Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 3 Chapter 14: See you again, witch of light and shadow

"Are you sure it's here?"

This is an old-fashioned building that looks very dilapidated. The mottled walls are full of traces of the years. It is surrounded by high wooden walls, as if waiting to be demolished, but because of insufficient funds, it is only demolished. Halfway through, and then put it there.

Clark and Hermione stood in front of the five-story old house, looking at it curiously.

"The person who needs help that Mr. Nicole Lemay said lives here?" Hermione asked with a puzzled face.

"It should be here." Clark checked the note in his hand and confirmed it to the house-elf who was leading the way.

"That's right, sir, this is the 18th arrondissement, the famous ghetto in Paris. I've lived in Paris for so many years, and I can't take the wrong place."

The house elf provided by this hotel looked a little excited, as if he was afraid that the guests would not be very satisfied with his service.

"It seems that our client this time is really having a hard time."

Since the address was correct, Clark didn't hesitate, just walked forward and knocked on the dilapidated door.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

After knocking several times in a row, no one answered in the room. It seemed that Clark and the others came at a bad time today. The owner of this house may have something to do and is not at home at the moment.

"Is there anyone please?"

Hermione wanted to find a window to have a look, but all the windows had been nailed up with wooden boards. She could only shout into the room, but there was still no answer inside.

"It seems that no one is really home."

Clark did not agree with Hermione's words, because with his spiritual power, he found that in the room behind the door, there were clearly two people's mental fluctuations.

However, this time he came to the door, and was entrusted by Nicole Lemay to provide help, so it was not easy to break in.

Just as he was hesitating whether he should use psionic power to bewitch the two people inside to help open the door, a deep voice sounded behind them.

"You guys, who are you looking for?"


Clark's back was tight, and the person who came was able to quietly approach him to such a distance, if he had a gun in his hand, he would have to kill his own dog directly.

However, although he was very vigilant in his heart, Clark's face still pretended to be startled.

"Hello, we are..."

He turned around and was about to speak to the person who came, but when he saw the other person's face, he was completely stunned. He knew this person, "Kuila!"

That's right, the person who appeared behind Clark and Hermione was the "Witch" Kuira that they had seen in the window of the "LV" flagship store not long ago.

"You know me!"

Kuira looked at the two children in front of him, and the house elf standing behind them, raised his eyebrows, and showed a puzzled expression on his face.

"Two little wizards, the accents are still foreigners, and I don't remember dealing with the two of you."

She wears a cutout lace-trimmed blouse, small metal pendants everywhere, a striped belt and a dark-patterned waistcoat for a looming bohemian look, plus a pair of men's trousers and a pair of boots , which properly depicts the image of a capable and decisive witch.

"Hello, we were introduced by Mr. Nicole Lemay." Clark answered her question.

Kuira folded his arms around his chest, squinting his eyes and squinting them up and down, revealing an aura that no strangers should enter.

"Two little children? Mr. Nicole Lemay sent you here? Humph~"

Her words were full of deep distrust and a hint of sadness.

"Although I don't know where you all met me, I don't need children here to play house games. It really is people taking tea, so if Nicole Lemay doesn't come, he won't come. Why arrange for two children to come and deal with me."

Hermione was very displeased at her daring to call Nicole LeMay's name, and was about to respond.

However, Clark could see from the other party's tone, demeanor, and unwiped tears from the corners of his eyes that this "witch" was afraid that something had happened just now.

"Ms. Kuila, since we are here, we naturally represent the meaning of a great alchemist. In any case, it would be impolite to let us stand outside like this."

Clark's words were moderate in hardness and softness. Kuira looked at him and snorted coldly. He didn't say anything more. He just walked to the door and casually took out a wand from his pocket.

"Araho cave!" The old wooden door opened in response.

The two followed behind her, and as soon as they entered, they immediately saw two fat and thin men approaching her.

Clark discovered that it was the two of them who woke Kuira in front of the window of the "LV" flagship store. From the looks of it, the three of them should have known each other long ago.

"Kuila, what's wrong with you, who are they?" the tall and thin man asked with concern.

And the chunky guy was joking, "Hey, Kuira, you never told us that you have two kids outside, the little guy grows up so fast!"

Kuira had a stern face and ignored the two of them. He stepped on the stairs and walked up to the second floor.

The two men looked at each other and shrugged helplessly.

"Hey! Do you know what's going on with her? Oh, by the way, my name is Horace, and he's my partner Jasper." The chunky man greeted Clark very familiarly. .

"My name is Clark, Clark Prewett, and this is my classmate Hermione Granger." Clark stepped forward and shook hands with the two of them, shaking his head at the same time, "To be honest, I don't know either."

A few people went upstairs~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and saw Kuira sitting on the sofa, burying his head deeply in his arms.

"Hey!" The tall and thin Jasper stepped forward reluctantly, reaching out and poking Kuira's shoulder, "Are you alright?"

This time, as if it was the last straw that broke the camel's back, the outstanding graduate of Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, a supernova in the field of magical costume design and Muggle fashion, burst into tears.

"She called my mother a thief! Said she was a failed mother!"

Big tears washed down the eyeliner and flowed down the face of the tough-looking witch with ink, and the choked voice told the restlessness of its owner's heart.

"What? Who? The countess? She knows your real mother?" Jasper sat next to Kuira with an expression of disbelief.

Kuira took off her big bat glasses and wiped away tears with her sleeve, which turned her face dark, but she didn't care.

"Yes, it turns out that we went to her party that night."

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