Hidden Otsutsuki

Chapter 39--Successful Escape

"Water Release·Water Boomerang!" The opponent's captain took the lead and directly released the faster Water Release Ninjutsu.

"Thunder Release·Surge!" The female ninja then took action! After a brief seal, he stretched out an index finger and pointed one hand directly at the water boomerang flying towards Yu Ling at high speed. Suddenly, a thunder stream as thick as a thumb wrapped around the water boomerang, and the speed also exploded instantly. It was close to ten meters within seconds.

"It seems that Thunder Release really improves the speed a lot, then... Wind Clone! Wind Release·Wind Wall!" As soon as the clone appeared, he raised his hands forward and exploded a large amount of wind attribute chakra in the center of his palm. An invisible wall blocked the front of the water boomerang, perfectly blocking this wave of attack.

However, the water boomerang is still moving forward!

"Hmph, you can't guard against the penetrating power of this thunder attribute!" The female ninja increased the amount of chakra, and the thunder flow suddenly became stronger, and blue lightning flashed around the water boomerang. Another outburst. The water boomerang flashed behind the wind wall and continued flying towards Yu Ling in a straight line.

"Penetrate... But the wind attribute is the strongest cutting! Wind Release·Wind Cut!" In order to save chakra, Yu Ling's main body did not take action and just let the wind clone release the ninjutsu again.

High-speed airflows hit the water boomerang, and every time the wind blew by, it weakened the thunder flow. In just a few seconds, the thunder flow above was completely wiped out.

"Unexpectedly... that..." The female ninja was a little annoyed when she saw that her Thunder Release was forcibly released, but she still showed no emotion.

"This method is a bit similar to my Riptide Cannibalism. Then let's fight for chakra. The opponent is just a child, and no matter what, the chakra will not be more than the two jonins of us. Use ninjutsu to suppress it powerfully." The captain analyzed After reviewing the conditions of both parties, they prepared to output without reservation and strive to kill on the spot.

"Water Release·Water Rushing Wave!" While speeding towards Yu Ling, he formed seals and spit out high-pressure water from his mouth, piercing Yu Ling.

But Yu Ling did not face such an offensive head-on. Instead, he turned around and ran, heading towards the Konoha Ninja Village.

"Two jounin can completely suppress me with chakra. From now on, we can't fight for a moment. Once we stop, we may be bombarded by a violent storm of ninjutsu." Yu Ling just felt that The chakra content of the water flowing from the ninja's mouth is something that only his water body can do with all his strength. This also confirms Yu Ling's idea. He just killed two of them when they were almost defenseless. Now , is when they reveal their true strength.

"How long are you two ready to act? He has already crossed the barrier. Hurry up and give chase." The captain shouted behind him, but Yu Ling heard him.

"What... acting? Blind barrier? No wonder, the color just now felt abnormal. Even at night, there shouldn't be a purple-red environment. I was negligent. Actually, I didn't kill any of them... …"Yu Ling was glad that he decided to escape. If he had still stayed in that barrier, he might have been assassinated without knowing what happened.

"Yes. Water Release·Flowing Water Acceleration!" The male ninja stood up from the tree and directly used ninjutsu to soften his body and gain a slight speed bonus. He jumped on the tree and flew dozens of meters.

The strong man did not fall behind. He stepped heavily on the ground step by step, relying on the strong reaction force to propel himself forward.

"The speed is actually not slow. Let's try the delaying effect of the clones. Water clone! Wind clone!" Yu Ling suddenly stopped in front of a big tree, leaving two clones on the spot, but the main body jumped up to the treetop and hid. Entering the dense canopy. "I hope it can confuse the line of sight. The water clone stood on the ground under the tree, while the wind clone fled directly to Konoha.

Within a few seconds, the four of them reached the big tree.

"Aren't you going to run away? No, the real body is there!" The captain raised his hand and pointed, which scared Yu Ling into a cold sweat. However, the direction was towards the wind clone that was advancing at full speed in the distance.

"You three, go after him. I'll deal with the clones." The strong man volunteered. After all, he was the slowest and was not suitable for pursuit. However, it is most suitable to be a human shield.

"Huh? That's okay. After all, this strong man can't catch up with me." Yu Ling thought quietly. His original plan was for the four of them to work together to quickly deal with the water clone and then chase the wind clone. The water clone's Mist Hidden Technique can provide him with excellent escape conditions, while the wind clone can contain them for a longer period of time. However, now the wind clone can only be used to restrain the three of them, which is considered an acceptable result.

"Let's go." The captain gave the order, and the three of them, except the strong man, jumped onto the branch and jumped away from Yu Ling.

"Huh, maybe, consider killing this strong man?" After watching the three people leave and making sure that there was no barrier or ambush similar to the one around them, Yu Ling's plan was to go one step further. Indeed, it is a good idea to reduce a future threat.

In the meantime, the water clone and the strong man were already fighting together. Once again, he used his control ability to restrain the strong man slightly.

