Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Vol 2 Chapter 121: out of body, cosmic brain

No pain No gain.

This is a sentence that Clark's father in his previous life often instilled in him. As a steel worker in the 1980s, his father suffered a lot in his life, but he did not become a master in the end.

However, it was not until today that he understood that in order to become a high-ranking person, in addition to enduring hardships, he also had to have a solid foundation.

It's like those big bosses, after they became famous, they always just said how much they had suffered and how much they had suffered, and they had to work hard to 996, but they never mentioned who their ex-girlfriends and father-in-law were.

Clark has confidence in his heart, he knows that the hardships he has endured will pay off in the end, and he can persevere until now.

And when the pain of being reborn, cutting the hair and washing the marrow reached its highest point, his consciousness had already begun to flutter, and the **** of his body had reached the lowest point in history.

It seemed that he only needed a slight struggle to break free from this small cage.

No, perhaps he had broken free.

Heaven and earth are no longer heaven and earth!

Clark could clearly see that the basement in front of him was still filled with soft golden light, and the grief-stricken Hermione was shrinking by the wall, looking at him with tears in her eyes.

And above Quirrell's head, a dark and deep miniature dark cloud was suppressed by the golden light all over the room, like a hat, tightly clinging to his small head.

That should be Voldemort's remnant soul. He could actually see the essence of the soul and gain the ability to see spiritually.

He looked down again and found that his body was lying quietly on the floor, his face was as pale as paper, and his chest was not heaving.

To be precise, his whole person was light and light, floating on top of his head without any weight, and he saw his body.

"I'm actually dead! Is this the separation of the soul?"

A thought appeared in Clark's mind. He remembered the Taoist out-of-body and the yin in the novels he had read in his previous life.

It turns out that this so-called wash point is really reopening a number!

However, the [Chaos Magic Power] of the [Wizard] profession is a mixture of bloodline power and spiritual power, and they exist in the middle of the material dimension and the spiritual dimension. To get rid of them completely, either the body or the soul.

Of course Clark's soul can't be destroyed, so let him die again.

When a person dies, everything disappears. When his body completely loses his vital signs, the circulating magic power immediately produces a chain reaction. The blood power that originally belonged to the body becomes heavy and stagnant, while the spiritual power that belongs to the soul is more active and frivolous.

As if the building block tower had been removed from the bottom of the base, [Chaos Magic] began to irreversibly decompose and fission.

And under the nourishment of the spiritual power that spilled out after the decomposition of the magic power, Clark's soul became more and more solid. Sensitive.

He could even clearly perceive that a mysterious power was gushing out from the ground beneath his feet and the surrounding castle walls, pouring into his soul continuously to help him maintain the existence of his soul.

"Is this? This is Hogwarts Castle protecting me! It's the lake mirror ceremony that I passed when I entered the school."

Clark quickly reacted. He found that he could use this protective power to return to his body and wait for the professor's rescue in a state of suspended animation.

Of course, he can also choose not to go back, but under the condition of ischemia and hypoxia, the brain cells will generally die completely after six minutes, and at that time, without the body, he can only be helped by this power , and transform into an Earthwraith at Hogwarts.

In addition to these two options, Clark has a third option. In addition to suffering, he also has a backstage.

Clark could clearly feel that, no, he saw that, in addition to the help given to him by Hogwarts Castle, there was a special colorful light that emerged from the eyebrows of his body, like an umbilical cord, connected to his abdomen. .

That was the help given to him by the Godhead Fragment of the God of Knowledge. The [Wizard] profession had been cleaned up, and the information and energy of [Psion] began to flow into his soul along this spiritual umbilical cord to transform him.

He felt as if he had been grabbed by the door key, and flew into space involuntarily. The deep universe and the twinkling stars were revolving around him, pulling out long silver lines; Magma and floating metal particles, bulging black and red lava bubbles like malicious eyes.

The scale of space becomes extremely large at one time and extremely small at the same time.

"You think you know how the world works?"

A peaceful and peaceful, Dumbledore-like voice began to echo in Clark's ears, and a strong thrust against his back made him move forward! forward!

"You think the physical universe is everything?"

The surrounding light began to distort, as if he had entered a kaleidoscope tunnel. He didn't know whether he was going up or down. The spatial direction had no meaning. Anyway, all kinds of light surrounded him and pulled out a long strip of light.

Then, it was a sudden shock, and it stopped in an instant. Clark even felt that under the strong inertia, his consciousness rushed out of his soul.

"What is true?"

He is suspended above the huge pupil, the dark golden iris is like a radial gully, and in the black abyss in the center of the pupil, a dazzling beam of light rises into the sky, as if it is an avenue of golden light, sucking him into it.

"What is an illusion?"

The body kept splitting and reorganizing in the golden light, and he seemed to have become particles, spanning an infinite distance, and then recombining at the other end of the cosmic dimension.

No, maybe this isn't another universe.

"What kind of secrets are hidden behind what you know?"

All kinds of strange things appeared in his field of vision. In the ocean of white brains, hundreds of billions of brain neurons stretched out like octopuses, and strange nerve tentacles were swaying and spreading.

"At the source of reality, spirit may be connected to matter."

The fish and shrimp of memory shuttled between the cranial nerves, occasionally caught by the nerve tentacles, Clark walked through it like this, countless tentacles entangled him, and joys, sorrows and sorrows flooded into his heart.

"Thoughts sculpt reality. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

He looked down at his palm, five tiny fingers like tentacles stretched out on each finger, and on these little fingers, five smaller fingers stretched out, and his hand began to be infinitely fractal.

The fingerprints on the palm began to be divided. It turned out that his palm was also composed of fingers. His whole person was actually a "finger person" composed of fingers.

"The world is infinite, and only the universe of the mind can hold it."

Clark found himself getting smaller and smaller and insignificant, while the surrounding brain neurons were getting bigger and bigger. Each cell was like a vast galaxy, and where are those nerve tentacles? The cantilever of the Milky Way.

When the line of sight is infinitely far away, it can be seen that every star that is fading out is a spark of thinking, and every collision of stars is an alternation of chemical transmitters.

The universe and the brain, the great and the smallest, tend to be infinitely unified at this moment. Perhaps his life is just a dream of this universe brain.

"Who are you? Who is the real you in this multiverse? Mr. Prewett? Zhang Wei? Or—Ogma?"

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