During the rest of the vacation, Tver stayed in Austria and spent a leisurely vacation with his teacher.

Go out for a walk every morning, take a nap in the sunshine after lunch, and get up and read for a while in the afternoon.

Let’s discuss things in the magical world together in the evening, as well as the teacher’s past deeds.

Of course, there are also the secrets about the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets that are essential.

“There are many ways to cast ancient magic, and magic script is just the most widely used and most stable method.”

“If your description is correct, Salazar’s magic is very much like a soul magic.”

“Integrate soul and magic effects to achieve the flexible and changeable characteristics of magic.”

“It’s a bit like the magic of Fire Shield——”

A ball of fire appeared in Grindelwald’s hand, but in Tver’s feeling, it contained the Iron Armor Curse, Legilimens, Fire Curse, etc.

“But unlike the fire shield, this magic is mainly controlled by the will in my body and is not integrated with any will.”

Logically speaking, the soul contains magic power.

But after the magic is released, all control is connected by the line of will, or is carried out according to the rules of the magic itself.

Will not think and judge alone.

Because it does not contain the will to think independently.

The only exception is Horcruxes!

But a Horcrux also directly cuts out a piece of soul, which itself contains magic power, will, etc.

Tver groped his chin and thought for a while, and like Grindelwald, he stretched out his right hand.

But it wasn’t the flames that appeared, but his imp.

The little ghost blinked his eyes smartly, and then a ball of flames instantly surrounded him, but it was only just surrounding him.

Then with Tver’s undivided attention, Flame and Imp tried to merge.

But the repulsion between the two was much more serious than he imagined, almost incompatible with each other.

Every time more magic power is added, the soul will shrink a little, even if it comes from the master Tver.

“How can we fuse this?” He put away the imp and the flame with some frustration…

Hey, doesn’t this just merge into my own body? !

As soon as Grindelwald saw the surprised expression, he knew what he was thinking.

“Don’t think about it, that’s because the soul in your body is huge enough.”

“If you separate a piece of your soul and go out, it depends on how you integrate it. Even if you don’t fight, it will be fine!”

Instead of pursuing the issue, Tver thought of Voldemort and Malvolio.

“Ah, so Voldemort separated so many souls, aren’t you afraid of them fighting?”

Grindelwald sneered.

“No, those souls were made into Horcruxes, and Horcruxes have the function of containing and restricting them. It is difficult to be truly resurrected until the body is completely dead.”

“But because of the existence of the Horcrux, it is difficult to completely kill the main body.”

“So creating so many Horcruxes is just because the coward is afraid of death. Only by destroying all the Horcruxes can he be finally killed.”

He sat up suddenly and looked at Tver seriously.

“But this also means that if you want to completely deal with Voldemort, you must either deal with your assistant named Malvolio first, or you must find a way to let him replace Voldemort and become the body with a complete will, that is, completely Kill Voldemort’s true form.”

“My suggestion is to choose the former. Anyway, as long as we can win over Dumbledore, we don’t need a broken soul like Malvolio at all!” Grindelwald reminded.

He didn’t want Tver to hinder their plans because of Malvolio’s presence.

“What about the latter one? It’s difficult to kill the main body, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s impossible, right?” Tver said with a frown.

Unlike Grindelwald, he wants to ensure that the cutting-edge power of the magical world remains at its highest peak and minimize the possibility of future conflicts.

Malvolio, on the other hand, is obviously better at talking and easier to control than Voldemort.

“At least I don’t know.” Grindelwald shrugged indifferently.

Seeing that Tver was still thinking, he sighed helplessly.

“As a reminder, at least the conventional methods of destroying the soul will not work. After making a Horcrux, the soul is like leaving a rivet in the human world, nailing the body to the human world.”

“Of course, this does not mean that he will not die. I heard that there is a kind of trance between life and death. In that space, you should be able to remove the rivet.”

“Then how do you get to this world?”

“How do I know?” Facing his students, Grindelwald rolled his eyes unabashedly, “Maybe he will die.”

“…It’s not good for you to curse me like this, I still don’t

Your dearest student? ”

Tver helplessly tapped the teacher’s thigh and massaged him.

Grindelwald was obviously very satisfied with this, and he didn’t know what he thought of. He squinted his eyes and lay on the chair with a comfortable expression on his face.

“If you ask me, after using Malvolio, destroy him. Don’t delay in dealing with Voldemort. That coward is still very strong.”

Tver shook his head firmly.

“If the soul can be replenished, Malvolio’s upper limit is much higher than that of Voldemort. He is more malleable and easier to control.”

“And if Dumbledore turns against us in the end, we need a strong helper on our side, three to one, to be able to say that we can definitely win against Dumbledore.”

“At least Dumbledore should be afraid of us.” He quickly added.

This time, Grindelwald had to agree.

This possibility does exist. After experiencing a failure, he also believes that it is appropriate to be more cautious.

“What you said makes sense. Alas, I will still have to help you find ancient books and do research when I get old. I don’t know when I will be able to truly retire.”

“Doesn’t this make you look awesome?” Tver said in a more flattering tone.

For the rest of the time, Tver basically discussed soul fusion and trances with his teacher.

It’s just obvious that these contents cannot be studied in a week or two.

They didn’t even make any progress at all. The only thing that could be called progress was that they found a bunch of books that they didn’t know were useful.

Some of these books were accumulated by Grindelwald when he stayed in Nurmengard, and some were “borrowed” from Durmstrang’s library.

So when the vacation was coming to an end, Tver could only hold a bunch of materials, say goodbye to the teacher, and return to the UK again.

Then in the last few days, he greedily took advantage of the rare leisure time and returned to the manor to spend a few days with his parents.

Of course, this is also their rest time after returning from traveling and before starting their next journey…

This summer vacation has been busier than expected, but it will eventually end.

Tver counted the time, and after having afternoon tea with his parents, he returned to Hogwarts.

The new school year has begun!

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