"Hmph, you actually deceived me before. I won't give you another chance this time." As he said that, he unsheathed his hidden sword and dropped his body naturally, clinging to the tree trunk.

Yu Ling actually also held a grudge.


After all, the water avatar's frontal combat ability is not as good as this strong man. After he failed to control once, the strong man turned around and punched him hard, sending him flying away.

"Now! Thunder Release: Attachment!" The chakra of thunder attribute instantly clung to the hidden sword on the back of his hand. Yu Ling also took advantage of the situation and kicked off the tree trunk, flying diagonally towards the strong man. In the air, he threw a piece of shuriken and approached the strong man from the other side in an arc.

A slight sound of breaking through the air reached the strong man's ears, and he immediately turned around, and what he saw was the piece of shuriken.

"Did the clone throw it when it was knocked away...or is there someone else here?" The strong man became alert. He was alone here and couldn't take any risks. Otherwise, the failure of the mission would be his problem.

He didn't deflect the shuriken, just took a step back. And this just fell into Yu Ling's plan.

"It should be fine. Thunder Release Qilin Arm!" The thunder flow wrapped around Yu Ling's arm suddenly increased in size, and the falling speed also increased instantly. The thumb-thick thunder stream squeaked, penetrated layers of air, and pointed directly at the back of the strong man's head.

"The voice of thunder...who is this?" The strong man heard the voice of thunder flow, and once again relied on his combat intuition to turn over to the side, narrowly escaping the disaster.

The next second, Yu Ling hit the ground where the strong man was before, a spiderweb-shaped crack spread out, and a deep hole was exposed to the air.

"Huh? Yu Ling...is this a clone or...the main body? Oh no..." The strong man thought about it for a moment, but confirmed that this was the main body, and then he became worried about the three people on the other side.

"You deceived me before, and I won't give you another chance this time." Shui Shui returned to the battlefield, waving the water whip with both hands, and stood beside Yu Ling.

"Thunder Release Qilin Arm!" This move was a method that Yu Ling thought of not long ago, using the thunder attribute chakra to attach to the entire arm to form an amplification. Now it is the first time to use it. What he didn't expect was that it was directly successful, and it had both impact and penetration at the same time. Although he was a little overjoyed, Yu Ling still took the time to make some adjustments based on the previous form. After all, it is to increase the Hidden Blade's power, and the focus should be on penetration.

This time, the unicorn arms are thinner, more pointed, and denser.

"Thunder Escape Possession... restrain my Earth Escape Body Protector. Then control the distance. Earth Escape·Yanluo!" The strong man slapped his hands on the ground, and a huge boulder fell from the sky and hit Yu Ling.

"This can't stop me." As he said this, Yu Ling looked up and stepped out, away from the range of the falling rock. The water body was also not hit. The water whip hit the ground ahead, then pulled hard, and flew out like a slingshot.

With the blessing of thunder escape, Yu Ling greatly reduces air resistance. The penetrating power given by the thunder attribute is even more effective on the sharpest hands.

"It's so fast... Hmm! Earth Release: Yellow Spring Numa!" Still maintaining the crouching posture, the strong man changed his hands to form seals, and then released the next ninjutsu. A large amount of chakra leaked out, and the ground instantly became choppy, and the color gradually became darker. "Only half of the chakra is left, so try to limit you. We have to wait until the three of them come back."

The solid ground under Yu Ling's feet suddenly turned into a muddy swamp. Without realizing it, he stepped into it. The water clone on the other side is even more helpless. The water whip inserted into the ground is now directly trapped in the quagmire. The clone is in the air, but has no place to settle.

"Clone, pull me out." Seeing that it seemed difficult for him to escape, Yu Ling gave up the struggle, stopped what he was doing, slowly closed his eyes, and ordered the clone.

The clone received the order, aimed at Yu Ling's position on the ground, released the original water whip, and quickly formed two new ones, accurately wrapped around Yu Ling's arms downwards, pulled forward with his own hands, and leaned down With his momentum, he used centrifugal force to forcefully pull Yu Ling out, while he himself also fell into the quagmire.

"Thank you." Hanging in the air, Yu Ling did not rush to organize an offensive. He opened his eyes only after releasing the clone's order. At this moment, the surroundings were covered by a thick fog, but the strong man's chakra was still clearly visible.

"Found it, I will definitely kill him with one blow this time." As he said that, Yu Ling also began to fall.

"Earth Escape·Earth Flow Wall!" After creating a foothold below, Yu Ling landed firmly on it. "Huh, luckily we caught up. Wind clone! Fire clone!" Two clones appeared next to them again, facing the strong man, and their eyes slowly closed.

"Fire clone, blazing feet. Wind clone, wind cutter." As soon as the thought flashed in his mind, the two clones immediately began to form seals.

"Fire Release: Blazing Feet!" "Wind Release: Wind Cut!" Two deep voices sounded at the same time, one ignited a blazing fire at his feet, and the other condensed a miniature storm in his hands.

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