Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 6 Chapter 63: Concealing the sky and crossing the sea, the accident is reborn

At the door of the spacious gourmet shop, Hermione was standing with a magic book in her arms.

In front of her were two evil werewolves who had been knocked unconscious by lightning magic.

At this moment, the fireball of dragon flames spewed by Norberta fell from the sky, blowing up the fragile houses around it, attracting Hermione's attention.

At this moment, a werewolf who was stunned on the ground gradually woke up from the coma.

"This is too ruthless!" The werewolf who had just woken up only felt that his muscles were sore and numb, as if countless steel needles were stuck in the flesh.

Not only that, because of numbness, he wanted to move, but found that his limbs were tied back by alchemy ropes, which made him fall to the ground, unable to move.

So the werewolf could only continue to close his eyes and pretend that he had not woken up yet. He was waiting for an opportunity, and this opportunity would come soon.

With the efforts of everyone, the riots in Huolong Park were quickly calmed down. If it weren't for the smoke curling up from the ruins of the buildings on both sides of the avenue, I'm afraid no one would know that this place was just attacked by the evil creature werewolf.

In this case, Hermione also boldly relaxed her vigilance. She waited patiently and soon saw a familiar figure running towards her not far away, it was Clark!

Hermione stretched out her right hand and waved, wanting to say hello to him, and at this moment, she saw from a distance Clark, who was running over, had a mixed look of shock and fear on his face.

what's the situation?

Before Hermione could react, she felt a burly body pounce from the side and push her to the ground.


The panic-stricken Hermione struggled to resist. At this moment, her confidence and pride disappeared completely, and she even forgot to use spells.

But her resistance was doomed to be in vain. The big man who pushed her down changed for a while, hair grew on his skin, and his head turned into a wolf's head.

He opened his **** mouth at Hermione, and then under the desperate gaze of the other party, he bit down on her neck.

"stop it!"

Clark's anxious voice came from not far away, but the physical pain had made Hermione's heart sink to the bottom.

This is a werewolf! Cursed werewolf!

The intense pain mixed with despair made Hermione faint.

After the werewolf saw it, he didn't bother, just turned his head and ran, jumping into the lake by the street before Clark came after him.

This lake is very big, and the water is very deep. Fortunately, after the werewolf transforms, it can be regarded as a canine animal, and it still has a bonus for swimming.

Soon he swam to the opposite bank in a dog-planing position, and then got into the woods.

blah blah blah! blah blah blah!

The lake water ran down the fur, leaving wet footprints on the ground.

After the werewolf went ashore, it seemed that because of the time to transform, his body began to shrink.

It's just that after his body has shrunk to a normal body, it has not stopped, but continues to shrink.

In the end, the werewolf shrunk in size and became like a child, and then it stopped.

Sunlight cast mottled spots of light through the gaps between the branches and leaves of the trees, projecting on the werewolf's face. If someone was also in the woods at this time, you could see that this werewolf was none other than Clark!

Yes, that's exactly what Clark came up with to save Hermione-

Since it can't change the "history" of Hermione being bitten by a werewolf, why not change the way of thinking, must the one who bit Hermione be a werewolf?

If it wasn't a werewolf who bit Hermione, then she wouldn't be a problem even if she was bitten.

With this thought in mind, Clark stayed in the reception hall after crossing back, waiting for the werewolf to arrive.

Then he used his psionic power to control the werewolf that would bite Hermione, so that he would be separated from the large group, and then used the ability of [Super Transformation] to transform himself into the appearance of the werewolf and mix into their team.

Everything that followed was very simple. Clark disguised as a werewolf and rushed into the Fire Dragon Park, pretending to be knocked down and captured by Hermione.

The alchemy rope used to bind him was also under his control, and when the time was right, he used the ability of [Super Transformation] to transform into a werewolf, knocking down and biting Hermione.

Therefore, in the "real" history, the one who bit Hermione was actually Clark disguised as a werewolf. In this case, the injured Hermione would not become a werewolf at all.

Thinking of this, Clark was completely relieved.

He dawdled in the woods for a while, guessing that "self" at this moment should have used the time switch, trying to go back to the past to save Hermione, and then secretly ran back to the room where Hermione was resting.

Pushing open the door, Hermione was still lying on the bed with a pale face, but it could be seen that her breathing became much calmer and her face regained a little luster.

Obviously, under the influence of magic, her injury is developing in a good direction.

Clark sat by Hermione's bed, quietly with her.

Seemingly feeling Clark's gaze, Hermione's eyelashes fluttered slightly, and then slowly opened her eyes.

Her eyes were empty and weak, and after a while, they gradually focused on Clark's face.

"What's wrong with me?"

Hermione opened her mouth to ask a question, and soon she came back to her senses and remembered how she was attacked.

"Werewolf! That werewolf, he bit me!" Hermione's voice was full of tears. She reached out and tried to touch the wound on her neck.

Seeing this, Clark hurriedly held her small hand in the air, "Don't worry, I'm here, it's fine."

Hermione's cold little hands were full of sweat, and she held them so tightly that she seemed to have exhausted all her strength.

Clark squeezed back with the same force, as if it would give her more energy.

"Am I going to turn into a werewolf? Like Professor Lupin?" Hermione's mood was very low, and when she thought about her life as a werewolf, she felt that the days ahead had no glory.

"No," Clark laughed suddenly, and Hermione was very surprised by the happy look. He was still like this, how could he still laugh?

When Clark saw Hermione's appearance, he laughed even more happily, and finally, when the opponent was a little wild, he told the whole thing.

