Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 3 Chapter 37: Up and down wishful thinking, too 1 miracle

"You told me once."

Clark looked at Nick LeMay.

"The symbols of the gods handed down from ancient times have multiple meanings that can correspond to their own patterns. They are pictographs, and each symbol may contain a large section of mysticism, or even a specific magic ritual.

So can I think so, those myths and stories handed down from ancient times also contain some so-called meaning. In other words, every move and every behavior of those gods has some kind of occult ritual power.

It's just because of the age, and because mortals cannot understand the power of gods, they have made their own imaginary processing of the stories, which makes those stories deviate from their own reality. "

"Clap clap clap!" Nick Lemay cheered up, watching Clark clapped.

"Yes, no, yes, it seems that Dumbledore has a good way of educating students, but I have to remind you that it is not mortals who have processed myths and stories, but all things involving gods are infected with knowledge. sex.

It is not a joke to not look directly at God. Just like the magic of wizards, with the vision of mortals, they can only see the content that involves the gods. If you think about it more, it will only bring them madness.

It’s like what you’re going to say, what you’re thinking about, and even what you’re thinking about. If the gods still exist in the Golden Age, you don’t need those gods that you talk about. You’ll be prying into the secrets of gods, and you’ll be deceived. Turned into a messy ball of meat. "

Hearing Nick LeMay's suggestion, Clark nodded. However, as the other party said, now is the Bronze Age when the gods have disappeared, and he doesn't have to worry about the troubles of the Egyptian gods who have disappeared in the long river of time.

"Based on this set of logic, let's look at these myths from a different angle and use the occult knowledge of wizards to re-look at these myths, then the revenge myths of Osiris, Set and Horus are very worth pondering.

First of all, we need to know that the position of Underworld God is a very powerful and important priesthood for any **** system, whether in the East or the West.

The death of Osiris, in our opinion, was very serious and tragic, but in the eyes of the gods, from the **** of abundance to the **** of the underworld, it was a promotion in the priesthood. "

"Not bad!" Nick Lemay affirmed Clark's statement, "Death is indeed one of the most important authorities in a pantheon."

"Life and death are endless, and only the priesthood of death can match Osiris with the priesthood of his wife, the goddess of fertility, Isis.

So from another angle, was Osiris really passively killed by his younger brother? Lying in a coffin, being thrown into the Nile, being dismembered after death, resurrected, and finally dying again. Will all of this be an incarnation ceremony to obtain the priesthood of death? "

Clark muttered slowly: "Rising from the ground to the sky, and then descending from the sky, gaining the ability to be above and below."

"If this sentence in "Cuiyulu" is placed here, life is likened to the earth, then death is ascending to heaven, and resurrection is descending from heaven. In this way, after dying first, you have acquired the ability to be above and below.

Thus below is as above, above as below; thus fulfill the miracle of the One. All things are originally the One, created from the One through differentiation.

Through the means of resurrection after death, Osiris returned to the state of Taiyi, re-selected the priesthood, and was promoted to become a more powerful **** of the underworld.

In the same way, his son Horus did not choose death.

The two father and son calculated the **** of war Seth to the death, and finally got what they wanted.

I found out before that Kuira, who succeeded in revenge, has a completely different mental state, her mind has become stronger, and the fluctuation of magic power is more stable.

If it weren't for me, at this time, she would have been regarded as the ceiling of the new generation of wizards in Europe. "

When Nick Lemay heard this, he laughed and said, "You are quite confident. This kind of inheritance ceremony is not so easy to implement. Even Kuira has been planning it since her grandfather's generation."

Clark looked at him, but he thought further in his heart. You must know that he had read the original Harry Potter books in his previous life.

The same "Return to the One" ceremony was completed by Voldemort in the fourth-grade Triwizard Tournament. He used the blood of his enemies, the bones of his father, and the flesh of his servants to successfully live from death.

And Harry Potter, at the end of the war of good and evil in the seventh grade, with the help of Dumbledore's backhand, repeated the resurrection after death, thus defeating Voldemort.

These two people can be said to have gone through the ceremony that Clark mentioned just now, and at the same time let him focus on this matter, and have a little grasp of the mystery of how the ceremony of "returning to the oneness" is carried out.

"So, what Kuira went through was actually arranged long ago? The revenge she wanted was just a magical ritual that others let her go through?" Clark asked curiously.

Nick Lemay fell into memory, "Yes, remember I told you that I once owed Elder Kuila's favor? That was her grandfather, the former Earl."

"At the beginning, he asked me to hope that among his descendants, a powerful sorcerer would be born to help their family continue to maintain the social transformation ~www.wuxiamtl.com~.

So I told him about the revenge ceremony, and as for the rest, he would naturally arrange it. "

"Is it worth sacrificing the lives of two generations for the so-called continuation of the family, so that the younger generations will turn against each other, kill each other and persecute each other? If there is a little bit of a gap in the middle, wouldn't it be a waste?" Clark felt very puzzled.

But Nick Lemay sneered at his statement, "You were born in a wizard family since you were a child, and you don't have such troubles, so naturally you say such things. Whether it is worth it depends only on the wishes of the parties, not by you. "

"The era when Grandpa Kuila lived was in the early days of World War I. The society was in turmoil, and the whole world was in deep trouble, even the wizards were no exception. Her grandpa naturally longed for future generations to have stronger power. You can protect your family. What's the problem?

Besides, how do you know that for the smooth execution of the whole thing, her grandfather did not leave behind? "

Nick LeMay's words reminded Clark of the bald butler of the Kuila family, so he was quite suspicious.

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