They chatted until the evening, checking for gaps in the plan and providing suggestions.

“Do you know the girl on the cover?” Cynthia asked cautiously.

“How I can possibly know each other is all decided by the people in the company.” Tver said helplessly.

Although it was his initiative to establish the company, in order to avoid attracting the attention of the wizarding world, all work was done in the Muggle way.

He did not show his face in front of any company employees, and Jeff, who was ordered by him, quietly passed by in disguise.

They didn’t even use the Imperius Curse, they just used the Confusion Curse to forge an investor and instruct the professional manager to work.

(It’s actually not that simple, but I won’t go into details because it doesn’t have much to do with the main plot.)

At night, Jeff also finished his work there and apparated back home.

This is also the reason why Tver chose Jeff to do this job. Even if he is unfortunately discovered, the elf’s magic can allow him to escape easily.

“Master, good evening, Mr. Malvolio and Miss Cynthia.”

Jeff saluted gracefully.

The young master had already told him the purpose of doing these things. Although he was very touched by the young master’s trust, he still had some worries in his heart.

But he couldn’t tell the master and his wife these things. He could only hope that the young master would have more friends and more people would help him.

Therefore, even if the young master emphasized it several times, he still maintained respect for Malvolio and Cynthia.

Cynthia hurriedly replied “Good evening”, but Malvolio waved his hand indifferently.

This is the elf of the Tver family and their future partner. He still knows to maintain an equal attitude.

Tver also looked at him curiously.

“I didn’t expect you to make such great progress now. If I reveal your identity as Voldemort, everyone will think I’m crazy.”

“Oh, I am now a brave and good Auror in the Ministry of Magic. Who are you, a little cookie, to dare to slander me?”

Malvolio proudly snatched the cookie from his hand again and raised his eyebrows demonstratively.

Speaking of which, he did enjoy his job at the Ministry of Magic.

He had a group of obedient men under his command. Apart from Rufus Scrimgeour, the head of the Auror Office, only Fudge could command him.

And it can’t be said to be a commission. Many affairs use the word “entrust”.

After all, in the Ministry of Magic, after Moody retired and Scrimgeour was promoted, there is no more capable Auror than him!

After receiving the medal, the high-level circles began to accept him.

Even though he was disdainful, he felt more comfortable than before when he led a bunch of younger men around killing people and setting fires.

At least you don’t have to worry about Dumbledore coming to kill you. If you want to kill him, Tver will be in front.

This was also the first time Malvolio felt that having a boss to protect him was really reassuring.

Tver didn’t know what he was thinking in his heart, but seeing the satisfied look on his face always felt weird.

Is this the success of Voldemort’s re-education?

“Ignore him, Jeff, how are things going at the company?”

Jeff watched the three of them playing with a warm smile. He was stunned for a moment when he heard Tweel’s words, and finally reacted.

“The first batch of facial masks has been produced, but do we really want to give them all away for free?”

He knew the cost of this batch of facial masks best. The galleons spent on beauty potions alone were enough for the Weasley family to make another trip to Romania.

“This is just a marketing strategy, and the galleons spent will be converted into more pounds, which can then be exchanged back for galleons to purchase raw materials needed by the wizarding world.”

“Does the magic world need so many raw materials?”

“We don’t spend much Galleons. We only need the deposit Galleons to break even. Our goal is not to earn Galleons.”

Jeff finally felt at ease.

What he feels most at ease with the young master now is the prudentness and thoroughness in formulating various plans.

“Then I’m going to prepare dinner for everyone.”

But after Jeff left, an owl appeared.

I still came here to find Cynthia.

She immediately untied the envelope and read it quickly.

“Harry Potter violated the Statute of Secrecy for the second time because he used magic on his aunt, but Fudge asked that the matter be suppressed and that Aurors be sent to protect Harry.”

“I’m probably worried about Sirius,” Malvolio said nonchalantly.

He was already tired of Blake’s affairs. According to Eatwell, Blake couldn’t really be caught.

Fudge and a group of senior officials pressed him every day, leaving him in a dilemma.

He smiled gleefully.

“I don’t know which one is unlucky.

Egg will be sent there, and maybe he can really meet Black. Natwell, your plan-”

Just the next second, his smile disappeared.

Another owl came over, looking for him again…

“Pfft, this unlucky guy, hurry up and open the envelope, don’t keep the owl waiting, hahaha…”

Tver and Cynthia laughed immorally.

By the time Jeff came over with the food, Malvolio had already left cursing.

“Where’s Mr. Malvolio?”

“Leave him alone, we eat ours.”

Malvolio soon arrived at Privet Drive.

But he didn’t seem to be in a good mood, standing at the door of the Dursley’s house with a gloomy expression.

“Knock – bang – bang -”

He knocked hard, let’s call it three times.

Vernon Dursley opened the door with an angry look on his face.

“What if-oh,” he choked up immediately when he saw Delis’s burly figure, “Sir, what can I do for you?”

Malvolio first looked at his messy hair and a pair of tattered trouser legs.

“Dulx, an Auror from the British Ministry of Magic, is here to deal with tonight’s, um, accident.”

Originally this kind of thing was carried out by the Ministry of Incident Reversal, but it was only due to the importance of Harry and the precarious reputation of the Ministry of Magic.

Fudge didn’t dare to take any more risks, so he let him come over.

Although I didn’t know what an Auror was, I knew it was a government department when I heard the Ministry of Magic, and I immediately gained Vernon’s trust.

“That’s great!” He originally wanted to roar, but seeing Malvolio’s gloomy look, he didn’t dare to be bold.

“Hurry up and help my sister get rid of that damn…symptom, and then put that kid in jail!”

“Sorry, Harry will not be punished for this little thing, so where is the victim?” Malvolio said impatiently.

Seeing him take out his wand, Vernon didn’t dare say anything else.

Although he refuted the existence of magic all day long, he was still afraid of actually facing it.

“It’s inside, I pulled it down, and it’s still floating in the living room!”

Malvolio then entered.

It had to be said that he was shocked when he saw Aunt Harry.

She had swollen to the point where she almost filled half of the living room. Her current state could not be said to be floating, but rather crowded.

Harry’s cousin Dudley and aunt Petunia could only huddle in the corner, shivering.

Malvolio quickly cast the spell, released the energy from her body, and also helped her clear the relevant memories.

Of course, even the dogs she brought were not left out.

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