Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 4 Chapter 20: Inspiration in Herbal Class

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First day of school.

The first class for second-year students is herbal medicine, and Gryffindor will be with Hufflepuff's little wizards.

After breakfast, Clark didn't even bother to listen to the roaring letter with Ron, turned around and left the auditorium with Hermione.

Behind them, Aunt Molly's deafening roar could be heard even a few corridors away, and Hermione shook her head helplessly.

"It seems that what you said is correct. These two guys are really not very reliable. Fortunately, you didn't tell them our plan."

Clark led the way, and the two walked together towards the greenhouse at the back of the castle, where various magical plants were cultivated, and it was the place where herbal lessons were taught.

"I saw you coming with Neville this morning. How's it going, have you spoken to him?"

A teenager who has entered adolescence, grows and develops very quickly. In just over a month of vacation, Clark is much taller than Hermione, which makes him have to slow down so that Hermione can keep up with his pace.

"Not yet," Hermione looked at Clark, who was a head taller than herself, "I just mentioned to him on the way here and said that you need to find someone for help, and he signed up bravely."

"Then what do you think of him?"

Hermione hesitated for a while, then the two walked down the steps and crossed the green lawn. Several glasshouses not far away were already in sight, and some students who also came to the herbal medicine class were walking there.

This means that their chat can be over.

"I think he can. Neville is honest but courageous and kind. Although he is not very clever, his personality is not flamboyant. We can definitely consider including him in our plan."

Hermione expressed her opinion, Clark pondered for a while, nodded, and agreed, "That's fine, I'll invite him over there."

Saying that, they approached the greenhouse and saw that other students were standing outside waiting for Professor Sprout.

As soon as Clark and Hermione joined in, they saw Professor Sprout striding across the lawn, with Lockhart by her side.

Professor Sprout had a lot of bandages on his arms. Clark saw from a distance that the branches of the beating willow were hanging with bandages. Obviously, it should be a good thing Harry and Ron did last night.

As head of Hufflepuff, Professor Sprout is a squat witch.

On her fluffy hair of the same style as Hermione, she wore a hat with many patches all the year round, and there was always a lot of dirt stuck on her clothes, which made her look very down-to-earth.

And Lockhart, who was standing beside her, was spotless from head to toe, wearing a flowing turquoise robe, and wearing a turquoise top hat with her gleaming blond hair upright.

"Oh, how are you guys!" Lockhart greeted the students with a radiant face, telling how he instructed Professor Sprout to treat the beating Liu.

This made Professor Sprout's face a little ugly, with an uncharacteristically pleasant demeanor.

"To the third greenhouse today!"

The little wizard followed behind the professor and whispered excitedly.

They had only been in the first greenhouse before, because the plants in the third greenhouse were more interesting and more dangerous, and they could not enter without the permission of the professor.

Clark followed the other little wizards into the room, and the smell of damp soil and dragon dung manure immediately hit his face, which was also mixed with a strong floral fragrance.

The flowers planted in the third greenhouse are all the size of umbrellas, and some are hanging from the ceiling, looking like a giant mouth, ready to be eaten at any time.

"Harry! I've been meaning to talk to you..."

Clark heard Lockhart leaving Harry outside, which made Professor Sprout look even more ugly and spoke a little louder.

"Today we are going to repot the mandrake. Who can tell me now, what are the characteristics of the mandrake?"

Hermione was almost the first to raise her hand, which was expected by everyone, but Clark, who didn't raise his hand, surprised everyone.

"Mandela, also known as Mandrake root, is often used to make a powerful restorative."

Hermione glanced at Clark proudly, and said ostentatiously, "This kind of restorative agent can restore people who have been affected by negative magic to their original state."

"Very good, five points for Gryffindor," Professor Sprout said. "Mandela is an important part of most antidotes, but it's also dangerous. Can anyone tell me why?"

Hermione raised her hand again, as if she was afraid that Clark would grab her, but this time, Clark didn't raise her hand again.

"Hearing a mandrake cry will kill you," she almost blurted out.

"Exactly, five more points."

Professor Sprout had just finished speaking, but Clark raised his hand unhurriedly.


"I'll add a few more points," Clark stood up, making Hermione glared at him.

"As one of the oldest and most magical medicinal plants, mandrake is not only a cry that kills people, but every part of it is also poisonous, whether it is rhizomes, branches and leaves or flowers, fruits, all with Has a powerful hypnotic and hallucinogenic effect.

In addition, like Chinese Shouwu and ginseng, the root potion of Mandrake is naturally the alchemy 'the sun is the father, the moon is the mother, nurtured by the wind, and nourished by the earth' 's best portrayal.

Therefore, they are also very easy to breed spirituality, and some ancient religious groups often dried their rhizomes to make amulets to use the spirituality in them to promote fertility. "

【Ding! You have successfully used the 'Education' skill, imparting some strange knowledge to the other party, and experience +10. 】

Clark ignored the system's prompts because he suddenly had inspiration.

Recently, he has been thinking about how to carry out a weakened version of the ritual of returning to Taiyi to help Hermione and the others "resurrect from the dead", so as to eliminate the influence of the magic of chaos and obtain the profession of Faerun.

And today's mandrake, a healing herb that contains natural life and spirituality, can fully play a "resurrection" effect.

The question now is, how to make Hermione and the others fall into a state that is infinitely close to "death"~www.wuxiamtl.com~ The addition is very good, and give Gryffindor another 10 points. "Professor Sprout's words interrupted Clark's contemplation, and he had no choice but to concentrate on listening to the class.

"Look, our mandrakes are still very young..."

Under the guidance of Professor Sprout, they put on earmuffs and began to go all out to deal with the mandrakes.

It's not an easy job, because these magical herbs with spiritual roots that look like ugly babies don't like being pulled out of the ground.

They twisted their bodies in the hands of the little wizard, kicked their feet, waved their pointed roots, and gnashed their teeth.

This caused Clark, like the other students, to be sweating profusely, backache, and covered in mud when the get out of class was over.

In the end, they had to drag their tired bodies and go back to the castle to take a shower before rushing to the Transfiguration class.

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