Dumbledore looked at Grindelwald’s determined face and was stunned for a while before he suddenly came back to his senses.

As far as he knew, Grindelwald was a very proud man, and of course, he had been even more so.

So when they first got together, they would have arguments about magic and opinions, and no one would accept the other.

but now……

So you have changed so much…

“Tver’s talent is indeed very high. As you said, it is higher than you and me. Therefore, Gellert, I don’t want him to inherit your will.”

“Can you understand? The wizarding world cannot, and will not, tolerate such thoughts.”

This was the first time he said Grindelwald’s name today. It was different from before. There was even a hint of request and a hint of threat in his tone.

Grindelwald gave him a thoughtful look and then said easily: “Tver actually looks down on my ideas. He often implicitly belittles my original approach.”

“Of course, I also realized that what I did was wrong, so I never had the idea of ​​letting him inherit my will.”

“He is just my student, a very smart student.”

But that doesn’t mean you’re right, Dumbledore.

It is true that Tver will not inherit my will, because he does not need to——

He has stronger and greater ideals than me!

The corners of Grindelwald’s mouth raised slightly, making Dumbledore a little confused.

What’s there to be proud of…

“But Turville’s attention to Muggles is a little too high.” Dumbledore said with a frown.

In fact, he wanted to use the word “very high”, but considering that Grindelwald’s current attitude was so friendly, he really didn’t want to ruin this rare atmosphere.

“But you have to admit, he was right about a lot of things about Muggles.”

“Like Muggle technology.”

Grindelwald motioned Dumbledore to look towards the road, where there were many cars passing by.

“Where did we see such advanced and beautiful cars fifty years ago? When I just left Nurmengard, I didn’t dare to admit that these were those slow cars.”

“According to Tver, in another twenty years, cars without human drivers will probably appear.”

“Dumbledore, Muggle technology is advancing too fast, while the wizarding world is too slow.”

“Then we can’t invade them.” Dumbledore said seriously.

“That’s natural,” Grindelwald smiled easily. “Most wizards are also born from Muggles. Invading Muggles will not be beneficial, but will cause the magic world to fall apart.”

“That’s why I want to come out and see what new Muggle gadgets there are, and see where the future of the wizarding world lies.”

Dumbledore looked at Grindelwald in surprise.

Is this still the Grindelwald he knew? !

Saying this from Grindelwald’s mouth is no less than Voldemort saying that he wants to protect the world!

Without opening his mouth, Grindelwald knew what he was thinking.

“Don’t be surprised. This is just the leisure thought of a retired old man. Anyway, I am just a failed Dark Lord. As for protecting the magic world, that is what you, a white wizard, should do.”

After hearing this proposition, Dumbledore fell silent for a long time before he raised his head.

“To protect the magic world, as long as I am not dead… no, even if I die, I will work hard for it.”

“Then I really beg you. Even if it’s for the safety of a retired old man like me, please protect this magical world.”

“It’s better to live longer than me.”

Grindelwald replied nonchalantly.

He did not continue talking on this topic, otherwise it would be easy to expose Tver’s thoughts and make him hindered by Dumbledore as a fledgling.

But he had to help him divert Dumbledore’s attention, at least not to make Dumbledore hostile to him and himself.

He also had to plant the seeds in Dumbledore’s mind that he had the same purpose as them, so that it would be easier for Tweel to convince Dumbledore in the future.

Alas, he obviously found a student, but why did he seem to be a nanny?

“Let’s not talk about this anymore. Let’s talk about what happened in the past fifty years. Of course, if you mind, then forget it.”

“Why would I mind? To be honest, I was just shocked by your change.” Dumbledore pretended to be surprised and covered his chest.

Grindelwald couldn’t help but laugh: “If it weren’t for your surprised expression, I wouldn’t have known I had changed so much.”

“Fifty years, Albus, people always change…”

Dumbledore looked at him with emotion for a long time before saying in a nostalgic tone: “Yes, people always change.”

Grindelwald shared it with Dumbledore as if he had discovered a fun toy.

“But let me tell you, Grigovitch hasn’t changed much. He’s still the same stubborn little old man.”

“Oh, really? I thought his temper would get better after so many years?”

“How is it possible? It’s even worse. I used to…”

At noon, Turville, who was busy with a big meal in the kitchen, stared dumbfoundedly at Dumbledore and the teacher walking in, talking and laughing.

“Principal, when did you come here?”

“Oh, it’s Tver. I came here just now. I just met Gellert outside and had a casual chat.”

Dumbledore said casually.

“I didn’t expect your cooking skills to be so good. I smelled it right outside the door.”

After chatting for a while, is this what happens after chatting for a while? !

Tver felt that his perception was wrong. Could it be that Malvolio and Cynthia were pretending to deceive him?

How could this be the way he expected Dumbledore to get along with his teacher? !

In his expectation, the two of them would either be tit-for-tat or passionate.

The result was like seeing old friends for many years, neither overly enthusiastic nor conflicted.

When they arrived at the dinner table, they talked most about the past, still in a relaxed atmosphere.

It made Tver feel like an outsider. Except for occasionally answering questions about food, the two of them didn’t pay attention to him at all.

Even after lunch was over and they were sitting in the living room, they just changed the topic to some issues in the wizarding world.

Thanks to Twell’s hard work, he prepared a table of meals and reluctantly contributed his favorite pudding and biscuits!

These two even shamelessly ate them all!

But as evening approached, Dumbledore finally stood up and said goodbye.

“Aren’t you going to stay a little longer? There is an extra room here.” Tver finally had the opportunity to talk directly to Dumbledore.

“No, the school and the Federation still have things to do,” Dumbledore stood up and walked to the door, “Thank you very much for your hospitality.”

“Well, I look forward to seeing you again next time.”

“Goodbye then, Gellert.”

Grindelwald waved his hand casually.

Dumbledore walked out into the sunlight, waved to them, turned and disappeared.

Behind Turville, Grindelwald stood in the shadow of the house, silently looking at the place where Dumbledore disappeared.

“Teacher, what’s going on with you?”

As soon as Dumbledore left and before he returned to the house, Tweel couldn’t help but asked curiously: “Are you getting back together?”

Grindelwald turned around and replied calmly: “That’s Dumbledore, he won’t let down his guard so easily.”

“Oh? But I see you guys are having a good time chatting?” Tver asked.

“You and he can have a happy chat, but do you know that you have been on guard before?”

But from an angle that Tver couldn’t see, Grindelwald’s lips curved into an irrepressible smile.

Tver curled his lips.

That is to say, you two have some reservations when talking to each other.

“That’s good. I thought you told everything about me. After all, that’s Deng Bu Li Duo~”

Grindelwald glanced back at his student and said angrily: “Thank you for helping you test Dumbledore, and helping you plant the seeds of his future in his heart.”

Tver’s eyes lit up, and he quickly walked up and squeezed the teacher’s shoulder.

“So, the principal has already begun to think about the future of the wizarding world that I described?”

“That’s right!” Grindelwald punched his cane proudly, “He has begun to think about the consequences that the advancement of Muggle technology will have on wizards.”

“As long as you continue to deepen the threat of Muggle technology to him in the future, he will naturally move closer to our goal!”

This time, he will personally pull Dumbledore onto a ship!

Thinking of this, Grindelwald showed a smile as competitive as a child’s.

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