Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 6 Chapter 64: time loop

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Hearing his own words in the future, Clark's heart moved, and he suddenly thought that the timing of this time reset also seemed to be particular.

The reset time was after the alchemy item "Klein's Bottle" took effect.

"That's right," the future he seemed to see Clark's thoughts, "the 'Klein bottle' that can create a closed loop in space, coupled with our excessive use of time converters, this is what we are today. The cyclical dilemma encountered.”

The future he began to explain to Clark.

"Since you have used the time converter, you should have also experienced the feeling of detaching from the long river of time, drawing a curve, and then returning to the past."

Clark nodded, and the future he continued.

"So every time we use the time converter to go back to the past, we set off a wave of time."

In the future, he stretched out his hand, using the sensory control of psionic power, an illusory image of the long river of time appeared in front of Clark.

In the long river of time, the waves slapped backwards and waves, and in the middle of each wave, there was a villain.

"It's nothing at all, after all, the waves will always go out."

The more upward the surging waves are, the less power they contain, and the villain wrapped in them naturally falls into the long river of time.

"However, we went beyond the time converter's usage requirements and repeated usage over a long period of time."

Along with his words, at one place in the long river of time, the waves began to surf repeatedly, one wave after another, and one wave higher than another.

"In addition to the 'Klein's Bottle' that the Americans handed over to the werewolf, the entire dragon farm has formed a closed space that is independent of the present time and space."

A huge Klein bottle fell from the sky and filled it with a long river for a while.

"Countless small waves accumulate and gather in a closed space like this, and the power they contain cannot be dissipated, and eventually affects the surrounding time and water, forming a vortex of time."

The river water cut off by the Klein bottle was surging, the waves gathered together, and finally formed a vortex in the bottle, which kept spinning without beginning and end, and the cycle continued.

"So, because time and space are closed, a closed loop is formed here?" Clark looked at the illusions in the hands of the future, and asked tentatively, "This is what we have been in time. The reason for the cycle?"

In the future, he maintained the illusion in his hand and nodded, "Yes, our current state is equivalent to being sucked in by this time vortex and stuck in it all the time..."

"Then what will happen if it goes on like this? It's impossible for the vortex to continue spinning, right?" Clark couldn't help but ask.

"That's why when we got this time converter, Professor McGonagall told us that the continuous use time should not exceed five hours." He sighed in the future.

"Because the British Ministry of Magic, which recklessly used time converters, discovered this potential problem long before that.

I remember a professor saulcroaker who specialises in this writing in his book that the longest look-back time without serious damage to travelers and time itself is about five hours.

Those wizards would suffer catastrophic damage if they tried to backtrack for more than a few hours.

For many years, wizards in Britain have been unable to figure out why people who traveled long distances in time and space have not survived their journeys.

The most recent time-reversal accident happened in 1899, when a witch named Heloise Mintab was unfortunately trapped in 1402 for five days, and all similar experiments since then have been terminated.

All we know is that by the time she returned to the modern age, her body had aged five centuries, causing irreparable damage to her, and died of St Mungo's Magic Wounds shortly after the Ministry of Magic found her. Sick hospital. "

"I know this," Clark gave his future self a dissatisfied look, "We are one person, I know all this knowledge."

"Knowledge is only meaningful in communication and exchange." He smiled in the future, "Doesn't this allow you to organize your thoughts better?"

Clark rolled his eyes when he heard the words, but when he thought that the other party was himself, he stopped complaining.

"If you look at it this way, even if time in this independent world is constantly looping, time is still passing for everyone in it, isn't it?

Does this mean that our lifespans will be spent quickly in this time vortex? By the end of the cycle, we'll all suddenly die of old age, like that Ms. Mintab. "

His analysis regenerated and changed the illusion in the hands of the future self, and the bottle of Klein in the long river of time was divided into two.

The vortex in a bottle gradually shrinks in the rotation, and finally converges into a point and disappears completely.

The vortex in the other bottle was unable to maintain its own volume during the continuous expansion process, and finally collapsed, forming a turbulent flow, which gradually subsided.

"In the end, this situation develops, there are no more than two outcomes, or the time vortex converges into a point.

All who were in the vortex were wiped clean, we were wiped out of the real world by time, no one knew we ever existed, and it was as if nothing had happened.

In the other case, the time vortex collapses, and we are caught up in the time turbulence and thrown back into the real world.

In this process, we have either experienced the reversal of time, or the passage of time. Of course, there is also a one in ten million probability that we will be released in the right world so that we will not be harmed. . "

Anyway, this kind of thing may be a disaster for us personally, but for the vast and endless river of time, this is just a little bit of insignificant waves. "

The faces of the two Clarks showed solemn expressions at the same time, and the probability of one in ten million was almost equivalent to nothing.

After being silent for a while, Clark looked at his future self and suddenly asked, "You said, did those American wizards expect this?"

The future he shook his head.

"I don't know that, but in this case, their suspicion is the biggest.

First of all, for American wizards who have representatives in the British wizarding world, it is not too difficult to know that we have a time-turner in our hands.

Secondly, you have seen the alchemy mecha used by the Doom wizard before. Obviously, the alchemy props such as the Klein bottle have the same style as theirs.

