Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 3 Chapter 33: Fake feelings, internal and external influences

The moment the bald butler jumped back, he regretted it.

He should have smashed the opponent's head with his fists. After all, his strong chest muscles covered with iron-blooded vindictiveness can withstand such small bullets.

At this time, he retreated and distanced himself from an enemy who was using firearms, but he fell into a more passive situation.

But the next moment, he felt a little puzzled. The gunshots had been ringing for so long, why hadn't he been shot yet?

When he looked at Clark again, a nameless anger immediately burned to the top of his head, turning his bright skull red with anger.

It turned out that the pistol that Clark was holding, at the moment, the muzzle was spewing out a small flame, what kind of gun is this, it is clearly a lighter in the shape of a pistol!

It's just that this pistol lighter is so realistic that it looks like a real gun at first glance.

"Uncle, it's just a lighter, what are you doing with such a big reaction?"

Clark seemed to think that the excitement was not enough, and made fun of the other party in his words.

But the bald butler was still puzzled. He clearly heard the sound of gunshots, and the biting sense of crisis would never go wrong. This was a physical instinct that he developed after hard training.

However, he didn't know that Kuira's profession was [Psion Telepath] who was good at manipulating people's hearts, and because of the articles reported earlier, he successively gained 669 experience points.

So before tonight, he raised his occupation level to level 5. Although this level neither rewards attribute points nor specialties, he still successfully unlocked level 3 psionic power.

The ability that was used to mislead the bald butler just now and make him judge wrong was his newly acquired ability [Fake Sense].

[Forged feeling]: Level 3 ability, consumes 5 points of psionic energy, you can confuse the enemy's senses and control a certain feeling of them through the outward psychic energy. The effect is affected by the intelligence gap between the two sides, and the more familiar you are with a feeling, the more realistic the simulation feels. Duration 16 (Intelligence) seconds.

With this ability, he is proficient enough in pistol shooting, and Clark added all the skill points obtained by upgrading to [Buffing] and [Negotiation], which successfully deceived the bald butler and inspired him. Instinct made him think Clark was holding a real gun.

As for the punch that missed at the beginning, it was also Clark who faked his visual senses and shifted his image a little to the side.

Although the bald butler doesn't know the specific reason, he also knows that all this must be caused by Clark. Suppressing his anger, he rushed up again.

Clark still raised the pistol and lighter, but this time the bald butler would not be fooled. He stared at Clark, his eyes unblinking, and his fist was deflected three points to the right. Obviously, he I also found my visual problems.

However, Clark's method is more than this. Facing the enemy who was charging, he pulled the trigger again, and the bright flame ignited at the muzzle, and then turned into a fiery flame and sprayed it towards the opponent.

The bald butler could see the color of the flame and feel the temperature of the flame on his skin, but he kept telling himself in his heart that it was fake! This is fake! He continued to throw his fist at Clark, without any intention of evading or retreating.

What Clark wanted was his reaction. When the flames approached, the bald butler did not feel the burning sensation of the flames coming from his body, but a strange energy instantly took over his whole body. It cut off the connection between his consciousness and his body, and made him stand there stiffly.

Obviously the other party doesn't have a wand, and he hasn't chanted a magic spell. At such a young age, can he cast spells silently without a wand?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

The bald butler kept hypnotizing himself in his heart, this is also fake, this is also fake, hurry up.

However, he did not know that this was the level 2 psionic power [Shock and Stun] that Clark obtained when he reached the fourth level.

Instead, he stared at Clark, and the weird striped suit on the other side gradually enlarged and enlarged in front of his eyes. Finally, those black and white stripes spun, waved, twisted, spread, and surrounded in his eyes.

And his whole person is falling, sinking, and indistinguishable in this bizarre and bizarre way...

Looking at the bald butler whose eyes gradually blurred, Clark was relieved.

You must know that this magical costume on his body, but after in-depth communication with Kuira, a set of magical costumes specially designed and sewn by the other party for his psychic ability to confuse the mind. Enemy's psychic resistance, thereby enhancing the effects of psionic powers.

It was this close contact and participation in the production of magic costumes that Clark realized how the Beauxbatons School of Magic on the French magic world helped the little wizards resist the influence of the magic of chaos without separating them~ www.wuxiamtl.com~ This method relies on magic costumes!

Just as Hogwarts relies on the extreme characters of the four academies to strengthen the soul anchor of the little wizard, Beauxbatons relies on magical costumes with a strong personal style to amplify and solidify this style, so as to be external. Influence inside.

This method, researched and invented by the great alchemist Nicole Lemay, is not without foundation.

In his previous life, Clark taught himself a little love psychology and some alphabet lessons in order to chase girls, so he knew that a person's external image could completely affect and change his inner and mental state.

The so-called luxury goods and expensive clothing are not useless. In many cases, these external things can make you more confident and articulate when facing others.

This is why when those love tutors take students, the first step is to take them to make a handsome look and change into good clothes, because the external image can really affect and change a person's inner temperament.

Of course, a person's strong inner temperament can also be reflected in his outer image, the two complement each other, and the inner and outer are one.

And Nicole Lemay also used this theory to separate magical costumes from alchemy, and carried forward and inherited them to help the little wizards of Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry stabilize the magic of chaos.

With only one person's strength, he has completed the task that Hogwarts Castle can complete. This old man is worthy of being a master in alchemy.

From this point of view, Professor Dumbledore's research on alchemy is also more than a step behind because of the mundane trivia.

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