Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 7 Chapter 52: Mysterious Servant, 1 paragraph

"I call by contract;

request by blood;

use my body as a weapon;

Sacrificed by magic. "

"In response to the call of the Holy Grail, if you are willing to follow this principle, you will respond immediately."

Clark's chanting sound like a symphony of gold and iron echoed throughout the auditorium, much louder than the three people's voices just now.

Not only that, but his voice was extraordinarily contagious, so that all the little wizards who heard his words suddenly seemed to see the magic power converging, condensing, sublimating, and overflowing like clouds, fog, frost and snow.

Like the sun, moon and stars, it hangs high in the sky.

At this moment, the huge amount of magic power that suddenly gathered made Clark's body seem to have lost its original meaning, and turned into a small component in a huge cycle, connecting mystery and reality together.

"Swear here."

"You walk over time, between the past and the future."

"Knowledge is you, and mystery is your decoration."

"Fairness is your motto, and power is your accessory."

"Your throne will be held high above the starry sky, come in response to my call!"

The last sentence finally came out of the mouth, and the long chanting ended at this moment, even Clark, at this moment, felt that he was about to collapse.

His spiritual power was like a flood that opened the gate, pouring out towards the evoking magic circle in the center of the magic circle, and was accepted as much as possible.

It seems that it is not a magic circle, but a circular portal connecting to another world.

With the particularity of spiritual power, Clark's soul also seemed to pass through a colorful passage, arrived at an unfathomable and unknowable place, and briefly established a connection with a mysterious existence.


The next moment, with the sound of this slightly familiar voice, without the need for a holy relic, the chaotic magic power around the magic circle quickly shrank toward the center of the magic circle.

At the very center of the circle, the spiritual power that Clark had poured into the circle spewed out again, mixing with the gathered magic power.

Just like this, a young heroic Servant shrouded in a dark blue starry sky robe slowly revealed his body.

In the eyes of everyone, the light of the audience seemed to converge on him, making him the focus of the moment.

However, he didn't have any features, he didn't know his name, and even the appearance of this heroic spirit could not be seen clearly because of a layer of starlight mist covering his face.

But no one could underestimate him, because the moment he appeared, he looked at Clark's face with a serious look.

"Are you my master?"

The summoned heroic spirit can actually speak? This is something that even the hammer **** Thor can't do!

The three principals, the two referees, and even the professors present took a deep breath.

The so-called heroic spirits refer to those heroes who have left great achievements in human history and become legends and even objects of belief after death, and they have become similar to totem spirits.

This kind of elves formed because of the beliefs of all living beings can be said to be the earliest appearance of believing in gods, and often together with shamans, druids, and wizards, constitute the symbol of the ignorant era.

Since then, with the progress of civilization, this kind of totem spirit, which is extremely inefficient in the utilization of belief, has gradually been replaced by belief in gods.

It was not until this Triwizard Tournament that the greeting of the heroic spirit was turned over again by the British wizards as a necessary condition to start the Holy Grail battle.

However, due to the changes of the times, the world today is not even able to appear in the world, and naturally it is not like the ancient times. There are enough personalities and environments to allow the "heroic spirit" to come completely.

What Clark and the others summoned through the spirit summoning ceremony was just a clone that could borrow part of the power of the heroic spirit.

These avatars have no sense of personality, cannot communicate and think, and only have the most instinctive stress response, and they must also reside in the body of the summoner, in order to resist the pressure of the outside world and stay in the real world.

So they can only be called "Servants".

But the "Servant" that Clark summoned now is a little different. He was able to say a complete question.

This means that this "Servant" retains wisdom, and it also means that this Servant's ontology is bound to be stronger than the ontology of several other Servants.

Clark stretched out his right hand and replied, "That's right!"

The nebula filled the air and the magic was flowing. The mysterious Servant just dissipated and turned into an abstract imprint on the back of Clark's right hand that looked both like a scale and a book.

Although Karkaroff and others are curious, they also know that this heroic Servant is the trump card for the warriors to face the next game. They will not tell others their Servant information, and it is naturally impossible for others to share the information. Tell yourself.

So after Clark stood on the teacher's platform again, the warrior selection ceremony of the entire Triwizard Tournament came to an end.

Dumbledore walked to the front of the stage and looked at the little wizards who had just recovered from the series of strange scenes.

"Today, the four warriors of the Triwizard Tournament have finally been selected. This is the common choice of each school and the Goblet of Fire, and has been unanimously recognized and endorsed by various academies and the Ministry of Magic of various countries.

In the next six months, they will deeply participate in the competition, compete with each other, support each other, and make progress together.

I believe that all of you here can also put aside their prejudices, have goodwill towards all the warriors, and support them well.

Make a bigger contribution to this event by cheering on the Warriors. "

Dumbledore's official remarks drew sparse applause, but he didn't care.

"Okay, it's getting late, I think everyone should go back to bed and enjoy their dreams."

The little wizards started to get up one after another, the crunch of the benches dragging on the floor one after another.

After Dumbledore finished speaking, he looked back at Mr. Crouch with a little concern, "Do you really want to stay at Hogwarts tonight, Barty?"

"Yes, Dumbledore, I must go back to the Ministry."

Crouch resolutely refused.

"It's a very busy, very difficult time... Now this particular situation has happened, and I've put young Wes in charge... Fortunately he's very enthusiastic... To be honest, without him, I wouldn't even be here today. No chance to come out."

"Then why don't you at least come over and have a drink before you go?" said Dumbledore.

"Come on, Barty, I'm not going to stay here!" Bagman said happily, "It all happened at Hogwarts at last, right? Although there are some twists and turns and accidents, but It's much more exciting and fun than the office!"

