Hidden Otsutsuki

Chapter 78--The secret technique of mutation

"You talk a lot. If you have any skills, just show them and let me defeat you directly. I must get the memories behind you." Yu Ling frowned, stretched his arms back a little, and moved his upper body. Rotate backwards to extend the space for swinging the knife.

"Little moves... this can't hurt me, kid! Watch carefully and learn carefully! Hahahaha... Corpse Vein·Miniature·Karamatsu Dance!" Kimimaro waved his hands on the spot, and all the bone spurs in his body returned to his body. The newly detached fingertips on the fingers also grew out.

"Karamatsu's Dance... I remember it was a move that used bones to imprison the enemy... but it was probably a change of move. He didn't pull out his spine."

At this time, Yu Ling's careful observation during the battle showed its effect. The moves that I vaguely heard at that time can still emerge in my mind now. Not only the form of execution, but also the requirements and timeliness are all like precise data.

"Is this your killing move? It seems a little different from Kimimaro's. However, this is just another ninjutsu that was broken by me." Yu Ling's body couldn't stop the momentum of falling, and wanted to pause first The plan to adjust the rhythm and study this move was in vain. He had no choice but to resort to the trick, and roared downwards like a fox pretending to be a tiger, and the chakra gathered in his hand became stronger.

"Kid, don't be anxious. If I don't tell you to watch it carefully, why don't you just watch it carefully?" Kimimaro's tone suddenly became joking, his eyes were a little blurry, and he pointed his ten fingers at the sky. Dance wildly.

"With such a coloratura, you can't compare to the real Kimimaro." Yu Ling turned his head dismissively and mocked without caring.

"Haha, you ignorant kid! I'm ready. Come out, my little guys!" Kimimaro raised his arms steadily again, but this time he didn't deliberately aim at the feather that fell down. Ling.

"What are you planning to do? You didn't even aim at me. Are you planning to let loose?" Yu Ling didn't understand the meaning of this action. His falling figure did not change, and his whole body was gradually covered with chakra.

"In any situation, you need to retain the ability to protect yourself, and you can't sacrifice your life and go all out."

This is one of the contents taught by Mr. Iruka in the ninja school, and it is also a point of view that Yu Ling most agrees with. Only by always retaining some strength can you have the opportunity to seize the enemy's loopholes and regain the advantage in a headwind battle.

It was such caution and calmness that Kimimaro's plan failed.

"Haha! Release the water? Do you think I'm that kind of person? Let's form a hornet's nest, kid!" After a loud roar, ten fingers tore the skin again and sprang out.

"Huh? I remember what he called "Karamatsu's Dance". Why is it a ten-finger piercing attack?" His excellent memory was actually a bit burdensome at this moment. Before he could react, those fingertips had already He flew across the remaining distance between the two and arrived in front of him.

"My weighted rocks are still there, which means they can't hurt me now." Yu Ling's confidence comes from actual combat. The success just now will naturally not fail now.

"You are the real arrogant! You don't even know how to read your enemy's moves. This is really not a ten-finger piercing bullet!"


Just a second before the collision, those fingertips changed their paths at the same time.

"What...huh? There are ropes on the back...no, those are his finger bones!"

It wasn't until his fingertips reached behind his back that Yu Ling could clearly see the long and thin bones connected behind his fingertips. Clear-cut texture, plus a white chill. Ten complete hand bones surrounded Yu Ling's body, and both sides were in a stalemate for a while.

"Haha! Are you scared out of your mind by me? This is my Karamatsu Dance! This is the reason why I can stand here!" Kimimaro looked up to the sky and laughed, his eyes widened in a hysterical manner, staring at Yu Ling. The eyes under the mask. "Put it away! Corpse Veins·Miniature 1 Karamatsu Dance, put it away!"

The extremely sloppy name brought about control that was haphazard and unable to break free.

"Huh? Using numbers to achieve the control power of the spine? It's really strange... and it's hard to guard against."

With such a small control, even if the first, second, or even third root is avoided, the fourth, fifth, and sixth root will follow. It is almost an unsolvable existence, and as long as one of them gets entangled, the rest will have a chance to make up for it within a second.

Yu Ling is now in the middle of these bones, with his limbs tied behind his back and his head pulled back.

"Enjoy it, Supreme Hanging! This is my ultimate move, and I'm not afraid to let you know that I have no back-ups. But, can you break free from this thing?" Kimimaro turned around directly after saying that, without looking back. He walked back to the darkness in his mind, leaving his bones slowly tightening and Yu Ling struggling.

"Tch, it's really troublesome. But such arrogance can be exploited." Yu Ling was not discouraged by being controlled. The enemy's departure was an advantage for him, which was a point for counterattack.

