Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 3 Chapter 4: Changes in the flagship store

On the Champs-Élysées, the Muggles who go shopping see all kinds of fashionable and beautiful clothing, bags and cosmetics. The wide avenue is lined with luxury stores from all over the world.

In the eyes of the famous foreign wizards, there are strange wizard shops here, they are either caught between two Muggle shops, or hidden in the mirror of a Muggle shop window. inside.

Clark had even seen a wizard shop built in the clouds overhead, and the way to enter the shop was to sit in an open-air cafe below their house.

Just sit in that cafe chair, order a cup of coffee, and the umbrella over the chair will act like a propeller and take you to the sky.

So shopping here, don't worry if you see hordes of fancy dressers, because they may be a wizard who comes to shop here in addition to garish fashion street models.

Such a prosperous commercial street in the French magic world has naturally become the pride of French wizards.

The beautiful girl with long shiny silver hair naturally could not tolerate Clark's slander, and mocked her in broken English with a French accent:

"It really has a long history. After all, it's all antiques. I heard that a group of ugly old wizards are struggling to support the dilapidated shop there, and no foreign tourists go there. Oh, it sounds gloomy. Angry, so scary."

As she said that, she pretended to pat her **** that were beginning to take shape with her hands, and while shaking, attracted the attention of some passing Lsp.

Hermione looked at her and didn't know why, so she was angry. If it wasn't for the little wizard who couldn't use magic outside of school, she would have drawn out her wand and cast a curse on him. ,

But in her opinion, the girl was right.

The scene of Diagon Alley is indeed full of mysterious atmosphere unique to the wizarding world for young wizards from Muggle families who have experienced wizarding society for the first time.

However, after watching it for a long time, compared with the bright and beautiful Champs-Elysees, it is indeed very old and dilapidated, full of the old-fashioned old-fashioned atmosphere of England.

But of course Hermione wouldn't admit this in front of outsiders, but she really couldn't think of a word to refute the other party for a while, so she decided to take a different approach and grinned, revealing a set of white and neat teeth.

"Clark, I remember when I first got off the plane, you told me a joke. It is said that France is a very powerful country, especially Paris, and no country has ever been able to occupy Paris after defeating the French army, because long ago they France surrendered before defeating the French army."

Hermione directly said the "today's milk method" joke she heard from Clark, perhaps thinking that it was not enough, she added another word.

"By the way, it seems that the French army's weapons are also very powerful. That thing is called a baguette! Auntie, do your French wizards also use that thing to cast spells?"

When Clark heard this, he almost applauded Hermione. One word, "Absolutely!"

But looking at the wrinkled expressions on the faces of the two little beauties on the opposite side, he knew that when the two girls quarreled, things might get worse.

Even the house-elf following them seemed to have foreseen what was to come, with a look of fear on his face.

Fortunately, God always favors handsome people, and our protagonist Clark is no exception. Just when the two girls, one tall and the other short, are glaring, full of gunpowder.

A sudden commotion interrupted the arguing between them. A few people followed the prestige and saw a street corner not far away, a group of people were surrounded by a very bright building, full of people.

It was an eight-story building that occupied the entire street corner. It was tall, beautiful, dazzling and luxurious. This was the first feeling Clark saw.

White marble paved the walls, and glass as blue as the sky adorned every window.

Except for the splendid, two-story first floor, every floor behind has shrunk inward a little bit, which makes the whole building progressive, like a pagoda, and finally ends with a "LV" The domed finish of the logo.

Such a trendy and fashionable modern building is like seeing a 398 standing in a group of 198s in the foot washing city. It is difficult not to notice it.

"That's it? LV French flagship store!"

Hermione said uncertainly, because in their eyes, it was not just a Muggle luxury store. Above the dome, a beam of light cast unpredictable magical colors, forming a constantly changing costume. beautiful model.

"No, it's the most famous fashion magic clothing store in the entire French wizarding world - liberty!" Rapunzel retorted.

"liberty?" Hermione noticed that, under the brilliance of magic, the bottom of the "V" protruded a little and turned into "Ly".

The two girls seemed to have forgotten the unpleasantness just now, and involuntarily followed the crowd and moved to the store.

When they got closer, they found that there was already a circle of tourists in front of the tall glass window. It seemed that it was human nature to watch the fun, no matter in ancient times and modern times.

It's just that with the black head blocking the front, Clark and the others naturally couldn't see anything. At this moment, a smug smile appeared on the face of the beautiful girl.

She was already taller than Hermione and Clark, and at this moment, she showed a powerful strength that did not match her body, and lifted her sister beside her on her shoulders.

The little girl rode on her sister's neck, glanced forward, and immediately covered her mouth with her hands, screaming.


"What's the matter? What happened?"

My sister asked curiously~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and put my sister down, the little girl immediately leaned into her ear, whispered quietly, and told her the specific situation inside, and then her sister's face also changed. There was an expression of surprise mixed with surprise.

The startling behavior of the two immediately raised Hermione's curiosity, but she had a good face, so it was naturally impossible to ask each other.

And the girl gave Hermione a proud look, her eyes full of provocation, as if she was saying, "Want to know? Come and ask me, I won't tell you if you ask."


Hermione snorted softly, then looked at Clark beside her for help.

"Clark ~ help ~"

Looking at Hermione who kept shaking next door, Clark could only sigh helplessly, then leaned behind the onlookers and shouted, "Please let us go."

The older girl was about to laugh at Clark's childish behavior. Suddenly, she seemed to see an incredible scene, and her eyes widened instantly.

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