“The moment I transformed into a wolf, this bracelet emitted an extremely dazzling light.”

“I distinctly remember the blue light taking over the entire room.”

“Then the moment my transformation was completed, this blue light formed ripples one after another, surrounding me.”

“Every time I tried to reach out or take a step, a circle of ripples would wrap around my body.”

“What follows is a burning pain all over the body! Even the strong body of the werewolf cannot withstand this kind of pain!”

Lupine’s usually gentle face was distorted, as if he was now suffering from yesterday’s terrible experience.

“After the pain several times, my consciousness was almost blurred, but I didn’t dare to fall down. I could only stand all night with unspeakable pain, like a student who made a mistake!”

He gasped several times angrily, as if he wanted to smash the cup in his hand at Tver.


Tver smiled awkwardly.

“Don’t worry, I set that kind of pain on purpose. I was worried that the werewolf’s magic resistance is relatively strong, so I changed it to a magic that can make the soul feel pain.”

Seeing Lu Ping’s eyes suddenly widened, he quickly comforted him: “Don’t worry, this won’t leave any scars on your body or any sequelae on your soul. Once the pain is over, you’ll be completely fine.”

“As for not letting you move, it should be because the thoughts in the wolf state are slightly different from those of humans. It was originally used to curb the evil thoughts of attacking others in that state.”

“You also know that sometimes a sane werewolf is more terrifying. If he takes the initiative to attack in this state, the lethality is far greater than that of an ordinary werewolf.”

Lupine nodded in agreement.

Years of wandering made him realize that some wizards are even more terrifying than werewolves.

If the two characteristics are combined, the destructive power will be far greater than the sum of the two types of people.

“But the sensitivity should be set more appropriately. You can’t deny me sleep, right?”

“Don’t worry, the new generation will be completed on the next full moon night. I can still monitor it and help you remove some inappropriate magic in real time.”

Anyway, this job is done by Bock. He just needs to act like a Party A and put forward the requirements.

As for whether it can be completed, it depends on Bock’s courage.

After Lupine confirmed that he could maintain his sanity in his wolf state, he didn’t mind that Tweel came over to watch.

To be honest, he was not afraid of hurting Tver.

Because of Tver’s strength, he was even more afraid of accidentally annoying Tver in a furious state, and then finding himself buried in a pile of rocks the next day…

“Okay, now comes the last question,” Tver put away his pretentious movements, “Can you use magic while in the wolf state?”

“No.” Lupine said simply.

“Except for some minor differences, there is no difference between me in that state and a real wolf. Let alone casting spells, I can’t even feel the magic power.”

Tver nodded in understanding.

This is the result of changes all over the body. Like Animagus, it has completely transformed into an ordinary animal, naturally without magic power.

“Thank you very much for your cooperation, Mr. Lupin.” Tver stood up and drank all the pumpkin juice in the cup.

“I don’t know if you want to rush to the Quidditch field to watch the last part of the game…”

He looked out the window behind Lupine, and saw a small figure falling from the sky.

“The game seems to be over, so you’d better stay in your room and take a nap.”

He took out a small bottle containing black potion and handed it to Lupin along with the bottle of pumpkin juice.

“This is the decoction of living hell,” Tver shook the small bottle. “If you want to return to the drowsy feeling, please add one drop. If you want to sleep more peacefully, add two drops.”

“But please be careful not to add more than three drops, because you have class the day after tomorrow and the students are already sick of Snape’s endless lectures about werewolves in class.”

“Thank you.” Lu Ping took it with a smile.

To be honest, he was really worried about lack of sleep due to being too excited. The feeling of wanting to sleep but not being able to sleep was more uncomfortable than the sequelae of lycanthropy.

“Then I won’t disturb your rest.”

After Twil said goodbye to Lupin, he walked out of the office.

As soon as he came out of the corridor, he found that there were fewer dark clouds in the distant sky.

What’s less is the dementors inside.

This time Dumbledore is probably determined to bring the Ministry of Magic to justice.

Tver chuckled.

But downstairs there was a mixture of “Harry” and “Flying Sky”.

Broomstick,” these were the noisy cries.

It seemed that Harry had been rescued and sent to the school hospital.

Out of curiosity, he followed the mud marks on the floor and came to the school hospital.

“Professor Foley?”

Hermione stood outside a circle of Quidditch players and immediately spotted Twil walking in quietly.

“I heard something happened to Harry, what happened?”

The team members immediately moved out of the way, allowing Tweel to come to Harry’s side.

So Tver pretended to be a newbie and checked Harry while listening to everyone telling him about the events on the field.

In short, when the game was in full swing, Harry encountered a dementor in the air and fell off his broomstick.

Fortunately, Dumbledore weakened the descending momentum at the critical moment, and the place where he fell was also soft soil, so everyone had a chance to bring back the complete Harry.

Maybe it was because they were talking too loudly, but Harry woke up and turned around before Madam Pomfrey came over.

“Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?”

Harry’s face was still dazed, but he immediately sat up and almost bumped into Twil.

“I’m sorry, Professor, but how was the game?” He looked at his teammates eagerly.

“Harry, it’s not your fault.”

“Cedric caught the Golden Snitch the moment you passed out.”

“He also said he wanted a rematch.”

“But Wood thought they won cleanly and we did lose.”

The twins took turns telling the results of the game, but Harry’s mood became worse and worse.


“It’s okay, it’s not like we haven’t lost before.”

“Dementors are as nasty as Snape!”

“I mean, have you seen my Nimbus 2000?” Harry said loudly.

Hermione glanced nervously at Ron.

“Well, your broom was out of control and flew in the direction of the Whomping Willow.” Ron swallowed and said.

“You know, its temper is not very good…”

Hermione picked up a bag from the ground, “Professor Flitwick helped get your broom back, but…”

At Harry’s ominous premonition, she turned her bag upside down, and a dozen splinters of wood and twigs fell onto the bed.

This is the remains of his favorite broomstick.

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