After hearing Malvolio’s words, Tver also looked at the hole in the ground.

A beautiful twelve-foot-long snake was tightly bound by a rope generated by magic. No matter how its body twisted, it was fixed on the ground and could not move.

But in front of it, there was a pile of bones, which obviously had a strong smell of blood that made Tver feel sick, but there was no trace of flesh and blood on them.

“This was not eaten by snakes, but was stripped of flesh and blood by magic.” Malvolio said solemnly.

He seemed to truly realize that his true body was sinking deeper and deeper into the dark path, reaching a level that he could hardly accept.

“In other words, Voldemort’s vitality is provided by the flesh and blood of these Muggles?”

“Yes, simply absorbing life force will only allow him to have an imaginary body like me, but absorbing flesh and blood can barely make him have a living body.”

Now, Tver had a real understanding of the impact of this scene.

There are no less than ten skeletons here, which means that within a few days of his arrival, he killed at least ten Muggles just by giving himself a useless body.

What made Tver angry the most was not the ten people, but Voldemort’s disregard for life.

“Why? I have never felt such a cruel emotion in your memory, or even in the memory of Crown.”

During the last wizard war, Voldemort did kill a lot of people. For example, the number of the Inferi he killed a few days ago was even greater.

But he always kills with purpose. As a result, now, he no longer cares about his purpose. He is like a pure beast and enjoys killing.

This level of madness was much more serious than what he had seen in the plot!

“Has he experienced anything in the past few years that we don’t know about?”

“It’s very possible.” Malvolio nodded in agreement, “Unfortunately, absorbing a Horcrux cannot read the original memory of the original body.”

“But there is no need to dwell on this. No matter how strong the body is, we, plus Dumbledore, are enough to hammer him to death.”

“This is different, Malvolio.” Tver’s firm eyes wavered for the first time.

“There are some things that I know will cause harm to innocent people, but are beneficial to me and can better achieve my goals, so I will indulge in them and even deliberately ignore the wrong elements.”

“Then I turned around and told myself that I was just taking advantage of the situation. I didn’t directly kill them. What does it have to do with me.”

“What’s the difference between this me, my former teacher, and the current Voldemort?”

“When did you become so naive? Our career cannot be accomplished by speaking on the stage. Bloodshed and sacrifice are bound to occur.” Malvolio gave him a strange look.

“This is not the Virgin, but a reflection.” Tver withdrew his eyes. After being shaken, his eyes became firmer.

“To those in power, these people may be just ‘1’s on a bunch of numbers, but to their relatives and friends, they are living lives.”

“But I also know that the fusion of wizards and Muggles will inevitably bring countless pains. But when the day of passive fusion occurs, the pain will be even worse!”

“So, I want to become stronger, the layout must be more perfect, and let this process proceed in as peaceful a way as possible.”

“I want to keep people who shouldn’t be harmed away from danger, and I want to make all enemies have no ability to fight back!”

To be honest, the idea of ​​overturning the secrecy law in the past was more like Tver’s effort to protect himself. After all, the curse made him cherish his life even more.

But now, facing the sunshine that slipped through the window, his will was truly strengthened!

What he has to do is not only to protect himself, but to protect everyone who yearns for a peaceful life. For these people, tragedies like Regulus’s will not happen again!

Tver suddenly shook his head in amusement.

I guess if you tell me, no one will believe it, right?

But I don’t care about people’s understanding of themselves. Life is nothing more than a clear conscience.

I want to protect them and have nothing to do with them!

Malvolio didn’t know that Tver was thinking so much, but he became speechless.

“Right now, the only person I can win over, apart from the die-hard loyalists in Azkaban, is the crazy Barty Crouch Jr. He has a damn ability to resist!”

He felt that Tver was too cautious, and the layout he had been planning could not be more thorough, even considering all possibilities of failure.

To be honest, Malvolio is following Tver with all his heart, and there are quite a few

The main reason is that under such a layout, he can’t see the possibility of failure!

“Go quickly and absorb the Horcrux from Nagini. I might be almost the same as my original body.”

“At that time, no matter how powerful the enemy is, there will be no way to interfere with us!”

“By the way, Nagini was formed due to a blood curse. She is actually a wizard. What do you think? Do you want to study it?”

He waved his wand and picked up the confused Nagini.

Because from the snake’s simple senses, she seemed to only feel that the two owners suddenly got together, and then one of them ran away, and the other tied her up.

“Let’s see again.” Tver thought for a moment.

“The blood curse is indeed an interesting proposition, but the top priority is to find Godric Gryffindor and successfully resurrect you.”

“Then after this Horcrux is eliminated, can the body be directly obliterated by getting rid of the one in Potter’s mind?” Malvolio asked curiously.

He actually didn’t understand why Tver wanted to resurrect Voldemort. After solving the Horcrux, it was obviously easier to solve the body in the soul state.

“Yes, but it’s not necessary.” Tver chuckled, but he still looked serious.

“I need Voldemort, or rather, a dirty hand in our plans.”

“Malvolio, I originally planned to let you be the black hand to stir up the order of the wizarding world and the Muggle world. But now, since Voldemort is so ruthless, I don’t mind nailing him to the shame of history. On the pillar!”

Malvolio grabbed the big snake teasingly, “What, now you don’t feel sad about the deaths and injuries of Muggles?”

“Small good is like great evil, great kindness is like ruthlessness, Malvolio…” Following the movement of phantom, Tver’s words were a little unreal.

But it’s useless even if it’s true, because he said it in Chinese!

Malvolio, who stayed where he was, scratched his head and quickly followed.

“Does the Dark Lord still have to learn foreign languages ​​now?!”

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