanut butter.

"That's right, after I got that hourglass, I figured out a little bit about its usage."

Towards the end of last semester, the dragon farm at Hogwarts was caught in a time vortex because of the werewolf attack.

Fortunately, in the end Clark successfully solved the problem and upgraded it to a secret realm.

"Perhaps it was because of the fact that the secret realm of the dragon farm was formed because we used a time converter, or because of the combination of the Klein bottle props used by the attacker and the time vortex.

Anyway, the small hourglass that accompanies the secret realm can already be regarded as a large time converter.

It can not only produce the Sands of Time with the passage of time in the secret realm, but also control the time flow rate of the entire secret realm. "

"Doesn't this mean that we can quickly ripen potions and magical animals through the secret realm of the dragon farm?" The clever Hermione immediately thought of the purpose of this secret realm and said excitedly.

"It's not as magical as you said," Clark ate the toast in his hand and shrugged. "There are two types of time acceleration in the Rift."

"One is the time acceleration of the entire secret realm, and this acceleration can only double the time flow rate at the highest.

The other is to fix it to a small area, or even to someone or something. This kind of acceleration can be faster, but the actual effect is greatly reduced.

As far as my own experience is concerned, it seems like a long time has passed when my eyes are opened and closed.

You can't use this time acceleration to learn, or to develop skills, but it's immediate for physical growth. "

"It's amazing," Neville exclaimed. "At least our Warriors Club students have a quick way to increase their strength."

Hermione didn't bother too much with the accompanying artifact in this dragon farm, and instead asked another question.

"Then you spent one or two years for a Triwizard Tournament championship, is it worth it?

And what is the situation of that ritual of summoning Heroic Servants? Why didn't I see in the book that the previous Triwizard Tournament had this step? "

"Don't look at this Triwizard Tournament with the eyes of the past, this is a brand new version, a version that has never been seen before. Summoning Heroic Spirit Servants is just the first step in this version. There will be more exciting ones in the future. , something bigger," Clark said with a smile.

"What's more exciting?" Hermione asked curiously.

"That is to include the whole of Europe, betting on their respective national fortunes, magic world fortunes and the power of the leylines - the Holy Grail War!"

"Holy Grail War!"

"Holy Grail War!"

Hermione and Neville exclaimed. Although they didn't understand what the word meant, just from the word "war", they knew that this Triwizard Tournament must not be easy.

At this moment, two second-year Gffindor students walked past them, but they didn't seem to hear their exclamations. does not exist the same.

"Yes, the Holy Grail War."

Next, relying on the power of the mind to shield their conversation, Clark was directly in the auditorium and briefly told them what the Holy Grail War was.

The "Holy Grail", a relic of miracles derived from the legend of Christ, is said to be a wine glass used by **** and his 11 disciples.

Later, many people believed that this cup had some kind of magical ability because of its special experience.

Many legends believe that if the Holy Grail can be found and drank from its water, one will be rejuvenated, resurrected from the dead, and granted eternal life.

This legend has been widely extended to many works of literature, film and television, games, etc., and many people believe it.

As a result, countless travelers eager to obtain the power of the Holy Grail are frantically searching for its presence all over the world, and of course, various battles have erupted.

The battle that takes place in pursuit of the Holy Grail, which is a holy relic, is the Holy Grail War in a broad sense.

"Listen to what you mean..." Hermione's eyes widened. "The wooden cup that burned with blue flame yesterday was the Holy Grail in the legend of Christ?"

Neville's face was ignorant. As a wizard, he didn't know much about many legends in the Muggle world, nor did he believe in God.

"That's not true," Clark laughed. "If it's really that treasure, we wouldn't be able to do this Triwizard Tournament. Wouldn't it be better to just take it and conquer the world."

"What we just said was the Holy Grail War in a broad sense.

As a person with extraordinary ability, we must be able to see the essence through the phenomenon, and see the root of it from a legend.

For us, this so-called Holy Grail is more like the 'fruit of victory', which contains the 'wine' that **** and his 11 disciples could share..."

According to Clark, the so-called "Holy Grail" of wizards is more like a kind of authority, and the harvest after gaining authority.

There are two Holy Grails that govern the Holy Grail War.

One is sleeping on this land, symbolizing the leyline energy of the main land, and the "Great Holy Grail" that rules the destiny of humans, animals, plants and the country living on this land.

He can be Gaia or Alaya.

It can be the red of all living beings or the green of all things.

The other little Holy Grail is that people with extraordinary abilities like Clark and the others will summon the clones of the heroic spirits from the Hall of Valor through the spirit circle to carry out the so-called Holy Grail War.

After these heroic spirits are defeated, or after the summoner's three sigils are exhausted, the Little Holy Grail will retrieve them.

And when the Little Holy Grail is full of the soul weight necessary to pry the Great Holy Grail, it can use the characteristics of the heroic spirit's clone that will return to its original body, and open a hole from the "outside" that can lead to the Hall of Valor.

When the Heroic Spirit clone who has finished work returns to its original "seat", using the power accumulated by the Lesser Holy Grail to fix the hole, the winner of the Holy Grail War will be able to face the "Greater Holy Grail" in the root.

It is the power of the root, the legendary stone of miracles, the gate of truth, and the all-powerful wishing machine.

The Great Holy Grail is both one and all.

