Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 2 Chapter 122: Career upgrade, I am the light

"who am I?"

"Where am I from?"

"Where am I going?"

This is the three questions of life put forward by the great thinker and philosopher Plato in ancient Greece.

As the first question in the three questions, instead of saying "who am I", it is better to say "what am I" or "what is me" and "how to define me and not me".

The inauguration of [psions] requires them to meditate on their memories and the nature of their memories, argue with fragments of their own personality, and go deep into every corner of their hearts.

For Clark, this question has a different meaning, because he is a transmigrator, and he has the memory of his previous life.

Personality is a collection of memories, the "I" in this life is me, isn't the "I" in the past life not me?

Countless fragments of memory were dug out of Clark's ocean of consciousness: he got his first wand, rode a horse for the first time, saw a house-elf for the first time, and even when he was born, saw his mother for the first time .

However, this is not over yet. The memories have converged into a long river that belongs to him alone. Clark, like a pure bystander, began to go upstream along the long river of memories and continue to trace back...

It was darkness and then light.

He felt as if he had crossed a fork into another river.

That is... the memory of his previous life!

The first online article he wrote, the first kiss with his girlfriend, the first time he got a salary to buy a gift for his mother, the first time he entered college, the first time...

"How come it's like having hyperamnesia..."

Clark complained, some memories that he had long forgotten came back to his mind, and even a text he read in elementary school, he suddenly felt that he could recite it word for word.

"Unforgettable? I am... Mental power has finally crossed a certain threshold and achieved extraordinary intelligence?"

Clark has always felt that the wizards in the Harry Potter world are not physically different from Muggles except for their magic power. They have neither the unparalleled strength to lift a hill, nor the otherworldly wisdom, who can do everything at a glance. Never forget.

This is very unusual in the world of extraordinary power.

Whether it is the martial arts, Taoism, Buddha chanting in Middle Earth, or fantasy fighting qi, magic, or the cultivation of extraordinary powers, all of them must be fed back to the body and soul of the practitioners to strengthen themselves.

The wizards in the Harry Potter world do not have this ability, their magic will only increase with age, but except for potions and some very dangerous magical transformations, their body and soul will not As the magic power grows, it becomes stronger, and sometimes it is even weakened mentally and physically exhausted due to the oppression of the magic power.

Only cultivating spells, not fundamentals, this situation is like those who invite gods and sacrifices. The chaotic magic power is more like the power borrowed from a certain high-dimensional existence, and the wizards in the Harry Potter world are also more like power multipliers cultivated by a group of high-dimensional existences.

However, Clark quickly put this thought behind him, this kind of thing is not something he should consider now.

And along with his memories, the memory channel of the previous life is getting narrower and narrower. He saw that at the source of the river channel, there is another river, which is a more splendid memory galaxy.

Clark's memory was like a stream in comparison, and he couldn't help but be drawn to it.

Countless knowledge shines dazzlingly in the galaxy of memory. That is the power of knowledge. Just reading it, may become the strongest existence in this Harry Potter world.

Faced with such a temptation, who can refuse?

Fortunately, Clark was not alone. When he was seduced by the memory that belonged to Ogma, a voice seemed to come from the distant horizon and fell into his ears.

"Clark, Clark, wake up! Wake up!"

"Clark? Who is Clark? Who is Clark?"

His eyes seemed to travel through time in an instant, to the lower reaches of the river of memory, where, because of his death, Hermione was calling out to him mournfully, while Quirrell was laughing frantically.


Self-consciousness returned to him in an instant.

"I'm Clark, and Clark is me!"

Clark remembered everything. The experiences of the two worlds turned into resources, enriched his soul, and the river of memory began to flow toward the future.

"I am me, fireworks of different colors, small and short-lived, but where all meanings lie."

He went down the river, a thousand miles in one step, and countless fragments of memory passed him by.

Those good memories, those unforgettable pasts, turned into flowers, birds, food, and beauties, but none of them could slow him down.

Those sad experiences, those sadness, pain, and hesitation, and the thorns that covered the ground, could not trap him in place.

Clark's heart became more and more transparent.

"I am the heart, the heart is me!"

This heart is all-encompassing and boundless.

This heart is radiant and radiant.

"I have a pearl, which has been locked up by the dust for a long time. Once the dust is gone, the light will be born, and it will shine through the mountains and rivers."

The light can't be sealed, and the heart can't be locked either!

Endless rays of light shot out from his chest, dipping his soul into crystal clear, dazzling, like a pearl. Looking up again, all the memories of the past have been left behind, it is not forgetting, but letting go, because in front of his eyes, is the infinite future.

The crying Hermione saw that Clark opened her eyes, and at that moment, she thought she had seen two suns.

【Ding! Congratulations, you have obtained a new occupation - Psion]

【Ding! Your faction has been deflected to: Absolutely neutral]

【Ding! The energy system you currently choose is: Telepath (Spiritual Enchantment)]

【Ding! You have acquired new professional skills: "Negotiation" 14 (Charisma), "Gathering Information" 14 (Charisma), "Sense Motive" 12 (Perception)]

【Ding! You get 30 (2+Intelligence 14*2) skill points]

【Ding! You have obtained the pre-professional feat "Mental Strength~www.wuxiamtl.com~Intelligence +1"

【Ding! You have obtained the "Psionic Talent" (professional specialty), the psionic pool is opened, the current psionic power: 2 points]

【Ding! You have opened the "psionic power" list, the number of optional "psionic powers" is 3, and the optional "supernatural power" level is 1]

【Ding! You have obtained a bonus feat, please choose by yourself]

【Ding! You have obtained a psionic crystal servant, please choose its character by yourself]

The continuous system prompt sounds like the most beautiful notes in the world, playing music in my ears.

Clark's soul was pulled back into his body, and an extremely fulfilling feeling came to his mind instantly, as if his life suddenly had a purpose and direction, and as if he had once made up his mind to study hard.

Of course, this time, he will definitely not be intermittently striving for strength, and will continue to be lazy and degenerate.

Because he still has a system, upgrade!

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