"I don't agree, Ludo." Crouch's tone showed his usual impatience. "This is just the beginning, and there is a lot of things to do in the future."

"Especially in the following game, people from other countries may also watch it, and the situation of this game will represent the image of the entire British Ministry of Magic..."

Crouch was still there talking to Bagman, while Dumbledore was talking to the other two Headmasters.

"Professor Karkaroff - Madame Maxime - needs a bedtime drink?"

However, Madame Maxime had put her arms around Fleur's shoulders and led her down the teacher's desk quickly, leaving the auditorium through the side door.

Clark could hear the two of them speaking quickly in French as they left.

Karkaroff also greeted Krum, and the two left without a word.

Dumbledore shook his head helplessly, then said to Bruce with a smile, "Mr. Stewart, I think you should go back to sleep now, after all, you may have something to do before you go to sleep."

Bruce Stewart nodded silently, and the little wizards who left disappeared into the crowd together.

When everyone was almost gone, he looked at Clark with a smile.

Clark also looked at him with a smile, "The plan is going well, isn't it?"

Dumbledore smiled and nodded, "Indeed, but the other party should have also seen our plan, and this time he should have come well prepared, so don't overturn the car."

Clark waved his hand disapprovingly, "I'll be careful if you don't tell me, but this is our home court, and we planned it this way. Even if there is a slight change, it won't hurt."

"Okay," said Dumbledore, "since you're sure, I won't be annoying as an old fellow."

He smiled and waved, as if driving Clark away.

"I think the Gryffindor classmates are all waiting to celebrate with you. They finally have an excuse to make a fuss, and it would be inappropriate to take this opportunity away from them."

"Then, good night, Mr. Principal!" Clark said goodbye and left the auditorium.

When he walked to the foyer, he found that it was also empty and everyone had gone.

No, there is still one person left!

Bruce Stewart, who had left one step earlier, emerged from the shadows of the stairs.

At this time, the flame in the brazier was already very weak due to the time, and the indefinite light of the flame made the smile on the other party's face flicker and flicker strangely.

"So, we're rivals again!" Bruce said with a forced smile.

"I think so," Clark smiled back at him, but no one knew how sincere the smile was.

"You don't look like you're too excited, this is the Warriors of the Triwizard Tournament!" Bruce said.

Clark glanced at him blankly, "You're not too excited."

Bruce sighed, "Actually, I don't want to be this warrior..."

"Stop! Stop!" Clark reached out to stop him and continued. "It's useless for you to tell me this. Since the Goblet of Fire has chosen you, you must complete this Triwizard Tournament."

"Don't worry, I won't give up." Bruce laughed.

Clark also said calmly, "I won't be merciful either."

The two of them didn't continue talking, they went along the stairs and went in different directions.

The Gryffindor common room was in the tower, and Clark walked up the stairs and soon came to the portrait of the fat woman.

On this special day, Mrs. Fat was not alone in her picture frame.

When Clark was meeting the other warriors downstairs just now, the crumpled witch who flew into a painting next to her was sitting proudly beside the fat lady.

She must have rushed into each of the paintings that line the seven flights of stairs, just to get here before him.

Both she and the Fat Lady looked down at him with great interest.

"Okay, okay, okay," said the Fat Lady happily, "Violet just told me all about it, that you've just been chosen as the school's warrior."

"Yeah, what a surprise tonight," Clark replied very kindly. "Nonsense!"

"Absolutely not!" said the pale witch angrily.

"No, no, Violet, that's the password," the Fat Lady reassured, and she swung forward to let Harry into the common room.

The portrait opened, and before Clark crawls in, a roar, like an oncoming ocean wave, suddenly poured into his ears, almost deafening him.

Then, a dozen hands stretched out from the hole and dragged Clark into the common room, facing all the students of Gryffindor House.

They were all screaming, cheering, whistling, and everyone was excited.

"You should have told us you signed up!" Fred yelled. He looked half exasperated, half excited.

"Yeah, we're still your cousins," George shouted. "How could you make it through without a beard?"

"Even if I sign up for you, the Goblet of Fire will only choose me." Clark snorted back, causing the two brothers to raise their middle fingers.

At this moment, Angelina also rushed in front of him like a whirlwind, "Oh, even if it can't be me, at least one of Gryffindor-"

She gave Clark a big hug, which made Hermione's face change instantly.

"We've got something to eat, Clark, come and have some—" Ron held a plate in his hand with a few grilled lamb chops.

Clark waved his hand, "I'm not hungry, I ate enough at the banquet—"

But no one wanted to hear him say he wasn't hungry, so they dragged Clark to the edge of the sofa, pressed his shoulders, and shoved plates full of food into his hands.

From out of nowhere, Lee Jordan tossed a Gryffindor flag, insisting that it be wrapped around Clark like a cloak.

Clark didn't resist that much, and the crowd moved closer to him, swarming him, saluting him Butterbeer, or shoving biscuits and peanuts into his hands.

Everyone wanted to know how he did it, how he tricked Dumbledore's age line into throwing his name into the goblet.

Clark is open to toasting, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is also answerable to their questions.

Only after hearing Clark's method, they could only shake their heads and sigh, and gave him a thumbs up.

After all, becoming a warrior is not a sure thing.

For an opportunity, there is no need to consume a year or two of life.

After more than half an hour, Clark finally finished dealing with these enthusiastic little wizards, and then used the power of psionic power to make them ignore him and hurried upstairs back to the dormitory.

As for Hermione and Neville? After discovering that Clark couldn't answer their doubts today, these people went back to the dormitory to sleep.

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