Hermione was also shocked when she heard Clark's story. She didn't expect that in such a period of time, so many things happened.

In order to save her, Clark took a great risk.

Fortunately, all of this has been passed without any danger, and even Clark has cleverly blinded "history".

"So, I won't become a werewolf anymore?" Hermione asked Clark, touching the scar on her neck.

After seeing Clark nodding, she suddenly reacted again, "So, you were biting me just now!"

Hermione looked at Clark angrily, her face very ugly.

"It's urgent, I'm not here to save you." Clark touched his nose awkwardly.

Seeing him like this, Hermione couldn't hold back, she burst out laughing, her complexion changed quickly, showing her instinctive talent as a woman.

"Hahaha, I'm teasing you, I'm just taking a bite..." Hermione's cheeks turned red unconsciously.

The two looked at each other and smiled, only to feel that the sunlight shining in from the window became a little brighter.

Suddenly, Hermione reached out and touched the top of her head.

"What's the matter, what's wrong?" Clark asked.

Hermione shook her head and spread her palms out. There was only some small yellow sand in her palms, "No, it's just that some sand fell on top of her head."

Clark looked at her palm after hearing the words, then raised his head and looked at the roof strangely.

The rooms of these merchants are all wooden ceilings, and they have only been completed, so how can there be sand.

It's just that after he looked at it, he didn't find anything unusual, so he left it behind.

At this time, Hermione's injury was much better because Clark cast [Rejuvenation] on her.

The little girl didn't want to lie down any longer, and Clark also needed to come forward to clean up the mess in the Fire Dragon Park. The two hit it off. He lifted Hermione up and prepared to go out first.

However, the moment Clark's arm touched Hermione, the scene in front of them shocked both of them.

I saw that from Hermione's fingertips, a little bit of fine dust began to fall off and drift away.

These dust particles were inconspicuous at first, but as time passed, more and more dust particles scattered, Hermione's fingertips, palms, and even the entire forearm began to gradually dissipate.

"Do not!"

Clark's eyes widened, staring in horror at the scene in front of him, reaching out to grab Hermione, and at the same time throwing all kinds of psionic powers on her, whether useful or useless.

"Save her! Save her!"

However, it was all in vain, Hermione's body dissipated without his will, no matter how hard he tried to keep it.

So in Hermione's desperate eyes, Clark could only watch his beloved friend disappear into the air, leaving only a lonely back holding the air.

It was also at the moment Hermione dissipated that the wall panels, tables and chairs, beds around Clark, and even the sunlight shining in from the window began to flicker.

In that way, it is like a TV with poor signal, and it is like a mirror that has been knocked into many pieces, each mirror showing roughly the same scene, but slightly different in details, and then pieced together. .

It's just that this change came and disappeared quickly. Clark, who was immersed in grief, didn't have time to observe carefully, and the strange phenomenon disappeared again.

That is, after this change disappeared, bursts of noise suddenly came from outside the house, awakening the sad Clark.

He got up in confusion, pushed the door, walked out of the room, and the next moment, the scene in front of him shattered his three views again.

I saw people coming and going on the street outside the house, and there was constant noise. The adults were running around with their children to avoid them. At the same time, more students stretched their necks to look at the distant mountainside.

There, a huge explosion accompanied the rising of smoke and dust, which was not a good thing at first sight.


Clark even began to wonder if he had misused the time converter. The scene in front of him was so familiar. This was the beginning of the dragon farm being attacked.

He reached out and took out the two time-turners from his trousers pocket, and saw that one of the hourglasses was empty, while the other had quite a few golden sand grains, which were still the same as the last time he used them.

There is no problem with the time converter, but looking at the surrounding houses and shops that have not been blown up by the fireball, this is all to prove that even if the time converter is not used, he still travels back to a few hours ago, when the attack just happened. .

Clark's face became solemn, and the scenes in front of him made him have bad guesses.

He hid in the shadows again, watching what he had experienced countless times before happen again, this time he completely incarnated as a bystander.

Soon, the development of the story came to an end, and Clark saw a "self" crawling into the room with Hermione in his arms, and after a while, another "me" crawled in again.

Soon after the "self" in the back entered, that strange sense of bad signal appeared again.

It's just that Clark, who was standing outside the house this time, could see it clearly. The street that had been empty because of the attack, accompanied by the feeling of spatial confusion, there were many tourists again.

Then, on the mountainside not far away, smoke and explosions also came at the same time.

Time, reset again!

Clark looked at the house not far away, and "self" came out with a shocked face, suddenly moved in his heart, and took the initiative to walk forward.


Clark, who had just walked out of the room, was looking at the scene after the reset outside the room with a shocked expression. He suddenly felt that someone was approaching him behind him, and he quickly raised his vigilance.

"It's me." The visitor took off his black hood, revealing a face with the same face as him.

He glanced at the man ~www.readwn.com~ in the same dress and expression, except for the different postures, the two of them seemed to be looking in the mirror face to face.

"Me in the future? When did you come back?" Clark looked around cautiously, opened the door, and welcomed the other self in.

"Maybe a few hours ago, or a few hours later." The future he entered the room and sat down in front of Clark casually, "I can't figure it out either, obviously, we committed a huge Wrong, time here - we've messed it up."

"We? Made a mess?" After all, with the same wisdom, Clark, who had just experienced a time reset, quickly understood the meaning of his words in the future.

"You're saying this is all because of the time-turner we're using?"

"No," nodded Clark from the future, then shook his head again, "part of our reason for this, but also part of the American reason, I think."


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