Hidden Otsutsuki

Chapter 77 - Roadblock

"Yes, if my name is not Kimimaro, what would my name be?" The old man replied hoarsely with an accent from the Land of Water.

"Kimimaro...he is obviously so young, why does he have a guardian like you?" Yu Ling thought about Kimimaro in his memory. Just a second ago, he was still a young boy. The old man must be at least sixty years old.

"Guardians, aren't we supposed to be like this? Oh, you are talking about my appearance. Oh, how sad!" Kimimaro sighed and bowed his hands. After noticing Yu Ling's question, his face drooped in defeat. Headed.

"Yes, is this something different?" Yu Ling was a little strange. The old man's actions didn't seem to be in line with his age. There is an indescribable smoothness.

"Do you think I'm just an old man? Let me tell you, I'm the same age as Kimimaro. I'm only eighteen years old! It's too troublesome to manage these messy memories. He really doesn't care about anything. He threw everything in and didn't organize it properly. All the tasks were piled on me, and he could continue to eat, drink and have fun. Then it will be my fault if he can't find anything." Kimimaro raised his arms in excitement, and his voice increased. A little bigger.

"She is indeed not as old as she looks. She has a strong voice and strong limbs..."

"You talk a lot more than Kimimaro..." Yu Ling couldn't help complaining, the gap was really too big. The Kimimaro in front of him seemed like a chatterbox, but in reality he was a cold and handsome man.

"Do I talk too much? That guy Kimimaro is really like that. There are so many people outside, but he doesn't speak, he just listens! I want to find someone to talk to, but no one comes, so I can only talk to myself every year. It's troublesome. Dead, do you know how lonely I am here? It’s hard for someone to come in, and either I beat them up or they beat me up, but no one will talk to me anyway. "

The excitement slowly calmed down, his voice became much lower, and his hands stopped making any movements.

"Like this, am I the first one to talk to you like this?" Yu Ling seized an opportunity and started to talk in a smooth manner. Being able to fight without bloodshed is naturally the best result. This is in the brain. If something goes wrong, he can't afford the consequences. If you don't get it right, you'll risk your life.

"Yes, you are indeed the first! Oh, but you still have to leave soon. Oh, come on, I'm ready. After defeating me, you can browse the rest of the world as you wish." The voice became louder. The depression, a bit of desolate dryness, the bitterness of loneliness.

"Is this the only way? Well, I still have to catch up on the task, so I won't say more. I'm going to do it, please give me some advice." Yu Ling regarded this battle as a competition, a life-and-death duel. The breath is gone.

On one side is a young man with high spirits, and on the other side is a dejected "old man".

However, neither side exuded murderous intent. Very peaceful environment.

"It's a bit like a ninja school competition, so you shouldn't worry too much." Yu Ling thought of the internal ninja school competition that he participated in not long ago, the kind of fight with a bit of a playful atmosphere, and the current polite battle. , basically the same.

At least from Yu Ling's perspective, there was no difference at all. As long as he shows his strength, Yu Ling believes in his own strength. It shouldn't be something that the "old man" in front of me can resist.

"Come on, come on, I've seen a lot of powerful people. You, a kid who doesn't look like a threat at all, will definitely not get through it! I won't waterproof you just for the sake of talking to me. You try your best Go all out." Kimimaro raised his hands. Like Kimimaro, he knew all the ninjutsu that manipulated bones.

"Corpse Bone Vein·Dance of Chun!" The vitality that was even more unsuitable for an elderly person erupted the moment the bone spurs pierced the palm of his hand.

"This is the energy he should have at his true age, right?"

Yu Ling would not give up on his mission because of such an unexpected situation. With a flick of his finger, the hidden sword popped out. That's right, even in the head, the equipment can be used normally. It can be regarded as a medium-sized assistant.

"A weapon I haven't seen before... Haha, that's interesting, kid. I'll just play with you!" The talkative Kimimaro still didn't pay attention to the child, waving the bone knife in his hand in different ways as if to play. The wind whistled from left to right.

"This is an idiot..."

Yu Ling was a little speechless at such vigilance and underestimation of the enemy. Maybe it was because his opponents were all so powerful that he could no longer stand up to such opponents. My horizons were inexplicably raised too much.

The enemy's underestimation would not be a reason for Yu Ling to underestimate the enemy. He raised his hands and walked towards Kimimaro, and a faint thunder flow wrapped around the blade of the sword.

"Hey, you are actually attached to chakra. Isn't this what samurai like most... My weapons don't use chakra. Let me open your eyes, kid. This is the limit of the strongest blood inheritance - the bone vein. Hahahaha!"

"So confident... What kind of thing came here before, and it actually allowed him to stand still for so long?"

With the experience of defeating Kimimaro, Yu Ling took the lead in closing the distance and prepared to directly suppress Kimimaro with his physical skills. Kimimaro, known as the nemesis of physical skills, received counter-restraint, which naturally greatly reduced his fighting spirit.

