Hidden Otsutsuki

Chapter 72--Again Action

Yu Ling opened his eyes, but did not close them again this time. Instead, he directly supported the wall beside him and stood up.

Failed, he sat back down with a snap.

A whole day has passed since Yu Ling and the others sent out their shadow clones. The blood in the whole body has long stopped flowing smoothly. After sitting for a whole day, it was all piled up in a corner. The sudden movement would naturally cause him to feel dizzy due to lack of oxygen, which caused him to sit back directly.

Tomorrow got up half a day ago, and Ming Yue was seemingly forced to remove her clone a few hours ago. Now both of them have taken tentative actions, barely maintaining the most basic body functions. At least it's much better than the current Yu Ling.

"Captain Tianling, you're awake." Mingyue leaned against the wall and nodded slightly to Yu Ling. There were no unnecessary words, he just slowly walked towards Jugo.

"Well, I'm back." Yu Ling looked up at Mingyue and nodded slightly. Following Ming Yue's steps, he saw Jugo who was still sleeping.

"Captain! You're back. How's the mission?" Yue Tu put down what he was doing, stood up and faced Yu Ling. She was still panicking inside, and the ominous premonition was so strong that she couldn't believe Captain Tianling standing in front of her.

"The mission... can only be considered a failure. Not much intelligence was obtained, only information about a few members of Orochimaru. The lurking failed and an opponent was killed. Others... nothing was found." Yu Ling was a little disappointed with this mission. Yes, but for someone who is not familiar with the place here, it is not bad to be able to do this for once. It is a blessing that there were no casualties. At least, there are still two prisoners around.

Kimimaro, who lost control of the genjutsu, broke free within a few seconds.

"You...where are we?" Returning to his normal calmness and indifference, Kimimaro shook his body. After feeling that he could move freely, he slightly let down his inner guard.

"This...is over there in a cave somewhere in Tian Country." Yu Ling didn't know the location of this place. After all, he was moved here by his team members, so he could only give a rough idea.

However, this is too general.

"Oh." Kimimaro didn't feel happy to ask any more questions, and turned his head away. He no longer cared about the members of the Tianlong Team, and only stared at Jugo Tenpira, who was still sleeping.

"Jugo...how is he?"

"Tomorrow, Mingyue. Let's get ready to set off. Yuetu, keep an eye on Kimimaro and Chonggo first." Yu Ling took a step forward and jumped into the forest, leaving a clear command behind his ears.

"Yu Ling... wait a moment." Before the members of the Tianlong Team could speak, Kimimaro spoke up. "Lord Orochimaru, is it really what you said?" In his heart, he deeply cared about Chugo, but he only respected Lord Orochimaru. When compared with Jugo, it is obvious who is more important.

In addition, after experiencing the various scenes that were both real and illusory just now, the wavering in my heart has become difficult to stop.

If this continues, he himself will have the idea of ​​leaving Orochimaru.

"Orochimaru...does he care about you? You are just too blind. You can wait until Jugo wakes up before deciding where you will go." After hearing Kimimaro's call, he straightened his legs and used a little chakra. Kankan was stuck on the edge of the cliff. But he didn't look back. Yu Ling was not prepared to directly attack Orochimaru's image in Kimimaro's heart again, so he gave Kimimaro some time to think for himself. It is only fair for the two of them to negotiate their future together.

It's a bit like a red-faced drama, but ANBU can use any method that is not against humanity in order to complete the mission.

"Okay, thank you. I'll think about it." Having been with Orochimaru for a long time, he can no longer change his cold, polite and rigorous style. At this moment, I have to let go of these and Lord Orochimaru. Even following his enemies. Thinking of this, Kimimaro still couldn't get over it. Although if you don't agree, you should die. The gratitude towards Orochimaru has not yet been repaid. Actually...

"Orochimaru-sama... shouldn't have such an image. Let's ask him again when Juugo wakes up. If he just left like this, I'd be a little sorry. Orochimaru-sama..."

Mingri and Mingyue followed Yu Ling and jumped into the forest. After watching the three of them go down, Tsukisagi turned around and walked to Kimimaro's side, squatting down quietly. "Think about it carefully. Our intelligence shows that Orochimaru is definitely not a kind person. If you follow him, it will not be good for either of you. We in Konoha... take good care of outsiders."

After saying that, he stood up and walked away, guarding the cave alone.

fine. What kind of ominous premonition did not come true. The captain returned safely, and the prisoner's heart was shaken. It can be said that from now on, this task has become smoother.

"Am I really just imagining it? It's best that way."

