After doing all this, Malvolio continued to ask Vernon: “Where is Harry now? I need to talk to him.”

“Ha, how do I know where that kid is? He just threatened me with a small stick and then left with his luggage!”

Vernon huffed and pointed at the little spot between the head and the body, as if there really was a neck there.

“Did you see it? I’m going to sue him!”

“Sorry, wait till you find your neck.”

Malvolio looked around the living room, muttered “He’s always so accurate” and left.

He didn’t pay any attention to Vernon who was cursing behind him.

The next second, he appeared at the door of the Leaky Cauldron.

According to Turville, Harry got on the Knight Bus after leaving the Dursleys’ house.

This is a kind of public transportation in the wizarding world and an emergency tool for wizards.

As long as there is a need, it will appear like a phantom, and then transport the customer to any place in the UK at an extraordinary speed.

Harry’s destination this time was the Leaky Cauldron in front of him.

So Malvolio simply came here.

But it looked like he arrived a little earlier than Harry.

As for whether there is anything wrong…

Oh, even if Tver said that he would be killed by a disarming spell in the future, he would still believe it.

Not long after, Fudge, who received his notification, also apparated over.

As soon as he landed, he asked eagerly: “Delix, where is Harry?”

Malvolio pointed to the road ahead. Under the cover of darkness, there were only a few scattered Muggle cars driving.

“On the way here.”

“Didn’t you say Harry was on the Knight Bus? How can you be sure of his destination -”

Before Fudge finished speaking, he knew the source of Malvolio’s confidence.

Because a three-story bus appeared at the end of the road like a flash of lightning a few seconds later, and then rushed here quickly.

With a final crunch, it stopped precisely in front of them.

Fudge stared at the smiling Malvolio in disbelief.

“You’re always so good.”

He whispered something, then stepped forward and patted Harry as he got out of the car.

“So you really want to come here, Harry.”

Facing Fudge’s comments, Malvolio didn’t know whether to laugh or not.

Forget it, he is indeed excellent anyway.

Thinking of this, he glanced at the alley next to him.

There was a little dog in the shadow there, a puppy that had just arrived.

The dog was half as tall as him and had black hair all over its body. However, due to its wandering life, its body was skinny and its hair was dirty and dull.

However, it was brave enough to stick its head out, for fear that Malvolio would not recognize him as an Animagus.

So, this is Black’s animal form that Twil was talking about?

Malvolio looked at the big black dog.

As if sensing the threat in his eyes, Blake immediately turned around and hid in an alley.

Of course, it was also because Fudge and their chat ended that Harry was half pushed and half pushed into the bar by Fudge.

“Delix, please wait for me for a moment. I still need to say a few words to Harry.”

Fudge even felt a little embarrassed to have to use an elite Auror like Delis to do this.

Of course, Malvolio didn’t know and didn’t care whether he was really embarrassed or just being polite.

He curled his lips and followed them into the bar nonchalantly.

Because the owner of the Leaky Cauldron has the same name as him, he has always remembered this place for so many years.

There were no other customers in the bar, and Tom was leisurely wiping his wine glass at the bar.

Hearing the footsteps, he raised his head happily.

“Minister?!” Tom came to them quickly, “It’s so late, do you want something? Beer? Brandy?”

“No, just help Harry prepare a room.” Fudge raised his hand in a superior manner, stopping Tom’s enthusiastic movements.

But Harry felt strange, or he had been confused since he got off the bus.

According to Fudge, it would be best for him to stay at the Leaky Cauldron and in Diagon Alley until school starts.

You have to come back on time in the evening, and you are not allowed to go to strange places.

Even after school starts, you are not allowed to leave the school on Christmas Day, which is more lenient than the teachers in the school!

“But I used magic outside of school!”

“Oh, Delis has already solved that matter for you. You don’t want to be expelled from school, right?” God Fudge

He said unnaturally.

This made Harry feel even weirder.

“I saw Blake in the car, was he caught?”

“Oh!” Fudge’s body trembled. He was really exhausted because of this incident recently. “We will catch him, soon…”

“By the way, Harry, this is Delis, the best Auror in the Ministry of Magic. If you see him on the street and you encounter any trouble, you can come to him.”

Fudge proudly patted Malvolio on the shoulder, also to find some psychological security for himself.

But in Harry’s eyes, he always felt that the way Mr. Auror looked at him was weirder than everything tonight combined.

I never had this weird feeling when we met before.

“We won’t disturb your rest.”

Fudge took Malvolio’s arm and walked out of the bar.

At this time, there were only a few Muggles walking by occasionally outside the bar. The cool breeze in the middle of the night blew his hand away.

“Delix, leave the pursuit of Black to others. In the past few months, your task is to protect Harry!” He solemnly instructed Malvolio.

“You think Black is going to attack Harry?”

“Yes, your mind is as clear as ever!”

There was a hint of pride in Fudge’s happy smile, obviously he was proud of his strategy.

“It’s much easier than foolishly following Blake’s trail.”

“However, you can’t be the only one protecting Harry, so I plan to send dementors to Hogwarts in the new school year!”

At this time, Malvolio could no longer remain calm.

“Are you crazy? Dumbledore will kill all those dementors!”

“Don’t worry, just send someone over to convince Dumbledore and he will agree.”

Fudge smiled sarcastically.

The Minister of Magic’s decision could not force Dumbledore, which made him a little angry, but now that his subordinates had exposed it, he was even more embarrassed.

“Who is so powerful that he can convince Dumbledore?”

Fudge’s embarrassment disappeared instantly.

“Of course it’s you! Besides you, who else is the most powerful in the Ministry of Magic?!”

He had an expression of “I’m optimistic about you” and patted Malvolio’s shoulder excitedly.

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