In the magic world without intellectual property protection, the only way to protect the magic and potions you create is——

Do not tell anyone.

But Tver did not ask the students to keep it secret, and of course, it could not be kept secret.

So the results of the club are obvious and spread around the castle.

It’s just that unlike the club members who have gone through long-term practice and theoretical understanding, other students just know that the spell is “funny”, but if they want to successfully release it, it is not something they can do.

As a result, they could only watch the club members (especially the Weasley twins) pretending to cast spells on the mini dummies.

Everyone’s feelings about the club changed from curiosity to envy in an instant!

Fortunately, Gemini can only change the clothes of the dummy for now – “If you ask me, it might as well be called a house curse.” Ron curled his lips and said.

Fortunately, the Quidditch match in the new school year diverted everyone’s attention.

It was precisely because of these two points that everyone did not beat up George and Fred who were showing off all day long.

After all, they were part of the school’s Quidditch team.

On the day of the match, Tver was awakened early in the morning by the noise in the castle.

He leisurely poured himself a glass of pumpkin juice and looked at the violent storm outside the window and the looming warm audience.

This time, he had no intention of joining in the fun.

In such a heavy rain, unless there is a film of water surrounding the whole body, even he will get wet.

And I just stayed up half the night last night.

The biggest achievement of the club is actually in his hands, so the current primary goal is of course to study the soul transformation technique.

Although he was sure in his mind that the magic power in the secret room was created by the transformation technique, the problem was that he couldn’t solve it!

If it were a normal transformation spell, even if it was performed by Dumbledore himself, Tweel would be confident that it could be restored.

But the soul transformation technique still requires him to conduct in-depth research in this area before he can dare to restore the soul will left by Salazar.

But there is still a very important research task today.

Tver drank the remaining pumpkin juice in the cup in one gulp, then stretched out his hands and let the empty cup float to the table and stand still.

He also allowed the buttons of his pajamas to automatically unbutton one by one and fall off his body in an orderly manner.

At the same time, the closet door opened with a bang, and a complete set of British casual clothes flew out and was quickly put on him.

Lift your feet, reach out…

After a few simple movements, Tver, who was neatly dressed, smoothed out the last wrinkles in his clothes, waved his outer robe, and turned around to leave the office.

After the last bit of noise in the castle left, there was only the sound of wind and rain and the distant whistle of the start of the game.

He didn’t go far when he saw another room at the corner of the corridor on the third floor.

Or rather, another Defense Against the Dark Arts professor’s office.

“Knock knock knock.”

With a shuffling sound, the door was slowly opened, revealing Lupine’s pale face, with dark circles under his eyes that were even thicker than those from Bitwell.

The body that had gained some weight at Hogwarts had become thin again, and the shabby robes looked baggy.

It seems that even with the wolfsbane potion, his wolf transformation still left him with considerable sequelae.

“I’m sorry, my current body really can’t keep me energetic.” Lu Ping said weakly, staggered and moved away from the door.

Yesterday was the night of the full moon. After such a difficult night, he was unable to speak now.

“Then you should let me come over. Maybe I can take care of you. Besides, I haven’t seen a real werewolf that turned into a wolf.”

Tver dodged and walked in. It was hard to make a fuss about this kind of topic.

“I always feel that your purpose is not that pure…” Lu Ping’s face was full of words.

“Sit down. If you want to drink tea, pour it yourself.”

“Forget it, I specially prepared pumpkin juice with added ingredients for you.”

Tver showed the bottle in his hand, which was full of drinks.

As he spoke, the two glasses on Lupin’s table floated over and were dutifully poured into two glasses of pumpkin juice.

Then a cup floated in front of Lupine. Of course, he kept one cup for himself!

“Good for you, I’m much better at this than you think.”

Lupine took a dubious sip. He didn’t have much interest in this kind of drink.

But after the sweet pumpkin juice entered his mouth, a warm feeling instantly surged into his heart, and then spread throughout his body, sweeping away all the fatigue he had accumulated.

What’s even more interesting is that it even has a spirit-boosting effect.

My originally drowsy mind became sober.


I don’t know what the sequelae of wolf transformation are, so I added all the buff potions that don’t conflict with it. Can you give me some advice? ”

Lupine chuckled and glanced at the remaining pumpkin juice in the glass.

“It’s not bad. It would be nice if it didn’t make me so energetic, because I just want to sleep now.”

“…Okay, I’ll note it down.”

Tver pretended to memorize something in the air, then pushed up his non-existent glasses.

“But you can’t sleep yet. You still need to ask this werewolf gentleman to answer my following questions seriously.”

“First of all, in the wolf state, what is the difference between drinking wolfsbane potion and not drinking it?”

Lupine continued to take a sip of pumpkin juice, and then said thoughtfully: “The biggest difference is of course the maintenance of sanity, but I noticed one thing, even if I maintain my sanity, I still have the desire to eat raw meat.”

“Oh? To what extent is this desire? Extremely hungry and eager to eat? Or did you see a delicious little cake that you like?”

“The latter, because I suppressed the feeling so easily.”

“You are so awesome, I can’t hold it back.” Tver said with admiration.

“However, this should be an incomplete part of Wolfsbane Potion, and it is also the reason why Wolfsbane Potion has not been popularized.”

“What you drank should be Snape’s improved version.”

From this point of view, the improved magic potion recipe in Snape’s hand is very important.

But don’t worry, maybe Snape will have a better version in the future?

In this regard, he still had great confidence in Snape, otherwise he wouldn’t have kept a photo of Snape petrified.


Lupine nodded gratefully.

“I have to admit, he is really good at this.”

“Then the next question is, does this bracelet work? And what kind of role does it play?”

Lupine’s face suddenly froze, and when he thought of last night’s torture, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but twitch.

If he hadn’t been unable to defeat him, he would have wanted to fight Tver directly.

“It played a very big role!” He particularly emphasized the three words “very big”, which gave Tver an ominous premonition.

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