Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 3 Chapter 6: New characters in the world

Hermione grabbed Clark's hand tightly, so hard and so helpless.

Clark patted the back of her hand in comfort, knowing it was because of the whole scene that it reminded her of something bad.

Smart people are often easily isolated by ordinary mediocre people. Hermione in the past may also have this situation, so she should easily see the shadow of her past from the model in the middle of the dance floor.

However, appreciation is appreciated, Clark finally persuaded Hermione's parents to take her out for shopping, but there was no time to waste a whole day here.

So he pulled Hermione and was about to step forward, trying to get in touch with that unique model and see if he could get out of here.

Although his psionic power should also be able to forcibly break the illusion, but now it seems that this place is not a dangerous place, and it is not enough to forcefully use violence to escape without saying hello to the master.

After all, a gentleman has to move his mouth before he starts.

But before he could step forward, a crisp voice interrupted his movement from behind.

"If I were you, I wouldn't do that. Kuira-senpai doesn't like other people messing with her works."

"What did you say?"

Clark looked back and found that the two girls who had conflicted with them just now appeared behind them, but at this time, the two of them had also changed into a suit of a similar style to the other dummies.

One is tall and the other is short, and both have beautiful bright silver hair, which looks cute and cute, while the older sister is a little older, so her figure is fuller and more prominent under the tight-fitting clothes.

Especially the bright color from the one-word collar, under the illumination of the light, almost blinded Clark's eyes.

It's really big, ah no, it's really white, when I do multiple-choice questions, I often ponder between B and C.

With the delicate facial features, the two sisters seemed to be elves in the forest and fell into the mortal world. How much more gorgeous than what they saw outside? Unconsciously, Clark's pupils contracted.

Sure enough, the sisters are the yyds. It would be better if the clothes could be changed to one black and one white.

Clark lost his mind for a moment, and immediately received another severe blow from Hermione on his foot. He regained his senses in an instant and asked the other party, "What did you mean just now? Is it magic?"

The elder sister seemed to be very satisfied with Clark's reaction just now. She glanced at Hermione proudly, then put her arms around her chest, covering the beautiful scenery, and said proudly:

"Are you guys in the UK so unreasonable? Before asking a lady, shouldn't you introduce yourself and ask the other person's name? I'm not called 'you'."

Clark didn't see any embarrassment on his face, and asked very naturally:

"My name is Clark Prewett, this is my friend Hermione Granger, and we are both wizards from England.

Excuse me, this beautiful big sister, what should I call you? Also, may I ask, who is the Kuira that you speak of? "

The "big" sister raised her head proudly, her slender neck like jade, "Listen, my name is Fleur Delacour. You can call me Miss Delacour, this is my sister, Gabrielle. Delacour."

The little sister was very polite, and smiled at Clark and gave a standard lady's ceremony.

"As for Kuira-senpai, why don't you know her? That's the most outstanding graduate of our Beauxbatons School of Magic in recent years.

With her outstanding light and shadow magic and unique design talent, she can be said to be a rising star in the world of magical clothing design and Muggle fashion.

As soon as he graduated, he was signed by Liberty, the most famous fashion magic clothing store in the French wizarding world.

Honestly, I wish I could be half her ability when I graduate. "

After Furong finished speaking, she was full of admiration and longing, and she was a full-fledged little fan girl.

"It's so powerful?"

Clark looked at Furong and expressed deep doubts about her words. After all, under the halo of fans, it is normal for the description of idols to be a little distorted.

But even if there is moisture in her words, just the indistinguishable scene that Clark saw in front of her eyes is enough to show the strength of that sister Kuila, even if not the strongest among the Beauxbatons graduates. , and he must be one of the most influential people among them.

"Then how should we get out?" Hermione was a little impatient.

Furong looked at the costume work in the center of the dance floor with fascination, and said hesitantly, "I only encountered this situation at the graduation exhibition of Sister Kuila, and that was a year ago. .

This unique spell of Kuira-senpai is named "Witch's Wardrobe", which allows people to experience and watch her clothing works in an immersive experience.

Usually after we finish watching, senior sister will take the initiative to release the magic on us, or you can go directly to the edge of the scene, it seems that you can also go out. "

Witch's Wardrobe!

When Clark heard the name of the curse of this Kuira-senpai, and then thought of the style of the work he had just seen, he immediately judged that this was a crazy character who was both good and evil.

But since they already knew the way to get out, the two did not hesitate, and walked directly to the edge of the dance floor, where there was a door leading to the outside room.

It's a pity that before they could walk a few steps, the entire fantasy space suddenly underwent a huge change.

There was only a loud banging sound of "bang, bang, bang", and then the whole scene was like broken glass, and in a burst of shattering sound, it scattered into a kaleidoscope of light and shadow.

A flash of light and shadow changed in front of Clark and the others~www.wuxiamtl.com~ With a blink of an eye, the surrounding scene became reality again.

At this time, there was another sound of "bang, bang, bang" knocking on the glass, and only then did they realize that there were two men knocking on the window in front of them.

Inside the window, a red-haired girl wearing a black and white gradient cotton jacket, with long leather boots on her feet, and her body decorated with iron chains, was lying on the ground in a pile of newspapers and sleeping soundly.

She also held an empty XO brandy bottle in her hand. Obviously, last night she must have turned into a hero in wine, a hero among women.

It seems that the masterpiece in this window is also her handwriting.


"Senior Sister Kuila!" Furong exclaimed in disbelief when she saw the sleeping girl's face.

This punk girl who was drunk in the glass window is exactly the outstanding graduate of the Beauxbatons School of Magic, a supernova in the magic clothing design industry and Muggle fashion industry, and a special guest employee of the fashion magic clothing store Liberty-" "Witch" Kuira.

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