Morning, Foley Manor.

After Tver got up, as soon as he went down to the living room, he saw Cynthia, who had not been seen for a long time, looking at Malvolio with disgust.

Since the summer vacation, his parents only stayed at home for a month before starting a new round of travel plans.

Therefore, Malvolio did not disguise himself and maintained his evil appearance.

Especially when paired with the big snake Nagini sliding beside him, he looks full of evil.

Unlike Harry, Nagini had only been a Horcrux for less than a day, and the entanglement between the two souls was over before it even began.

Therefore, Voldemort’s soul in the serpent had long been absorbed by Malvolio, and now the soul inside completely belongs to Nagini.

Hearing the noise, Cynthia quickly looked back.

“Good morning.”

“Good morning, are there any recent developments in the Ministry of Magic?” Tver said hello, sat down, and ate the biscuits on the table as breakfast.

Cynthia poured him pumpkin juice and said easily: “The progress of the anti-werewolf laws is a little slower, because I’m afraid that Umbridge will realize that we intend to win over werewolves and become crazy.”

“So I deliberately used this law as an excuse to criticize Fudge and divert his attention.”

Tver nodded approvingly.

It can be said that entrusting the affairs of the Ministry of Magic to Cynthia was his earliest plan, and she has also returned rich results.

“It’s just that the entire Ministry of Magic is currently busy with the Quidditch World Cup, and many matters have been postponed.”

“Especially Barty Crouch. He also has to be responsible for the Goblet of Fire. If I hadn’t helped him share some of the responsibility, he probably wouldn’t have time to deal with Umbridge.”

Cynthia said helplessly, and she glanced sideways at Malvolio opposite her angrily.

“Especially the deputy director of a certain Auror office. Not only did he not help, he also played snakes here all day long!”

“This is not a snake, well, this is no ordinary snake.” Malvolio put Nagini down from his neck.

“Both the body and I will treat Nagini as a partner. This is a special connection that you can’t understand!”

Tver looked at Malvolio with a strange expression. If he was not talking about a snake, maybe he would understand.

But now Nagini, even he can’t solve the problem of blood curse.

After this period of research, he has confirmed that Nagini has completely transformed into a snake, at least there is no possibility of body deformation.

This is also very weird. Not only can Tver’s transformation spell not transform her back into a human form, but even the funny spell cannot take effect on her.

It was as if any magic that tried to interfere with her body would be resisted.

This has aroused Tver’s interest, but now, he has to put it aside for the time being.

“When does the game start?”

“In the evening, you can enter when it gets close to dark. We just need to arrive at the venue before then.” Cynthia said quickly.

The game is of course the Quidditch World Cup that the Ministry of Magic has been busy with all year long. As August passes, this grand occasion will finally arrive.

“What about Lucius, are they ready?”

“I can’t wait for a long time.” Malvolio said teasingly.

Although Cynthia said that he fished here all day long, it would be too naive to really think that the Dark Lord would lose his mind by playing with things.

“Of course, Barty also led a group of former Aurors to maintain security at the venue and was ready to perform meritorious deeds.”

“But you really decided to do this? There might be someone worth winning over here.”

Twil knew that Malvolio was talking about some of the Death Eaters he had abandoned.

“It’s not necessary. Even if we win over them, it won’t bring much help. Instead, it will easily cause dissatisfaction on the justice side.”

“To achieve balance, these people who should have been in Azkaban long ago should be punished.”

While there was still plenty of time, they discussed matters for the day.

The first is business in the Muggle world. To be honest, Ian Russell is much more powerful than expected, which is why Tver almost forgot about this aspect of the arrangement.

Nowadays, facial masks have been extended to all cosmetic counters in the world, and the profits earned every day are enough to make anyone jealous.

But his methods are even more powerful than doing business. Of course, this is also one of the methods of doing business.

After Tver guaranteed his personal safety, he boldly attracted official and unofficial economic oligarchs from all over the world.

Although they are only earning a huge profit for the time being, these oligarchs are not yet brothers with him.

But they also initially established a friendly relationship, which at least gave them a taste of the sweetness.

As for the profits left for the wizards, Tver no longer wants to count them.


Because Gringotts has stored Muggle currency and antiques for three hundred years, it is almost no longer enough to exchange for the gems and minerals that Tver asked Ian to buy!

Overall, progress in all aspects was much smoother than Well expected. The only regret was that the Wizards’ Federation was more conservative than expected.

In other words, they did not express their radical thoughts to the outside world and seemed to want to deal with it by closing the door on their own, which was somewhat contrary to Tver’s wish to coerce the magical world.

But it doesn’t matter, don’t forget that he also has Professor Bubaji!

Now Professor Bubbaji is becoming more and more proficient, and he is no worse than Rita Skeeter in various obscure Spring and Autumn calligraphy techniques.

Even without Rita’s help, she could withstand the attacks on her by herself, and then continue to push forward Muggle technological progress views.

Now it is obvious that there are fewer people refuting her. Of course, they may not be able to criticize her.

But the trend is welcome. Even during the summer vacation, Tver’s parents discussed this issue with him.

It’s just that he still has to pretend to be confused and express surprise at their idea of ​​being close to Muggles…

“It’s almost time, let’s go there.” Looking at the dim sky outside, Tver put down the knife and fork for dinner.

“Are we really not going to bring a tent or something? Maybe we can take a short break. Lucius and the others will have to wait until midnight before they start taking action.” Cynthia suggested curiously.

“We can take advantage of others,” Tver reminded her amusingly. “It is said that Sirius bought a palace-like tent for this rare event.”

Sirius was just holding it back, and of course it was to relieve his grief for Regulus. In addition, Harry liked Quidditch very much, so he attached great importance to this game, and asked Totwell for some tickets to the top box. .

After all this calculation, that box is probably filled with people who are close to Tver…

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