Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 3 Chapter 7: New and magical shopping street

"Bang, bang, bang."

The continuous sound of the glass knocking directly made Kuila frown in his sleep.

The two men who knocked on the glass window, one tall and one short, one fat and one thin, looked like the fat and thin head Tuo in Lu Ding Ji, very talented in comedy.

But at the moment they don't seem to know that the woman in the glass window is a powerful witch. It was just a tap, until Kuira suddenly shivered and woke up from her sleep.

"Who is... arguing about..."

"Why did you sleep in the window? Didn't even come home last night?"

The fat man should have known her. Looking at Kuira, who had just woken up from a deep sleep, he asked directly.

And Kuira stared at the blurred eyes, looked at the surrounding situation in a daze, looked at the messed up window, listened to the noisy discussions outside the window, and scratched his long wine red hair angrily.

"Oh! God, what the **** have I done?"

But then, she was going to look back at the dummy model, "But seriously, don't you look better?"

Naturally, the dummy model wouldn't reply to her, but some people would, only to see a small door on the side of the window opened with a creak, and then a man in a suit walked in, this should be this one. The store's lobby manager.


The lobby manager looked at the scene in front of him, his eyes widened, and he almost roared.

But after finding that the shop window was crowded with onlookers, in order to maintain the reputation and image of his own store, he could only hold back the anger in his heart, squeeze a gentle smile on his face, and said in the happiest manner, the most angry words.

"Hello, please come out, come out, come out!"

When he finally turned around, the manager was clearly in a hurry.

Kuira spit out, "Damn."

But on her face, Clark couldn't see the sadness or fear caused by this incident.

She followed the manager out of the window, and the surrounding audience who were standing in front of the window also walked away after seeing the excitement.

The two of Clark are not the kind of people who like to join in the fun. Although they are also very curious about the fate of Kuira, they still have to continue shopping in this street.

However, as Kuila's little fan girl, Furong chose to part ways with Clark and the others, and dragged her sister directly into the LV flagship store in the wizarding world.

Of course, when Clark turned to leave, he vaguely heard the name "Countess" coming from behind him.

On the wide long magic street, there will always be all kinds of strange things, so Clark and Hermione quickly put the farce behind them.

The two stopped and walked along the way. Whether it was a Muggle fashion store or a wizard's magic store, they could make them stop.

And here, Clark also discovered the characteristics of the French wizarding world, that is, the magic clothing industry.

Perhaps this is really a fashion capital as the world calls it. Anyway, on this Champs-Elysees, Clark saw no less than 100 magic clothing shops.

Every magic clothing store has a hand-made brand and sells all kinds of enchanted wizard robes, which are eye-opening, retro, modern, trendy, punk, simple... all kinds of things you can think of and can't think of All styles can be found here.

Not only that, but the Muggle shops here also sell all kinds of quirky fashion clothing, so sometimes you can't even tell which is Muggle clothing and which is wizarding clothing based on appearance alone.

"I said why all the fashion shows in France are weird," Clark said, looking at the weird clothes in the window in front of him.

The dummy model had a metal cage over its head, which at first glance looked like a bird cage was over its head, and underneath it was covered with many layers of white gauze like a mosquito net.

Hermione burst out laughing when she heard his complaints.

As a result, the two went in and asked, only to find out that the clothes turned out to be magic clothes, and the metal birdcage on the head was made of silver doped with magic metal, which could resist the bombardment of powerful magic lightning, which could make them troublesome. A big joke.

Fortunately, no one knew them here, and the two escaped in despair.

In this way, they strolled until noon, and Clark sent the house-elf he followed to take the things back to the hotel where they were staying, and then found a random restaurant on the Avenue of the Champs-Elysees, ready to taste authentic French food.

As a result, after walking in, they found out that this is also a wizard restaurant.

The whole restaurant is decorated magnificently, like a palace, and the taste is much better than those of the wizard restaurants in Diagon Alley. And every cubicle is also cast with sound insulation magic, which completely guarantees the privacy and safety of guests.

In addition, according to the identity of the guests, the restaurant also provides different menus. After the two of Clark sat down, the characters on the menu changed for a while, and immediately added a lot of choices, including some delicious dishes made of materials from magical animals. .

When you come to France, how can you not try the famous snails and foie gras? Especially the snails and foie gras from the wizarding world!

Clark decided to give it a try and ordered a classic French red wine baked snail, to see how the local French dishes were different from what he had eaten in the UK, but Hermione thanked them for not being sensitive to this and chose to look better. Normal vanilla grouse.

This French meal is worthy of being the top of Western food. At least the service in the restaurant is really good. As soon as the dishes are served, a waiter will immediately set the tableware for them, and serve the bread and drinks to accompany the meal.

This step~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Logically speaking, it could have been done with magic like Hogwarts, but the French wizard who pays attention to dining etiquette insists on using waiters to entertain.

Also because of Clark and Hermione's age, the red wine, which was originally the most important in French dining etiquette, naturally couldn't be tasted.

The first appetizer that came up was Clark’s shrimp with avocado sauce. The shrimp here is fresh jumping shrimp, named for its strong bounce. It is a very common magical animal in the wizarding world, but it is very difficult to catch. .

The sweet and sweet shrimp meat is full of elasticity. Even if it is dead, it still keeps beating in Clark's mouth, giving people a strange feeling of vitality.

Hermione's was a salad with a green vegetable platter. It looked very green. It was full of vegetables. At most, some magic plants were added, and there was no meat.

After the first dish was eaten, the waiter took off the plate. The second dish was French fish soup. All kinds of seafood were stewed in one pot. The taste was very delicious, which was in line with their taste.

The main course inherited the delicate and small portion of French food, giving Clark a French wine baked snail the size of Tyson's fist.

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