Hidden Otsutsuki

Chapter 71--A blow from nowhere

"Have you checked the surroundings carefully tomorrow?" They were silent for a while. Yuetu was a little worried about the situation of the three of them and broke the silence.

"Of course, I observe very carefully. There will definitely be no enemies lurking around." With his brother around, Tomorrow unleashed his nature, and affirmed with great confidence in a carefree and nonchalant tone.

"Is it true... But it seems that those clones did not send any information. Then I will reluctantly believe you for once." Moon Rabbit raised his head and looked outside the cave, and after personally confirming that everything was normal, he walked back. His head tilted back unconsciously.

Women's intuition is very accurate.

It’s just that no one cares yet.

On the other side, at the junction of the forest and the wasteland, Yu Ling was still struggling with the little monster.

The neck cannot be twisted back yet.

For the shadow clone, this one-on-one battle has been very long. According to common sense, the chakra in the body can no longer support it. If Yu Ling hadn't masterfully controlled chakra of different attributes and slowly consumed it in batches, no matter how large the amount of chakra was, he wouldn't have been able to sustain it.

But now, the chakra of other attributes has basically been exhausted. The thunder attribute that was used extensively from the beginning was not left at all, and the chakra of wind, fire, water, and earth was not enough to use decent ninjutsu. The yin attribute was used inadvertently, leaving only the yang attribute chakra, which still retains one-tenth of the content of the original body.

"This Yang attribute chakra... there are no ninjutsu that can be used alone in the ANBU records... Do you mean that I am required to explode chakra like these monsters? I don't have that much chakra to explode, even Can't reply." Yu Ling began to worry a little, this inexplicable duel was completely without warning. Apart from figuring out his attack pattern, nothing else was found. This monster without any sense can reveal no information at all. All I can say is that all this time is just a waste of time and a lot of chakra.

"Wahaha!" The little monster began to beat the ground, and waves of chakra storms erupted from his palms. The form is exactly the same as Jugo.

"If the main body is here... it can be solved in one minute. Could it be that my main body's personal combat effectiveness is still too poor? I have to rely on those clones." Yu Ling had such a strange idea, and decided in an instant He had to temporarily give up the five attributes of chakra and rely solely on his own body to fight against such a monster.


A stone rose from the ground and struck through the air without stopping. I originally wanted to dodge this blow, but I felt that dodging against such a little monster would be of no use, so I sank down, dug my feet into the ground hard, and stepped away. With a flick of his wrist, he retracted his hidden sword. Only his empty fists were left to greet the huge rocks.

"From now on, just rely on your own strength."

"Tian Lingliu·First Style·Take advantage of every opportunity!" It is obviously impossible to crush it from the front. Even though Yu Ling's physique is different and stronger than ordinary people, no matter how strong his eight-year-old body is, it can't withstand a boulder as big as three people. But punch speed is the key to dealing with this boulder.

There are still ten meters to go.

Yu Ling remained motionless, holding his breath and staring at the boulder.

Eight meters.

Still not moving, his clenched fists became a little stronger.

five meters.

"not yet"

Three meters.

"You have to be ready...

Two meters.

one meter!

Yu Ling moved. He made a low dive, his body plunged towards the ground, but his arms thrust upward. A precise strike hit the center directly below the boulder, forcefully bouncing the boulder into the air and giving his body a little space.

"It's now……"

Relying on the reaction force from the boulder, Yu Ling stopped his momentum and stopped directly under the boulder. Bend your legs and squat down, and retract your arms around your waist.

"Well..." The little monster's whimpering could still be heard in the distance, as if it was a little shocked by such a defense.

When you are in danger, you don't have any extra time to care about other things. In less than two seconds, the rising force of the boulder will be exhausted, and instead it will accelerate its fall.

Yu Ling was very aware of this situation and immediately jumped up with his legs. His hands just reached one end of the boulder.

Just in the air, using only the strength of his waist and arms, he continued to display his Taijutsu flow.

"… Take advantage of every opportunity."

The straight fist hit the tip of the boulder diagonally, causing it to spin slowly.

"Obviously once is not enough..."

Then, there was another punch.

The legs can't use force, but they can practice the skills of using the body. After all, the rotational force brought by using the body in the air can greatly enhance the effect of each punch.

The stone deviated a little and moved towards the little monster.

Another punch.

Then, another punch.

After just a dozen punches, both Yu Ling and Jushi began to fall.

"It's too late to make it deviate from the course..."

It is less than ten meters from the ground, and such a distance can be reached in an instant. Naturally, Yu Ling could not be given much time to adjust his direction with one punch.

It's time to show off a little fierceness.

"Tian Lingliu·Second Style·Phantom Disappearance!"