"Even if you do nothing, just face the 'Great Holy Grail' that represents the power of the root, you can become the three academies represented behind the Triwizard Tournament, and the destiny of the entire European continent's magic world that they symbolize. the son of.

The winner will bring together the luck of the entire European magic circle, and will become the leader of the entire European magic circle in the future. "

Calm like Clark, when he said these words, his eyes couldn't help but shine with the light called ambition.

Hermione and Neville were also very shocked. They did not expect that this small Triwizard Tournament could decide the future of the entire European magic world at this moment.

"No wonder that American transfer student stepped in and signed up for the Triwizard Tournament," Neville muttered.

Hermione looked further than him, "The registration of that American transfer student is also in your plan?"

"Hey, why did Clark and the others do this?" Neville asked inexplicably.

Before Hermione could speak, Clark explained, "Because this is like gambling. If you want to sit at the poker table, you must prepare your gambling book in advance."

"As the saying goes, you have to pay to get something, and the Holy Grail cannot be created out of nothing. If you want to achieve the effect, you must throw enough sacrifices into it."

Clark said.

"When we were discussing this matter, Hogwarts, Durmstrang and Beauxbatons all gave the chips to start the three events of the Triwizard Tournament.

These chips will be turned into resources in the game, absorbed by the Goblet of Fire, and promote the formation of the Little Holy Grail.

Now that the Magical Congress of the United States wants to intervene, it has to give at least the same bargaining chip as our three colleges in order to gain the approval of the Goblet of Fire. "

"But, in this case..." Neville pondered, "If that Bruce loses in the game, wouldn't the chips put in by the Americans go to waste?"

"This is Yangmou!" Hermione sighed and glanced at Clark at the same time, "Conspiracy uses information gaps to confuse people, while Yangmou uses grandeur to oppress people."

"Faced with the rise of the Magical Congress of the United States, the three magic schools in Europe are all under pressure, and the union of the European magic circles has become a matter of course.

I think even without this Triwizard Tournament, Hogwarts and the other two schools would have strengthened their ties.

It's just that the Magical Congress of the United States will not sit back and watch the union of the European magic circles, and will make trouble.

Whether it is to sow discord or join forces, it is very troublesome for the European magic circle.

Instead of letting the United States hide behind this, it is better to hold a Triwizard Tournament and tell them blatantly, we are going to unite, will you stop it? "

"Hermione is right," Clark said with a smile. "Obviously, the American wizarding community has no reason to stop us from holding the Triwizard Tournament, which is a centuries-old tournament after all."

"But it's useless for them to send people over to participate in the game," Neville asked suspiciously. "After all, this is our home court, and the game is organized by us. He has no chance of winning."

"But he can be disgusting," Hermione said helplessly. "These American wizards, even if they know that this will not work, don't mind sacrificing a person to disgust us."

"Besides, with the strength of the wizarding world in the United States, who knows if they have any way to make trouble during the game, thereby destroying the entire ceremony?"

"Hermione is right," Clark said. "These American wizards, like Muggles in America, think that after the polarities have the upper hand, they are the only hegemons in the world."

"Their current code of conduct is still dominated by domineering, exercising long-arm jurisdiction, trying to stir up the storm.

The last dragon farm attack, and this time Bruce's competition, are actually a kind of temptation for them.

The temptation is our bottom line.

Once we show a weak attitude, then they will get an inch.

Only when their tentacles are cut off, so that they feel pain and loss, will they obediently retreat. "

Hermione and Neville agreed with Clark.

Since they completed the job transfer and went through the experience, the two of them can be said to have grown a lot, and they have become more powerful and assertive in terms of dealing with others and dealing with others.

So for this matter, they also support Clark's tough attitude.

The three continued to chat about this matter for a while, then finished breakfast and got up to go to the library.

It's still Halloween, and they don't need to go to class.

On the way to the library, those Hogwarts classmates who saw him looked at him enthusiastically and cheered.

Although he broke the routine last night, the fact that he was selected as the Warrior took these students by surprise.

But after one night, many students also figured it out.

Not to mention that Clark always ranks first in exams every year, his family is old and rich, kind-hearted, powerful, and handsome.

Just the things he did in the past few years, the adventures, made it easier for people to accept the extraordinary things that happened to him.

And once accepted, these Hogwarts classmates regarded him as a hero.

So much so that after dealing with a group of lower-grade girls looking for his autograph, Hermione couldn't help joking that he had become the future child of luck in the British wizarding world before he won the game.

Because of this situation, they didn't stay in the library for long.

After all, when you're reading there, every now and then some star-eyed little fangirls will come over to say hello, and it's hard not to be kicked out by Mrs. Pings, the library's administrator.

They could only choose to leave the library and go for a walk by the lake.

The three went downstairs, not daring to stop in the hallway where people came and went, and soon strode on the lawn by the lake.

Durmstrang's ship was moored on the lake, casting a dark reflection in the water.

It was a cold morning. After all, it was already November. They kept walking along the lake, stopping occasionally. Clark and Neville would do some tricks to rehearse the fighting of the fighters. Skill.

When they finished their walk and turned to go back to the castle for lunch, they happened to see the gate of the castle in front, Harry and Ron were walking up the stairs.

The two should have just returned from Hagrid, and Clark shouted, "Harry! Ron!"

Harry stopped, turned to see the three of Clark, and waved hello happily.

But Ron seemed to have not heard Clark's words, so he buried his head and walked into the castle alone.

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