Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 3 Chapter 15: Tragic past, take back treasure

In the dilapidated and warm house, "The Witch" Kuira was telling her story with a sad face.

"I still remember that night. Because of my magical talent, none of the Muggle primary schools around my hometown would take me in, so my mother took me to Paris.

But then we, mother and daughter, were naked and penniless in Paris.

In order to be able to live in this big city, my mother had to wear her most beautiful clothes. On the night of my arrival in Paris, she took me to a castle on the outskirts of Paris, ready to tell her. A friend of mine asked for help to help us through this difficult time. "

Kuira stared blankly at the void in front of him, and his emotional voice seemed to bring Clark and the others into that night together.

"That night, the sky was dark, there was no moon, and it was drizzling with light rain, and the lights in the castle were brilliant and the candles were shining brightly.

People who come in and out are all dressed in gorgeous costumes, holding wine glasses, and talking loudly under the bright lights. I don't know what they were doing there, but honestly, it all fascinated me.

At the time, my mother let me stay in the car and she went to find the old friend herself. However, I couldn't stand the temptation of those gorgeous clothes, so I decided to break my promise a little.

So small, I just wanted to peek a little at that party and all those fancy dresses while my mom was busy meeting her mysterious friend.

The problem is, that little peeping almost opened my mind.

I don't know where I am or what I am doing. All I know is that it was the first time in my life that I felt like I belonged when I saw a gorgeous and moving fashion show. "

Looking at the expression on Kuira's face and the light in his eyes, Clark fully understood.

After all, for Kuila, who was young at the time, he had just come to Paris from such a remote place, and when he saw the bustling scene at first glance, he could imagine how much he would be shocked.

Lights, music, fine wine, fancy clothes, wealth and material desires, weave a bright coat, how many girls are not addicted to it?

However, behind the bright and beautiful, there is also a cross-flow of sewage. The splendor faded, and only black and gray remained. After Kuira's tone was high, it suddenly turned down.

"It would have been great if time had been frozen in that moment. I could blame Buddy for what happened next, but the truth is, I made it big."

Kuira covered her face with her hands, sobbing, obviously thinking of something bad. Jasper sat on the side and patted her on the back, while Clark and Hermione were in a continuous circle.

"Who is Buddy?"

The fat Horace on the side gestured to them with his eyes, and looked at a small terrier lying at Kuila's feet. It turned out that the so-called Buddy was a dog Kuila had adopted since he was a child.

At this time, Kuila had recovered from his grief, and told the story behind with choked words.

"At that time, because of Buddy who was running around, I was found and chased by the security personnel of the costume dinner party. In a panic, I crossed the long runway, ran out of the hall, and came to the lawn outside, and I happened to see my mother. Stand face to face with the countess.

I shouted for my mother happily, but in a panic, I fell to the ground and rolled off the lawn.

When I stood up again, I saw my mother, under the attack of three fierce Dalmatians, jumped over the fence and fell off the cliff. "

"She killed her, she killed my mother!" Kuira shouted in a broken way, her beautiful face looking even more terrifying with the spent makeup.

"I saw her with my own eyes, whistling, and wit, the three hateful beasts, driving my mother off a cliff."

Perhaps it was the first time that their companions showed such an expression, and even Horace and Jasper were taken aback by her appearance.

"What? The countess killed your mother!"

"I was terrified at the time," Kuira said with a sad face.

"After that woman killed my mother, she had to fight back, saying that my mother was threatening her and asked the police to help search for her accomplices. I just kept running and escaping.

later? Then I ran for a long time, kept running, and finally ran to Paris. "

"It's really a funny and sad story, isn't it?" Kuira's face showed a smile and a cry, "a genius girl turned into a stupid girl and killed her mother, Ended up wandering the streets of Paris alone."

"Oh, don't say that," Jasper tried to reassure her. "It wasn't your fault. You were just a kid and couldn't do anything."

"No!" Kuira yelled, her voice a little hoarse. "Today when I was working for the countess, I saw the necklace, the ruby ​​necklace that she was wearing around her neck. It was my mother's necklace. It's an heirloom from our family!"

"It must have been that night. I lost it when I was running away, but she found it and took it for herself." After recalling these dark and bad pasts, she was already a little hysterical at this time.

"She even said that it was something inherited from her family. It was obviously mine, and it was left to me by my mother. I must take him back!"

The huge sound shook the ceiling to "rustling" and dust fell, and sprinkled several people all over their faces.

Jasper hesitantly asked, "Take it back? Like we did before...steal it?"

Looking at it like that, the background of this countess must be unusual.

Facing the hesitation of his companions, Kuira looked at him fiercely and said with certainty: "Yes! That's right! I just want to get back what belongs to me."

Only that Horace shouted, "Aha, ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you what we are going to face next? It's wealth! It's an earl's treasure!"

The original sad atmosphere in the room~www.wuxiamtl.com~ was immediately dispelled by his exaggerated words and actions.

Just as every team cannot lack a pistachio to adjust the atmosphere, Horace, who is chubby and looks very happy, is responsible for this.

I saw him dancing and saying to Kuira:

"I told you long ago, don't think about going to that clothing store and being a designer.

How can we be as free as we are in a life that is constrained by others, you have technology, magic, we have experience, the three of us together are a combination, a family...

His voice was getting smaller and smaller, and finally he had to raise his hands in a gesture of surrender, because Kuira was looking at him intently.

"Well, actually it's not bad to be a fashion designer. At least I can often get in touch with people in the upper class and know what valuable things they have at home, just like this time."

"Excuse me, excuse me," Clark, who had been an invisible man by the side, suddenly said, "You asked Mr. Nick Lemay just like asking him to help you get back your ancestral gemstone necklace? "

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