This is just a mobile amplification technique, and it seems useless when used here. There is no place to stay in the empty space, so naturally there is no way to perform mysterious movements as desired.

But the boulders are all around, and it would be a shame not to make good use of them.

"The boulder...heh, not only is it my stepping stone, I also want to use you to kill that monster."

Seeing the right moment, he stepped on the spot where the first punch hit, causing the rotating boulder to even start to accelerate. After all, the power that can be transmitted through the feet will be stronger than the power of the arms no matter what. Coupled with the bonus of Taijutsu flow, all the strength of the whole body is given to him like a smooth flow.

"Well..." The little monster was lying on the ground, still looking confused, confident, and a little cute. Murderous and stupid coexist, and he is completely unaware of the changes happening around him. Even if the shadow of the boulder has covered the area where it stands.

"It's spinning... Then, let's start hitching a ride."

After a few feet, the speed of the boulder became higher and higher, and the falling speed began to slow down due to the cut air flow. After two or three seconds, the height dropped by three meters.

"Five seconds left...should be enough for me to get started."

"Tian Lingliu·Second Style·Phantom Disappearance!" What is needed now is not strength. Just its most initial role - speed.

Yu Ling flew over the boulder and stood on top waiting for the opportunity, watching the boulder spinning under his feet. The place where you can grab your hand passes in front of you again and again, and the little monster in the distance is slowly approaching.


The handholding point that Yu Ling was interested in was crossed again.


The little monster raised his head and glanced up. His hands that had been dug into the ground had not yet been pulled out. He looked at the boulder expressionlessly, and it was rare that he did not let out such a strange roar.


Just now, the gripping point has turned around again.

Yu Ling waited for this opportunity more than ten times, and finally grabbed it accurately this time. He grabbed the end with both hands, and relying on the weight and momentum of his body, he swung his legs forward and leaned back with difficulty with his arms. Pulling the stone; at the same time, following the rotation of the boulder, he threw it towards the ground. Target, little monster.

He was still in mid-air, and his brief stay in the air gave him a chance to see the damage caused by this boulder. If it doesn't work, there's still a chance to go in for a touch-up.

He was not disappointed, and the boulder bomb he had prepared for several seconds completely hit the little monster. The situation of the little monster was temporarily unable to be seen clearly.

Still didn't hear any noise, the little monster seemed to be mute, whether it was roaring or wailing, it didn't appear this time.

Yu Ling wanted to rush down and take a look, but the weight of the boulder just now put too much pressure on his arms. No one noticed that the moment he was thrown out, his arms were dislocated. The shadow clone was on the verge of disappearing.

But it can eventually come to fruition. He staggered and barely stood on top of the rocks. He walked down the gentle slope with small steps, intending to squat down and check on the little monster that was being pinned down.

There was nothing under the rocks.

"How is it possible... why did it disappear? Could it be that it can escape from the ground? There are many ninjutsu that can escape from the earth... But if it could, it would have been used long ago. There are no pits on the ground. . Maybe, this is really a clone? Tomorrow’s appearance... I really can’t figure it out.”


A drop of water shot out from the trees on the side with an unusual shape and speed. Yu Ling sensed the crisis, and his neck was forcibly twisted back at this moment, but he still couldn't avoid the drop of water.

In other words, water attribute bullets.

It penetrated Yu Ling's head smoothly and smashed the brain mercilessly. Blood and brain matter splattered...

But this is just the picture in the eyes of the unknown caster. This shadow clone, Yu Ling, also mastered the boarding ninjutsu. It's just that due to the problem of chakra attributes, only the escape technique of yin and yang attribute chakra is retained, and that is illusion.

As for the real Yu Ling, he was naturally sitting cross-legged in that cave, slowly waking up. The clone disappeared directly.

"I couldn't see my attacker clearly."

Yu Ling hadn't opened his eyes yet, frowning slightly. As a result, the information obtained from this spying was too scarce. It can simply be said to be a failure.

Tomorrow, who had nothing to do, noticed Captain Tian Ling's frown and gathered around him without telling Yue Tu or Mingyue.

"Captain...are you back?" He lowered his voice deliberately. His sixth sense told him that if the captain didn't open his eyes, something bad must have happened. It was hard to tell.

"Hmm..." He also hummed very quietly, only tomorrow could hear him. After ensuring that the captain was fine, he left tomorrow, leaving Yu Ling alone in the corner, perhaps thinking about the information gained during this operation.

"Is that person...the Water Release Ninja...is he the one reported before tomorrow? The two Jonin-level enemies...are they other enemies, or is it just the red-haired one and the white-haired one? Hmm...Information There are really too few. Kimimaro and Jugo...maybe they can be of some use."

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