After Dumbledore nodded, Malvolio relaxed visibly.

After all, when Voldemort split this part of his soul, he had just graduated a few years ago. At that time, Dumbledore’s repressive power was clearly engraved in this part of his soul.

But Tver became nervous.

Because Dumbledore’s momentum transferred to him.

“Before I go to visit your teacher, there is one more thing I want you to do.”

Tver swallowed unconsciously.

“What’s so urgent? Do you have to do it for me?”

To make Dumbledore so solemn, it must not be an easy job!

“It’s up to you whether you want a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.”

Dumbledore clasped his hands on the table proudly, looking like he was “defining you”.

“…time, place, people.” Tver said helplessly.

“From now on, Remus Lupin, he seems to be in a bit of trouble,” Dumbledore glanced at Malvolio, “from all sides.”


Twil frowned in confusion.

“What kind of situation does this have to cause such trouble?”

He knew that Lupine, the poor werewolf professor in the plot, was sad for a long time when he saw Lupine lying on the ground with his wife in his previous life.

But the problem is, it’s not like Lupin’s style to get into trouble with the Ministry of Magic and dark wizards, right? !

Soon, Dumbledore answered his doubts.

“Lupin is a werewolf, do you mind? The Ministry of Magic wants to register him as a werewolf and keep him under strict supervision.”

“On the other hand, Lupine has never wanted to hang out with werewolves, especially Fenrir Greyback’s gang.”

“So now he is caught between two people, and he has to face ordinary wizards who are afraid of and even hate werewolves.”

“His current situation is not optimistic, especially since his position has been exposed to Greyback’s vision recently.”

Tver sighed rather speechlessly.

“Being a good werewolf is even more difficult to survive than being a dark wizard. This magical world is really interesting.” Malvolio shook his head amusedly, his tone even contemptuous.

But this time even Dumbledore was silent, with no way or any position to refute.

Lupine is a member of the Order of the Phoenix. Now in poverty, he has an unshirkable responsibility as the leader of the Order of the Phoenix.

“It doesn’t matter, the magic world still has problems of this kind and that, so we have to work hard.” Tver quickly comforted him.

Dumbledore immediately smiled with relief, wanting to train Tweel as his successor for countless times.

“Then I’ll leave it to you, Lupine. He might be…forget it, I don’t know where he is.”

Tver: [・_・?]

At least I have an address!

Otherwise, Britain is so big, where would I go to find it? !

“Perhaps we can track Greyback’s location. If we can’t track it, we might as well ask someone from the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures.”

The long experience of being an Auror made Malvolio immediately think of many methods.

“Awesome, Delis, I’m glad you can grow into an excellent person.” Dumbledore’s words of praise came out as if he didn’t need money.

Only Turville knew that this was just Dumbledore’s habitual coaxing behavior.

Think about it, if the First White Wizard himself praised you like this, most people would have gone crazy with joy and not obeyed Dumbledore’s orders obediently.

Fortunately, the people here are not ordinary people.

Tver bid farewell to Fox in a friendly manner, and left with Malvolio, who was indeed a little carried away.

“Speaking of which, is this the first time Dumbledore has praised me like this?”

As soon as they left the castle, Malvolio said in a daze.

Tver looked at him speechlessly – this was also a child who lacked love.

“If you can change your ways, Dumbledore will praise you every day!”

“Tell me, where is Greyback now?”

“How could I know that?” Malvolio came back to his senses and answered confidently.

“Then you just said you could find someone to verify?!”

“So we still need to find someone!”

Five minutes later they were in the Leaky Cauldron.

The bar was very lively, but as soon as I entered the place, I saw a familiar figure.

“Professor Foley?” Harry had just come down the stairs and was about to have lunch.

He is still getting used to living in a bar, so it is normal to sleep in!

As soon as these words came out, there was a small commotion in the bar.


“When did Hogwarts have such a young professor?”

“A child from a welfare family?”

Seeing this scene, Malvolio mumbled helplessly.

He muttered: “That’s why I like to drive pure-blood families and attract everyone’s attention as soon as I appear.”

“Don’t forget, you also come from a pure-blood family.”

Turville responded in an equally low voice before meeting Harry who was walking towards him, causing Malvolio to glare away from the man who was watching them.

“Are you staying here?”

“Yes, I moved here last night.”

Harry said with some embarrassment. After all, it was not honorable to inflate his aunt and then run away from home.

“Professor, what are you doing here?”

“Ah, I’m going to find you a new professor.”

Seeing Harry’s worried look, Tver added: “Don’t worry, this year’s professor will be very good. I’m afraid that professor will steal my limelight.”

“No way.” Harry emphasized loudly, but his hungry stomach made him lack of strength.

“Don’t sleep in during the holidays, not to mention skipping breakfast is bad for your stomach. Go eat quickly.”

Harry touched his flat belly, but before he could speak, he was pushed out of the way.

“Is this the Professor Welfare that Cedric often mentioned?”

A man appeared in front of Tver with a smile on his face, and his big hands held Tver’s hand enthusiastically.

“My name is Amos Diggory, Cedric’s father, and I currently work in the Beast’s office.”

“Thank you for taking care of Cedric at school.”

Tver was startled by his enthusiasm and blinked twice before he recovered.

“Cedric is doing well in school, I’m not taking care of him.”

“You are so humble. Cedric highly respects many of your views at home. His mother and I both think they make sense…”

“Okay, let’s save the polite words for later,” Malvolio stepped forward and stood in front of Amos, “Where is the position of Remus Lupin or Fenrir Greyback?”

“Oh okay, Delis.”

Amos belatedly took out a piece of parchment from his pocket. It was wrinkled, as if it had passed through many people’s hands.

“Lupin goes back to a month ago, in Diagon Alley, where he allegedly bought some chocolates.

But Greyback was last seen in Grimmauld Place, London, just last night. ”

Tver took the piece of paper and scanned it with his head.

The above are all the records of these two, but compared to Lupin, who only has a few lines, Greyback’s records account for more than half.

“Lupine’s behavior is relatively friendly, so we pay less attention to him. Although he has fewer records, he actually appears in front of everyone more often.”

“Greyback is just the opposite. Once he appears, he will definitely attract everyone’s attention.”

Amos immediately explained to him.

“Then why did I hear that the Ministry of Magic is tracking Lupin’s whereabouts?”

“I don’t know about that. Recently, in order to track down Black, the ministry has been in a state of chaos. Various orders have been issued. Delis also knows about it.”

Seeing Malvolio nodding in agreement, Tver put away the note.

“Okay, let’s get there quickly.”

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