In the end, no matter what the outcome is, American wizards are the ones who will benefit the most. "

The two of them thought about it almost at the same time. If you want to say that in the magic world today, who has the deepest research on time magic, then in addition to the British wizarding world with time converters, it must be the American magic world with profound research on the theory of relativity.

Obviously, after knowing that Clark and the others possessed a time converter, they deliberately let those werewolves come here with the "Klein Bottle".

Those werewolves were just a little bit of a catalyst for their use of time-turners in this enclosed space, and it was all a trap designed by someone else.

"Then what should we do?" The two Clarks asked almost in unison.

The two looked at each other with a wry smile on their faces. In the end, the future Clark spoke first, "One person is short-sighted, we are one person, we can't discuss anything here, we might as well find more people to discuss. Down."

Together they looked out the window, where Hermione had just defeated the werewolf and was standing with Clark.

"But isn't time corrective? We appeared in front of Hermione like this and saved her, wouldn't there be any accident like the previous few times?" Clark in the past asked his own question.

"You also said that that was before. Now this small world has been temporarily independent of the long river of time. The so-called fate and fate are naturally chaotic and cannot be maintained."

However, at this time, it has transitioned to Hermione being attacked by the "Wolfman", and will soon face a time reset.

So after the two Clarks left the room, they waited patiently for the poor signal to reappear, then went straight to Hermione who was still in the room and stopped her from coming out to face the werewolf.

This time, nothing unexpected happened, but it took a while to explain what happened to Hermione.

"So, except for the two of you, we will all be resetting the cycle non-stop during this period of time?!"

Hermione looked at the two identical Clarks in front of her, almost suspiciously.

"No, correct me, not the two of us, but all of the 'me', 'we' will not be reset by time." Future Clark corrected her.

"This is unscientific! If it goes on like this, there will be countless you in this world. This is simply nothing." Hermione shouted.

The two Clarks said quietly, "It's really not science, it's magic."

Hermione was speechless, and then the future Clark said, "Time is running out, let's discuss first, how to safely break this time loop."

He and his past self looked at Hermione together. They had communicated a lot before, and now it was to see if Hermione had any ideas.

This clever little mage did not disappoint them, and provided them with some ideas from another direction.

"I speak in the Magu family, so I don't have much research on time magic.

But from what you said, those Americans not only combined science and magic to a certain extent, but also invented alchemy tools like the 'Klein bottle' just now.

This shows that for 'time', in addition to magic, science can also be used as a reference, right? "

The two Clarks looked at each other with surprise in their eyes, which greatly enhanced Hermione's confidence.

"Have you heard the concept of entropy?"

The future Clark nodded, "Entropy has several meanings, but listening to you, it should be a concept that describes the degree of chaos in a system, right?"

"Well." Hermione carefully recalled the contents of the books she had read during her vacation.

"In the subconcept of entropy, there is a term called 'heat death', which means that in a closed system, entropy increases over time, from order to disorder.

When the entropy in a closed system increases to the extreme, so that there is no entropy to increase, the entire world will fall into a "heat death" at this time, reaching the so-called thermal equilibrium, which is equivalent to the destruction of the world. "

Hermione looked at them.

"The situation we are facing now is very similar to this, isn't it? The closed time and space are facing destruction, and what you have to do now is to find a solution to the 'heat death'."

After listening to the past Clark, he said weakly, "I'm a wizard, shouldn't this be the subject of Nobel Prize winners' research?"

The future he took a breath, "Accurately speaking, this has gone beyond the scope of the Nobel Prize, because this is always a hypothetical topic, and no one can design a 'closed universe' experimental conditions."

Having said that, he looked at his past self.

"The universe is too big, and the time for heat death to occur is too long, unless it is the God of Creation, there are conditions to study this.

Therefore, this subject of physics has also spread to the fields of philosophy, theology, and even mysticism. Everyone expects to solve this problem that may lead to the destruction of the universe from other angles. "

"Hey, it's a coincidence that although we are not the creator gods, we just have this condition to win the Nobel Prize." Clark said with a smile in the past, "Of course, the premise is, how do we solve this **** entropy increase now. question."

"How about opening this 'closed system'," Hermione suggested, "Let's connect with the long river of time outside."


"The 'Heat Death Hypothesis' has a fatal flaw~www.readwn.com~ that requires an absolutely 'closed system'.

Just like the small world we are in now, there should be all kinds of coincidences to make the whole small world "closed", so no matter how hard we try, we will eventually usher in a "heat death" and usher in the final destruction. "

Hermione said triumphantly.

"But if you can open this 'closed small world' and introduce a new flow of entropy from the outside, you can reduce the total entropy of the system, and in a sense, complete the entropy inversion, then Did it solve our predicament?"

The two Clarks fell into contemplation, and finally the future he said:

"The word 'open' is inaccurate, because if the 'closed small world' is merely opened from the outside, then the total entropy is not necessarily introduced into a new entropy flow, but may also be leaked out, which requires two systems The entropy difference between them is determined.

Therefore, it should be 'creation'. We need to create something out of nothing in this 'closed small world', open up a new timeline, form a new order, or maintain the development of this small world, so as to complete anti-entropy. "

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