Having just mentioned Grimmauld Place, Tver still doesn’t have a clear impression of it.

But when he came here, standing in a small square, his memory gradually became clear.

This is the home of Sirius Black and where the ancestral home of the Black family is located.

But today’s target is not Black, but Lupin.

So, is Lupine here to reminisce about the past, or is he tracking down Sirius, who has escaped from prison, and trying to capture his former friend and imprison him?

Tver looked at the houses here for a few times.

The houses here are all similar in style, but the insides of these houses are all gloomy, completely opposite to the lively Diagon Alley just now.

The windows of some houses were broken, and the paint on the doors was peeling off, leaving them as bare as scars.

But obviously, Lupine’s clues will not be seen directly.


Malvolio burst into laughter.

This caused Tver to glare at him very dissatisfied.

“Why are you laughing? This is an urgent moment!”

Tweel could not guarantee that the addition of Malvolio to the magical world as an Auror would not cause a chain reaction of werewolves such as Greyback.

Similarly, he could not guarantee that Lupine’s experience would be like the plot, and he would go to school to teach safely.

If something happened, he wouldn’t know where to find a suitable Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

But Malvolio didn’t care about his mood at all and laughed at him.

“My clever Tver!” He laughed out of breath.

“If Lupine and Greyback were fighting on the street, the Aurors would have followed the trail and come here!”

“Follow the smell? Do you mean that your Auror is a dog?”


Malvolio stopped laughing immediately, “…let’s look for traces of Lupin.”

Malvolio led Tver through Grimmauld Place, skillfully looking for suspicious places.

“If a fight really breaks out, it will either be in a corner where no one can see it, or the Muggles who witnessed it will be killed.” He deliberately went into a remote area to search.

“When you Aurors receive information that a wanted criminal has been sighted, won’t you come over to search?” Tver followed with confidence and still had time to chat.

“Wanted criminals are also wizards. It is normal for them to appear in one or two places. We only take action after confirming the long-term residence of the wanted criminals many times. Otherwise, it will be more difficult to catch them if we alert them.”

“So, can you determine where the wanted criminal lives?”

“They are said to be wanted criminals, so how can they have a fixed residence? They usually hide in Muggle communities, and then haunt wizard areas where they can forage for food.”

“Other Aurors were just lucky enough to encounter and arrest one or two wanted criminals.”

“But I’m different.” Malvolio stopped and turned back rather proudly.

“Dark wizards always leave more or less traces, and these traces can help me track their location easily!”

Tver moved his head away shamelessly and observed the alley.

Of course, this can’t exactly be called an alley.

Because this place is still very spacious, it is just covered by the surrounding houses, making it not so conspicuous.

But unlike other alleys, the ground here is not flat.

“Because werewolf corpses are relatively difficult to dispose of, and their transformation skills are relatively poor, they often leave such conspicuous marks.”

Malvolio tapped the slightly protruding place with his toes, “There is a werewolf’s corpse buried here.”

He pretended to sniff, as if he smelled something.

“There should be a Muggle body as well, probably an innocent Muggle who was involved.”

Tver did not respond to him, but came to the convex land with a solemn expression, squatted down and observed carefully.

Could it be Lu Ping here?

As Malvolio moved his feet, the convex land slowly split open in the middle, revealing the two corpses stacked inside.

The one above is a man dressed as a homeless man, with a huge wound on his neck, which almost severed his neck.

The male corpse below was dressed no better than a tramp. His clothes were ragged and his robe was stained with pudding.

The only thing that looks better is that the body is intact, with no additional scars, and the hair is thicker. However, the appearance is blurred by the large amount of blood of the homeless man, and it is difficult to distinguish it for a while.


“He was hit by the Death Curse,” Malvolio said with great certainty. “I think, if Dumbledore’s description is correct, that Lupine would not have used the Death Curse.”

Hearing this, Tver’s heart tightened.

Lupine really didn’t bother using the Death Curse

, only Greyback’s group of dark wizard werewolves would use the Death Curse so unscrupulously.

So, this is Lupin?

Damn, are you still late? !

“But he shouldn’t be Lupin.” Malvolio looked at Tver’s nervous look in amusement.

“You can barely see the surprise on his expression. He was probably accidentally injured by his teammates.”

“Don’t doubt it. Very few werewolves can receive orthodox education. The magic they release is messy, and accidental injuries to teammates are common.”

“This is why I have always looked down on this group of people.”

Tver stood up slowly.

“Couldn’t you have told me earlier…”

“Isn’t it normal for me to speak slowly?”

Malvolio blinked twice innocently and spread his hands, but the slightly upturned corners of his mouth could not hide his pride at all.

“Then how can we rely on these two corpses to find traces of Lupin?” Tver said.

“Ahem, they’re right here.” Malvolio pointed proudly at the house next to him.

“Calm down, your smart brain will be able to find something strange here.”

Tver calmed down obediently, and soon discovered the magic fluctuations coming from behind the wall.

He pulled out his wand in amusement.

I was really in a panic for a moment, and I didn’t even notice the obvious fighting aura.

It seems that the number of battles has decreased during this period, and the sensitivity to magic fluctuations has also decreased.

It seemed that he would have to seize the time to practice in the future. He glanced at Malvolio next to him maliciously.

This sight made Malvolio panic, and he quickly took out his wand and pointed it at the wall.

There was a flash of red light.


The wall was destroyed instantly, and before the dust cleared, Malvolio rushed in first.

“The Aurors are coming!”

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