Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 3 Chapter 34: Great revenge, riches and grievances

Clark imprisoned the bald butler with [Shock and Deterrence], turned his head to look, and saw the other side, Kuira also successfully used the more realistic phantom magic, matched with his own magic costume, deceived the curse, and successfully defeated The dark wizard.

As a result, only the Countess was left alone on the field.

She looked at Kuira, who was staring at her, her legs trembled, and she almost knelt down. Then she seemed to remember something, straightened her back, and took out the metal whistle that could summon a phantom dog. Blowing with maximum force.

Invisible infrasound waves spread out in circles, echoing and spreading throughout the castle.

"Crack, snap, snap."

"Crack, snap, snap."

Countless apparitions were heard incessantly, and one after another phantom dogs with black and white spots appeared in every corner of the hall.

In the end, a full 101 phantom dogs almost filled the entire hall, and even two were lying on the chandelier in the center of the hall.

The guests in the room were all startled by these hounds that suddenly appeared, and they all crowded into the corner, not daring to move.

The countess looked at these little guys who responded to her call and said viciously to Kuira: "It's not that easy to catch me, you'd better play with these little ones of mine first."

With that, she turned around and fled from the back door to the outside yard. There, one of her cars was parked, and as long as she crossed the yard, she could get in the car and get out of here.

As for what to do after escaping, it was too late for her to think about that, anyway, she still had a lot of money in the Swiss bank.

What if the video was made public? In this society, the people who can control her life and death have never been those low-level assholes. As long as she has money, as long as she does not die, relying on the network power accumulated in the past, and hiring a better lawyer, she can always get through this. Zed, in the end, it's not a makeover and continue to live a dashing and comfortable life.

Unfortunately, just as she was about to run to the big iron gate in the back garden, the next moment, two phantom dogs suddenly appeared in front of her, blocking her way.

"Get out, don't get in the way! You bastards, get out of the way!" The Countess yelled loudly at the two phantom dogs blocking the way.

However, this time, they didn't obey her orders obediently. Instead, they split their mouths at her, exposing their sharp teeth, and making a threatening sound of "woo woo woo".

The so-called biting dogs do not bark, and the Countess who is familiar with them certainly knows that this is their last move before they pounce on the enemy.

She had seen with her own eyes how the hounds, after making low, threatening noises, jumped up and bit their prey's throat.

Therefore, the countess subconsciously took a step back, and at the same time stuffed the whistle into her mouth and blew it forcefully.

However, the two phantom dogs did not obey her command. Instead, more phantom dogs teleported in front of her and drove her back little by little. When all 101 phantom dogs appeared in front of her, she There is no going back.

Under the railing behind her was the abyss. At such a close distance, she could even hear the thunderous roar of the water slapping against the rock wall under the cliff.

In this desperate situation, Kuira walked out of the back door alone.

A red light spread from the ruby ​​necklace hanging around her neck. Those phantom dogs, who were grinning and ready to pounce on the Countess at any time, obediently gave way to the red light. On the side, he leaned down and expressed his surrender to Kuira.

Kuira was so arrogant as a queen, and walked to the countess without any hindrance.

"how is this possible?"

The countess's eyes widened and she was completely stunned by the scene in front of her. These phantom dogs were secret weapons bred by the earl family since childhood, so they should only obey the whistle.

"Why? Why did you even betray me and obey the orders of an outsider?"

It's a pity that these phantom dogs can't understand her human words, and the countess doesn't understand dogs bark either. At this moment, they are no longer playthings of the countess, but soldiers under Kuila.

"Is it strange?"

The enemy is right in front of him, and he has an excellent advantage. On the contrary, Kuira is more and more calm. Only in those big bright eyes, the flame of revenge can be seen burning.

"Because I am also the owner of this castle! This ancestral ruby ​​necklace is the key to our family's control of this castle. Only the direct bloodline of the earl's family can activate and use it, and your whistle is nothing more than a whistle in the castle. A tamer's tool."

Kuira kindly explained to the countess, but it made her even more difficult to accept.

"Impossible, how is it possible, I am the master of this castle, I am the countess!"

The guests in the hall also gathered together at the door, by the window, and secretly observed the situation outside.

This made the countess feel a little better, at least she thought that in the eyes of the public, Kuila would probably not kill her.

But sometimes, killing the heart is more powerful than killing.

Kuira raised her chest, her black coat, snow-white skin, and the ruby ​​in the ravine looked so dazzling in the moonlight.

"Accordingly, I have to call you a stepmother~www.wuxiamtl.com~ When this remark came out, everyone present was surprised, even Clark, who was shocked by Kuira's revelation. .

"The stepdaughter of a wealthy family was driven out by her stepmother, and she returned after many years to take revenge and staged the grudge of the wealthy family"

This is tomorrow's front page headlines!

"In those days, it was you who confused my father and drove us away. It was you again, when my mother came back to ask my father for help, you commanded the hound to push her off the cliff. It was you, in When his career was threatened, he tied me to a chair and tried to set me on fire."

Every time Kuila said, the countess's face turned pale, she kept shaking her head, facing Kuyla's accusation, she couldn't say a word to refute.

"Now I'm back!"

"I've come to take revenge on you with all my hatred. I'm going to ruin your career, ruin your reputation, and ruin your power. I'm going to take it all back, I'm going to take back everything that belongs to me!"

The vicious language was shot at the countess like a sharp arrow, and Kuira had been waiting for this moment for ten years.

The ferocious hounds around, the brightly lit castle behind, and the guests watching in front of the castle, in the eyes of the Countess, all became the background of Kuira.

She felt as if she was being isolated and targeted by everyone, which put a lot of pressure on him.

"No! No! No! Kuira, no, I didn't kill your mother, believe me, that's not what I did, I'm your only relative in this world," the countess pleaded.

But there was only one answer to her.

"I have no relatives, and I have always been alone."

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