The clones around the cave are still diligently detecting all movements in the forest. As soon as Yu Ling and the three of them landed, all eight clones rushed over within seconds, using their own acceleration methods. For a moment, chakra of various colors overflowed in the forest and surrounded Yu Ling.

"Is there something wrong?"

"Everything around is normal. Some wild beasts have been eliminated. There is no obvious display of hostility." The wind clone stood in the middle of the clones seriously, integrated the information coming from all directions, and reported it to Yu Ling.

"Well, that should be pretty safe. After all, it's not that far from Orochimaru's stronghold. We're getting close, so let's write a report to the Hokage first. Orochimaru's men are so strong, with a force like ours it's possible Not enough. Captain Kushina's team... is a little worried." Yu Ling was not worried about himself, but the oldest elite jounin team, which was also the team where the captain was on this mission. This can only be regarded as confidence in one's own strength.

"Captain... shouldn't we need to consider our combat power more?" Tomorrow interjected, but this time he expressed the thoughts of the three members of the team. Mingyue nodded in agreement.

"Oh...that's right. But it's okay. We're not very famous here, so Orochimaru probably won't care."

Orochimaru really didn't care, but those who cared would naturally not be absent.

Kimimaro and the others did not hear the conversation here, and there was Tsukisagi blocking the entrance to the cave. If you heard it, you might be willing to tell the truth.

"Captain, what should we say?" Tomorrow has already taken out a scroll and a writing brush, ready to record what the captain said.

The clones all stood aside and said nothing. Mingyue turned her head and looked at him, as did the captain.

"I...what's wrong with me?" Tomorrow couldn't detect their intentions. He looked around his whole body with some suspicion, and then raised his head after finding nothing strange. "You guys are talking, what's going on?"

"You've seen the most, so I'll let you write the record. I only know of two strong men at the Jonin level."

"I see... Speaking of which, I even saw Orochimaru himself."

"In person...how could he be so rigorous..." Yu Ling found some suspicious traces, and seeing Orochimaru himself was something he hadn't mentioned before tomorrow.

There was a trace of scrutiny in his eyes, staring at Tomorrow who had already started writing.

"Why... Logically speaking, this is really impossible. How could Orochimaru let ANBU find his true form so easily?"

I am puzzled and have no solution for the time being. You can only keep it in your heart, keep your doubts, and continue the mission.

"Mingyue, you go up first. If Chongwu wakes up, Yuetu will not be able to suppress them. We will be there soon."

The clones disappeared and returned to Yu Ling's body with chakra. Mingyue also released chakra directly, stood firmly on the edge of the cliff, and ran up as if walking on flat ground.

"Tomorrow, let's leave after finishing writing."

"Yes, Captain..." Tomorrow replied while writing quickly. After saying that, Yu Ling followed Mingyue.

"What... hmm? What on earth is it? Why can't I remember anything all of a sudden?"

The memory was erased.

Or maybe those things never existed.

"What exactly is going on...what happened to my clone?"

The scroll in front of me, the words on it are just ghostly symbols. This is what Tomorrow sees and hears in Orochimaru's base now. Including information about the members and the situation of Captain Yamato.

"Why is this happening...my clone obviously saw Orochimaru...?" The memory was completely confused, I couldn't remember anything, and it seemed like everything was engraved in my mind.

Chakra emerged under his feet, and he walked up the cliff step by step, holding a half-opened scroll and a brush dipped in ink in his hands. A look of confusion on his face.

"Captain... I don't remember." The moment he stepped into the cave, he was stunned and said to Yu Ling with eyes blank.

"Don't remember? Didn't you... No, didn't your clone see the inside of the stronghold with Captain Yamato with his own eyes?"

"Maybe, but I just can't remember it and I can remember it."

"Can't you remember? What's wrong with you, brother?" Mingyue had never seen an unhappy tomorrow, and the lifeless young man in front of her looked so strange.

"What's wrong with Tomorrow..." This question appeared in the minds of the three of them at the same time. Kimimaro, who was looking at Tomorrow from behind, also didn't understand the meaning of those two sentences.

"He entered Lord Orochimaru's stronghold? Then why don't you remember..."

"Did you make it?"

"Yes, Lord Danzo. A member of "Root", codenamed Industry Fire, successfully completed an S-class mission alone. The content of the mission revealed information about Orochimaru and his subordinates, and aroused suspicion among the members of the Tianlong Team."

"Then, where is Karma Fire now?"

"Report, Yehuo is still in the Tianzhiguo forest, remotely monitoring the Tianlong team. According to reports, the Tianlong team has recovered the prisoners and is escorting them."

"Prisoner? An unauthorized action... Haha, this can be used as a handle to get rid of this annoying child."

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