Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 3 Chapter 36: Soul true name, mythical ritual

"So, have you been deceived?"

"The outstanding students of Hogwarts were deceived by the outstanding students of Beauxbatons? Tsk tsk tsk, I really want to know what Dumbledore's expression would be if he heard the news."

It was the same ordinary study, and it was Clark and Nick Lemay.

The two sat opposite each other, looking at the old man in front of him who was shaking his head with a smug smile on his face.

He was sure that when the old man assigned himself the task, he must have known most of the inside story.

"I completed the task you explained, and the favor has also been paid for you. What about what you promised me?" Clark said angrily.

Nick LeMay looked at Clark, took off the ruby ​​ring he was wearing, and put it on the table.

"This magic stone fragment can fully provide the energy needed to activate the constructed soul."

Clark picked up the ring and found that it really contained a lot of life energy, exactly the same as the one he got at the end of the first grade, and quickly put it into his arms.

"And what else? How do I get a real name for the Constructed Soul."

The so-called "true name" is the name of the root of an intelligent life form, and it is his real representative symbol, not "you", not "me", and not a bad street name like "Zhang Wei". .

It's a formal definition, a concept, and in a world with supernatural powers, real names can even have magic powers.

In the knowledge Clarke obtained from Ogma's Godhead Fragment, there is some kind of legendary spell of the school of prophecy, which can use the coordinates of a person's real name to inherit and completely replace all the causes and effects of his existence. everything about this person.

And this is why in many legends, once you get the real name of a certain devil, you can easily enslave them.

So Clark was curious about what Nick Lemay would say. Is it like a parent naming a child, just call it a name and have a real name?

"I thought that after going through this incident, you would gain something." Nick Lemay looked at Clark with a smile while holding a teacup.

"This time! What is it? Kuira's revenge?"

Seeing Nick Lemay nodded, Clark fell into contemplation and began to review the whole thing. However, after thinking about it, he just got nowhere.

At this time, Nick Lemay's mouth began to utter some strange words.

"The sun is the father, the moon is the mother, born from the wind, and nourished by the earth."


"Here is the source of all perfection in the world; its power is most perfect on earth."

"Separate the soil from the fire, extract the essence from the rough, and act cautiously."

"Ascension from the earth to the sky, and descending from the sky, gaining the power of above and below."

"The Jade Record?"

"Everything is originally the One, and it was created from the One through differentiation."

"The lower is as the upper, and the upper is as the lower; thus fulfill the miracle of the One."

"The truth is not false, never lie, it must bring truth."

Like a thunder that exploded in his mind, Nick Lemay's words seemed to have turned into an invisible thread, linking his experience during this time, the spiritual emblem that Nick Lemay told him before, and the past in the family. The esoteric knowledge seen in the collection and the original Harry Potter books read in the previous life are all connected one by one.

"Vengeance, Rebirth, Soul, Hamlet, Eye of Horus, Ancient Egyptian Mythology, Osiris, Jade Record, Alchemy, Equivalent Exchange..."

Speaking of this, Clark paused for a moment, he looked towards the opposite side, and Nick Lemay nodded from him, motioning him to continue.

"Magic ritual is an alchemical magic ritual based on shaping the soul and revenge, which originated in ancient Egypt?" He gave his final guess.

Nick LeMay had a teachable smile on his face.

"It's not quite right, revenge is just an external situation, you have to see something more rooted."

"What is more rooted? The father is killed, and the children come to take revenge... I know, it is death and inheritance!" Clark suddenly realized.

"What do you know?" Nick Lemay asked, looking at him.

Clark organized the language in his mind, and then said his guess.

"The few sentences you just said are all recorded in the "Cuiyulu". This slate originated from ancient Egypt, and the legend records the earliest alchemy.

Also in ancient Egypt, there is also a myth about a prince avenging his father.

Legend has it that Osiris, the **** of fertility, was the first son of the ancient Egyptian earth **** Geb (male) and the **** Nut (female). He married his sister Isis, the goddess of fertility and magic. Egypt, leading the country to prosperity.

However, his younger brother Seth, the **** of war, was jealous of his brother's ability to rule the fertile land along the Nile River, so at a luxurious banquet, he designed his brother to be locked in a sealed coffin, thrown into the Nile River, and captured. his throne.

Osiris's wife, Isis, the goddess of fertility and magic, was like a bolt from the blue after knowing the news. She used powerful magic to take out the coffin in the bottomless Nile, but Osiris was already dead at this time. .

Isis, the goddess of magic, hid the body of Osiris in the swamp in an attempt to resurrect her husband, but this move was discovered by Seth, who was out hunting. Seth hurriedly cut Osiris's body into 14 pieces and hid them in all over Egypt.

Although Isis found the thirteen corpses of Osiris again, the most important corpse, the **** of Osiris, was eaten by the fish.

Although the most important part of a man is gone, this does not affect the resurrection of Osiris, and under the influence of the fertility priesthood of Isis, the resurrected Osiris still helps his wife conceive a child.

It's just that Osiris was resurrected for one night and returned to the underworld, becoming the supreme ruler of the underworld - the **** of the underworld.

The pregnant goddess of magic, Isis, gave birth to their child, Horus, **** of the sky.

In the end, in order to avenge his father Osiris, Horus, the **** of the sky, avenged his uncle Seth, the **** of war, and successfully defeated him and regained the throne of Egypt. "

Having said that, Clark glanced at Nick Lemay, saw that he was squinting and drowsy, and said quickly.

"This can be said to be the earliest prince's revenge. The later "Hamlet" and what Kuira did, it is not difficult to see that there are shadows of this myth.

All of them have their rights usurped by their relatives due to the death of their fathers, while their children have gone through hardships and regained their rights from those who usurped power. "

"So, why go through such a setback?"

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