"Haha, you actually left me hanging here. The God of Death is coming to collect you."

Although his hands are tied behind his back, he can still perform simple hand seals, otherwise his usual practice will be in vain. After forming a Indian pose, chakra emerged from the whole body, and a faint body shape appeared through the bones. However, after a while, a clone fell to the ground. This time it was no longer an ordinary clone. Yu Ling once again used a single-attribute clone with a single chakra. The raging chakra in his body all reflects his specialness.

"I failed to control the acupuncture points on my body properly, and the chakra released was not what I wanted."

This is a thunder clone, and Yu Ling's original intention is a fire clone. Fire clones are obviously more useful in situations like this. Remote assistance can contain melee nemesis like Kimimaro better than melee bonus.

"But it's not a big problem. With the thunder attribute... plus my hidden sword, I should be able to break his bones." Yu Ling's tactics are not comparable to this self-proclaimed old man, no matter what they are. Combination, he can play novel routines. Even if it's a water body and wind clone... maybe it really won't work.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. Anyway, the current clone is not the water clone or the wind clone. Okay, Lei, help me untie these bones."

"Thunder Escape·Earth Walk." He held his hand on the circle of bones with an expressionless face, and the thunder and lightning as thick as his thumb jumped, released from the palm of his hand, and exploded in all directions. Bones are fairly good conductors, but after a while they become entangled with all the bones. The slightest cracks slowly appeared.


Screams came from the middle of the thunder flow.

Naturally, as the most difficult attribute to control, how could the unruly Lei stay calmly on the bones?

By the way, Yu Ling was naturally shocked.

"Huh, I finally came out." With his charred white robe and a pile of burnt ashes beside him, Yu Ling finally stood on the ground normally again. "Lei, let's go." Yu Ling didn't care about Lei's clone's mistake and took the lead into the darkness ahead with a wave of his arm.


"Hey! Can you enter the front just as you said?" At some point, Kimimaro had appeared behind him, with a shining bone knife in his hand, and several bone spurs protruding from his back.

Fully armed and ready to go all out.

"You actually came out on your own. Do you have a premonition that your bones can't control me?" Yu Ling originally planned to use this to undermine Kimimaro's self-confidence, but unexpectedly, he misunderstood him.

"Ah? Yes, look, what a miraculous prediction this is. Only I can stand here and firmly protect these many memories!"


"Hahahaha! Are you surrendering to my IQ and strength? From now on, you will be kicked out of this space within three minutes!"

"You're still so confident, but you don't feel any problem..."

The thunder clone next to him was simply ignored... No, that's not right. This is not his problem.

"Lei, why are you standing behind me?"


"Oh! There is another person! Huh? They are exactly the same! Are you twins? I feel like your brother's chakra is much stronger!" A person appeared out of thin air and was attributed to a brother...

"My mind is really simple. I manage so many memories, but I don't know how to use information... Where did I get my brother?" Yu Ling thought to himself. Since the other party doesn't know this kind of information, there is no need to know it. .

"Lei, take action." Yu Ling showed his hidden sword and applied wind chakra to his legs.

"Yes. Thunder Release·Thunder Blade!" The pure thunder attribute is indeed different. It only requires a pure burst, and there is no need to control anything at all. There is no need to worry about other attributes of chakra overflowing. Directly attached to the hidden sword, the short fifty-centimeter hidden sword forcefully pulled out a meter-long blade.

Yu Ling has never seen such a situation.

"Why is it pulled out so much? In reality, the blade is only extended on the periphery... Extension, is it possible to say that this is also feasible in reality?"

"Hey, your sword looks very good, but I won't give you a chance to use it! Corpse Veins·Micro·Karamatsu's Dance!"

Not leaving any extra time for Yu Ling to think, Kimimaro took action directly. This time, he didn't move forward. He pulled out the bones with a flick of his hands and tied them to Yu Ling's lower body from a distance.

"You really don't give me any time... It doesn't matter. The current hidden sword should be able to withstand it. Don't even think about using the same move on me twice!"

"Just talk big..."

"Tian Lingliu, First Style, Take advantage of every opportunity!" He didn't make the opening move that Tian Lingliu should have. He directly waved his hidden sword and slashed forward, diagonally cutting off the connecting bones, leaving only his fingertips. Flying in loneliness. Soon, it also fell to the ground.

"You... are relying on your own weapons to become arrogant? But you just broke one of mine..."

"This is taking advantage of every opportunity, and it is a non-stop attack." Every time he said a word, he waved the hidden sword in his hand. As soon as the first half of the sentence was finished, there were only three sticks left in the air. Yu Ling also stopped swinging his sword.

"How's it going? Do you have any other tricks?"

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