Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 3 Chapter 3: Diagon Alley of French Wizards

"Hahaha, of course I guessed. You said that Professor Dumbledore arranged for you to have something for the summer vacation, and it involved the Philosopher's Stone. I naturally guessed that you should be going to France to find Nicole Lemay. After all, if you have used up the magic stone that prolongs life, you have to tell the master no matter what."

Hermione smiled happily, and Clark nodded, agreeing with her statement.

"Yes, Professor Dumbledore indeed arranged for me to go to France to find Nicole Lemay, but it wasn't because of the Philosopher's Stone, that thing was destroyed, and there was no need to make a special trip for it."

"Why? It doesn't matter? Without the Philosopher's Stone, wouldn't Nick and his wife be dead?" Hermione asked suspiciously.

Clark thought for a while, picked up the juice on the side and drank it, and then said faintly:

"Perhaps it's because Nicole Lemay and his wife have lived enough. I listened to Professor Dumbledore, it seems that Nicole Lemay only saved a little elixir for himself, ready to take care of the funeral, and then just enjoy death.

For people their age, death is actually like going to bed after a long day.

And to the sane, death is just another great adventure. Therefore, Professor Dumbledore thinks that the Philosopher's Stone is not really a beautiful thing, even if it can bring eternal life and wealth to people. "

Seeing the shocked expression on Hermione's face, Clark smiled and waved his hand again, like driving away flies, trying to dispel the negativity brought about by such a heavy topic.

"Okay, okay, those issues of life and death are not things we should consider at our age, they have lived long enough, as if they have enough money, they are not interested in money. We haven't lived enough, and there is still a lot of youth waiting for us to spend."

Saying that, he forked a piece of divided lobster meat and stuffed it into his mouth.

The shrimp meat seasoned with honey chestnut sauce is sweet with a hint of chestnut's unique thick taste, but it is a bit like shrimp slippery covered with hot pot sesame sauce, and the taste is very good.

Clark nodded and forked another piece and handed it to Hermione.

"Look, that's the joy of life! Isn't it? We haven't finished enjoying it yet, why are we thinking about those stupid things?"

Hermione took the fork, stuffed the lobster meat into her mouth, narrowed her eyes happily, and nodded vigorously, "Yeah!"

Clark asked again at this time: "One more question, how did you know I would be on this flight?"

Hermione stretched out her pink tongue, licked off the little chestnut sauce left on the corner of her mouth, and said in a slightly smug tone.

"It's not that simple, what's the age now.

I first checked the weather forecast and the flight information of the airport. In the recent period, many flights to France have been cancelled due to the influence of the foggy weather. Only today, because the weather is fine, I have only opened 3 or 4 times. .

Then I called the airline based on this, gave your name and mobile number, and asked them if you were on this flight.

Just repeat the question two or three times, and you can naturally confirm the flight information you are taking. How about it? Am I smart? "

Clark slapped his face when he heard it, but it didn't feel right. How did it feel like he was slapping his face?

Only then did the force on his cheek awaken him from his memory.

"Hey Clark, what are you thinking? Come and see if this dress looks good?"

Hermione retracted the right hand that had just slapped his cheek, and pointed to the window in front of her. Inside was a long pink silk dress, which, depending on the size, was just right for Hermione.

"Does it look good?" Clark responded quickly, "How can you tell just by looking at it, let's go in, let's go in and try it out, and we'll know when we put on our body."

Hermione waved her hands again and again, saying no more, while the two were pulling, a slightly mocking voice came from behind the two of them.

"Hmph, it's another group of country bumpkins from England. They came as soon as they got to the room. I don't think any of their Diagon Alleys can be compared to this place. Fortunately, they claim that it is the best wizard street in Europe. All the fuss about a normal Muggle dress. You say so, Gabriel?"

Clark looked at the sound, and his eyes suddenly lit up, it was really bright, because that very beautiful girl had long, waterfall-like smooth silver hair that hung down to her waist, reflecting today's sunlight, As if it were really glowing.

And avoiding the dazzling light, the first thing to notice is her big blue eyes, like the deep sea, people can't help but indulge in them.

Even the experienced Clark couldn't help but stare at her blankly.

Fortunately, Clark's spiritual power has made great progress after he was transferred to Psion, especially the characteristics of telepathy, which made him quickly get rid of this kind of gaze with natural charm and magic.

But this special situation also reminded him of a person in the original book, that is - Fleur Delacour.

But at this time, the little girl who was held by the girl seemed to have expected this situation long ago, and she covered her mouth and laughed secretly.

After seeing what he looked like, Hermione grabbed his arm angrily, and learned the unique female skill "Nine Yin and White Bone Claw" without a teacher.


There was a heart-wrenching pain in his arm, but in order not to lose face as a man, Clark resisted his face and retorted.

"Diagon Alley is of course one of the best wizard shopping streets in Europe. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com has nearly 300 shops on the whole street, selling all kinds of magic materials, alchemy items, magical animals, As well as various magic books and potions.

There are also first-line brand stores in the magical world, such as Ollivander's wands, costumes, horror tours, and Quidditch boutiques. After thousands of years, they are full of ancient and mysterious magic.

In contrast, although the Champs-Élysées is also very prosperous, it is a groundbreaking fusion of wizard streets and Muggle streets, but most of the people shopping on this road are Muggles, and those hidden magic There are not many shops at all, and the types are also very simple. "

Yes, Clark and the others are now on the famous Champs-Elysees Avenue in France.

And the reason why they came here is not only because this is the fashionable shopping avenue for Muggles, but also the shopping street of the French wizarding world, which is the new Secret Wizarding Avenue.

Since the previous War of Grindelwald, the threat has been lifted, and the wizards of France have fully exerted their unrestrained and romantic nature, relocated the secret witch trail originally hidden in Montmartre, Paris, and completely reconciled with the famous incense. The Elysées are integrated, making it the only magical street in the wizarding world where wizards and Muggles can shop together.

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