"Hey, why did you come here by yourself? I've seen your battle, your battle mode..."


With a crisp collision, the bone knife in his hand was broken, and the gray robe on his body was also cut open.

"You are much worse than Kimimaro. Talking too much will be your Achilles' heel." At the first touch, Yu Ling was a little concerned about the ninjutsu that could sprout bone spurs from all over the body, so he distanced himself again. Prepare for the next assault.

"You kid... that's interesting! You actually cut off my bones, so I can't wait for you to hit me. Corpse Vein·Chun's Dance!" The broken knife in his hand was decisively thrown down, and the palm of his hand fell again. A new bone knife grew out. This time there was no fancy swing, he simply swung his hands back, leaned forward, and exploded with the speed he deserved.

"So fast... Kimimaro was entangled by me before and didn't show his physical skills. Now he finally used it?" Yu Ling did not take the attack of Kimimaro who was moving at high speed. He had always been there before. He pestered Kimimaro and beat him.

He raised his arm in a hurry, and the hidden sword with the thunder flow lay in front of him, facing Kimimaro's bone knife held high.

"Ah haha! You said I talk too much and will fail because of this? Let me break your delusion, kid!"

Kimimaro's taijutsu begins here!

The first knife came as expected, slashing from top to bottom. The bone knife pressed on the hidden sword and smashed into the ground with Yu Ling's body.

"Huh? The power is so strong, is it because the speed is too fast...I can't resist." When Yu Ling's upper body was reversed, his other hand supported the ground, and he did a backflip from Kimimaro The top of the body turned over, and the hidden sword that was pressed into the ground was pulled out.

He was completely comparing himself with Kimimaro, who was ten years older than him, on the same platform. If you think about it, other students of the same age had never seen actual combat students, and he had already led a team to gallop forward. Bounded. Maybe it's not enough to protect ourselves, but our strength is already far ahead.

"He can also change his moves... He's really a good kid. But what about this? Corpse Bone Pulse·Willow Dance!" Two bone spurs longer than bone knives poked out from his shoulders and pierced Yu Ling's face in the air from below. abdomen.

"This is just the same move...It's exactly the same situation, but here is my method in my mind..."

"Earth Release: Light and Heavy Rock Technique!"

Yu Ling, who suddenly floated upward and lost weight, quickly left the bone spur. The bone spurs stretched to the limit could only tremble weakly below, unable to do anything to Yu Ling high in the air.

Of course, Kimimaro's strength cannot be limited to this.

"Yeah, you actually discovered the characteristics of this place! Children who are too smart will not get good results, Corpse Bone Vein·Ten Finger Penetration Bullet!"

He raised his hands diagonally upward, as steady as a fort, the corners of his mouth dropped emotionlessly, his eyes aimlessly aimed at Yu Ling, and his straight arms swayed left and right, aiming at Yu Ling's body.

"Is it still this trick... I remember that the speed of this thing is something I can resist."

Yu Ling was not planning to use speed to escape, but wanted to use his hidden sword to shoot down these bullets again.


The sound of fractures was heard together, and ten fingertips flew out at the same time, wrapping around Yu Ling in eight directions.

The sound of breaking through the air arrived first.

"It seems that the speed is much faster this time!"

Before he could adjust his body shape, his ten fingertips were already within ten meters. At that very moment, these bullets exploded ten times faster than in reality!

"Oops, it's too late. Earth Release: Super Heavy Rock Technique!" With Yu Ling's dynamic vision and uncoordinated body in the air, he couldn't deflect these bullets with his hidden sword alone. The ones with the shortest execution time were these Earth Escape techniques. Yu Ling could only use them reluctantly, trying to rely on the body hardness given by the Earth Escape bonus to forcefully resist the damage of these bullets.

The body also fell rapidly due to the sudden increase in weight. Right on the trajectory of those disjointed fingertips.


The first bullet hit Yu Ling's body, but was forcibly bounced away by the hard earth-attribute chakra inside, falling to the ground from the side. Other bullets followed, hitting Yu Ling's body one after another and then being bounced away.

"What is it? Why is your skin so thick?" Kimimaro was a little shocked. He didn't notice Yu Ling's sudden whereabouts, but this unusually hard "skin" made him feel a little weak. He looked up at Yu Ling speechlessly, his arms had naturally drooped, but his eyes were still dull.

"I told you, you really talk too much." With the acceleration of his fall, Yu Ling raised his arm. The thunder flow suddenly increased at this moment, and the dark blue silk thread as thick as his thumb flickered and jumped around the hidden sword. The sound of thunder also reached Kimimaro's ears.

"It's such ninja swordsmanship again. My bone sword is probably useless, but don't even think about defeating me easily! There is a reason why I can stand here hahahaha!"

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