Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 4 Chapter 21: Distress in Transfiguration

Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration classes were always hard for Harry, and today was extra hard.

"Today, we're going to learn how to transform a beetle into a button."

Professor McGonagall, wearing glasses and her hair tightly tied into a small bun, stood before the podium, telling about their lesson for the day

Last year, they had already learned how to turn one dead thing into another, and this year, they were going to take it a step further and learn the rudimentary Transfiguration.

"Transformation of living creatures, whether it is from living to dead, or from dead to living, or from one kind of living creature to another, is a very dangerous spell in polymorphism."

"Then can someone tell me where they are at risk? Why?"

Faced with such a profound theoretical question, even Hermione did not raise her hand. In the entire classroom, Clark was the only one who knew the answer.

"The greatest danger of Living Body Transfiguration lies in its uncontrollability, and the cause of this problem is the soul!

We all know that the soul is unique, and any magic involving the soul is dangerous.

Because the soul is in a higher dimension than the physical world, we cannot observe it and therefore cannot control it.

Throughout the ages, there have been many magical creatures because of the abuse of living body polymorphism by wizards, which caused the bodies of magical creatures they deformed to be occupied by some higher-dimensional spiritual creatures, thus descending into the material world, causing great trouble.

Therefore, in the face of living polymorphism, we must be cautious. "

"Good answer, although it is a little dogmatic, but at least it proves that you have expanded, Gryffindor plus five points."

【Ding! You have successfully used the 'Education' skill, imparting some strange knowledge to the other party, and experience +10. 】

Clark frowned, and he found that his [educational] effect of answering questions in class was getting worse and worse.

Professor McGonagall nodded to let him sit down, then waved his wand, and on the blackboard behind him appeared several basic laws of Gamp's transformation that they would use in today's lesson:

The second rule is that magical creatures and magical items cannot be deformed.

Because magic power comes from the soul, magic power can only be transferred, and cannot be increased or decreased. Any attempt to transform a living creature into a magical creature risks endangering its own magic power and soul.

Article 4: Transfiguration cannot be used on items with magic.

In the same way as item 2, Transfiguration does not work on items with magical powers, including your automatic quills, thermogenic cauldrons, broomsticks, and magical coins such as gold Galleons.

"So, in this class, I hope you can put away your imagination that day, observe carefully, and then cast spells. Although with your superficial magic, you can't create any big danger, but I don't want to see it. My own students made a big joke."

After speaking, Professor McGonagall gave all the little wizards a beetle the size of a coin and let them start.

As a result, all kinds of strange movements occurred throughout the classroom.

After a summer vacation, Harry seemed to have left all his homework from last year at home. After a long time, he just let his beetle exercise his body.

Hermione's beetle was very active, scurrying around the table dodging her wand, and she couldn't pinpoint it.

And Neville, who managed to enlarge his Beetle so much that Parvati Patil, who was sitting next to him, screamed in horror.

There is also the explosion maniac Seamo, this time he still did not disappoint, he successfully exploded his Beetle, and the white slurry splashed everywhere.

Ron was even more unlucky, because of the speeding incident last night, his wand was almost broken in two, with only a few strands of wood in the middle.

Now he borrowed some magic tape and repaired the wand, but it didn't seem to be able to repair it, and the broken part of the wand cracked and sparked from time to time.

Every time Ron tried to deform the beetle, he was immediately surrounded by a thick gray smoke that smelled of rotten eggs.

He couldn't see clearly, and his elbows moved randomly, squashing the beetle, and he had to go for another one, much to Professor McGonagall's delight.

Of course all of this is no match for Clark. Because he has no magic at all.

Changing the shape of matter belongs to the mind creation department in the Psion, and the mind enchanting department he learned is better at playing with the soul and will.

Although he can also use experience points to learn psionic powers across departments, but now he only has 371 experience points on his account, which is simply not enough for him to exchange the level 1 ability [Change Shape] of the Psychic Creation Department.

Clark added the experience points to his task list as soon as possible, and then he could only pretend to wave his wand and let his beetle jump up and down under the action of [Manipulating Small Objects].

This kind of lame behavior naturally caught Hermione's attention.

"Why can't you, Clark?"

Clark glared at her, "A man can't say no! I just have a problem with my magic power, and I can't use Transfiguration for the time being."

Hermione grinned and laughed, "That's a pity, didn't you get the first place in this year's Transfiguration exam? But it doesn't matter, you see my Transfiguration isn't very good."

That's what she said, but Clark knew that she was better at rolling than anyone else, and in just half a class, she made rapid progress.

The body of the beetle had been turned into a button by her, but there were still a few legs under it, and it continued to crawl on the table.

Clark could only continue to compete with his beetle. He wanted to use [Control Small Objects] to pinch the beetle into a button shape, but too much force squeezed the beetle into a ball.

"Clarke ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ is there something wrong? I noticed that you don't seem to be in shape today."

Professor McGonagall also seemed to have discovered Clark's abnormality, walked to his side, and asked his proud disciple with concern.

"Sorry!" Clark had to pretend to be sad. "Professor, you know, that incident last semester made my magic power a bit uncontrollable."

As Vice-Chancellor, Professor McGonagall naturally knew something about what happened at the end of last semester.

Although she didn't know the specific details, she also knew that Clark's magic was influenced by Voldemort, which also made her criticize Dumbledore's arrangement. After all, Clark was one of Gryffindor's best students.

So for the next time, until the lunch bell rang, Clark rested comfortably under the envious eyes of Harry and Ron, watching how they tossed the beetle in front of them.

By the end of the Transfiguration class, Hermione had made a beautiful button out of a beetle, and only Ron was still banging his wand on the table angrily, complaining about his bad wand.

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