Hidden Otsutsuki

Chapter 38--Life and Death Showdown

"Earth clone!" Yu Ling thought for a moment, then summoned the earth clone on the rough water.

"Earth Escape: Weighted Rock Technique! Wind Escape: Lie Kong Palm!" Yu Ling raised one leg, jumped into the air, and performed his best wind escape at the position of the earth clone below, and the earth clone also took off on the spot. Then he turned 180 degrees, facing the water, and cast Weighted Rock on himself.

This should be to use weight to break through the water layer.

"Huh? You actually dare to come down. Then I'm not polite. Water Release: Rapid Current Erosion Technique!" The ninja underwater looked at "Yu Ling" personally entering the water, and instantly felt confident. After all, the water is like his home court, and when the enemy comes to his home court, how can he not entertain him well? He immediately released his original water escape.

The turbulent water hit the earth clone's body one after another, coming from all directions. However, it seems that there is no direction deviation as expected by the captain. Logically speaking, the posture and direction of the body in the water can easily change due to changes in the current.

"How could it be... how heavy is this kid?" He said to himself, looking at "Yu Ling" hitting him, he still didn't panic. "However, how much impact can it create underwater? If it can be carried out hard, it will be successful."

"Water Release·Water Mirror!" Seeing "Yu Ling" continue to approach, he used a defensive ninjutsu. He raised his hands flatly, and a thin vortex appeared under the rotation of his hands, just enough to block the entire "Yu Ling".

"Huh? He's still despising me, so he can stay here today." The acceleration of Yu Ling's Wind Release, coupled with the aggravation of the Earth Release performed by the clone himself, even an A-level defensive ninjutsu is not guaranteed Can be blocked. What's more, according to Yu Ling's observation, the chakra used by the water mirror is only a B-level ninjutsu at best. It is impossible to block this cannonball-like clone.

"Huh? The water clone over there can't hold back that strong man. Let's go and provide support now." Yu Ling looked at several small battlefields nearby and saw the water clone that was about to be defeated. In any case, it was just a clone, and it was impossible to suppress the strong man with its weak control.

"Ah! Earth Release·Yanluo!" Before Yu Ling arrived, the strong man started to move again. The water body was knocked back by a punch just now, and there was no extra ability to dodge this attack in the air.

"Earth Escape, Weighted Rock Fall!" Yu Ling flew up and used Weighted Rock as he approached the rock in the air. His small fist instantly shattered the boulder.

"Kid, you're in good health. But compared to me, you're just a squishie. Earth Escape·Tu Ling Tuanzi!" The strong man clapped his hands on the ground, and a boulder jumped out of his hands, and in the next moment he threw it towards Yu Ling.

Yu Ling was not stupid enough to resist such a heavyweight ninjutsu. He rolled forward, reversed out of the range of the falling boulder, and then accelerated around the back of the strong man. With a slight movement of his left thumb, he popped out his hidden sword. At this time, the water body also landed and ran towards the strong man again.

"Water Release·Flow Whip!" The clone used the ninjutsu from a distance, and the lengthened water whip wrapped around the strong man's neck, but the effect was only better than nothing.

This attracted the strong man's attention. He grabbed the water whip with both hands and forcefully pulled the water body in front of him, as if the water whip was his own ninjutsu, turning the situation around in an instant.

However, the real killer was watching eagerly from behind, and the shining hidden sword in his left hand reflected an eerie light in the moonlight.

Tian Lingliu·First Style·Take advantage of every opportunity!


Yu Ling held the pop-up Hidden Sword in his left hand. He quickly kicked the ground with both feet and stabbed the strong man in the back. The arrow had already left the string.


The water body was smashed to pieces by the strong man without any surprise, and the Mist Hidden Technique was immediately used and spread.


Yu Ling had already met the strong man, and his hidden sword was not blocked and stabbed directly into the strong man's spine.


He adjusted his body shape in the air again, bent his feet forward and put them away, kicked them off again, and drew out his hidden sword.


The 18th vertebra of the strong man's spine was severed, and his central nervous system was damaged. He could not support his huge body and fell to his knees in an instant.

"Ahem...You little brat, you actually made me suffer so much. Come here...let me free myself." The strong man's voice was a little decadent. He did not turn around, but looked directly at the two teammates who were still fighting in front of him. Yu Ling said.

"Okay..." Yu Ling couldn't bear to look at the shocking wounds he had caused on his back. After all, he is just a child. At the beginning of his life, his nature is good. Yu Ling was no exception and agreed to this request.

The hidden sword in his right hand popped out, and he slowly walked towards the strong man step by step.

However, the corners of the strong man's mouth were slightly raised, showing no sign of pain at all. And Yu Ling suddenly accelerated! What was originally a walking speed suddenly exploded into a sprinting speed!



The strong man's head was completely chopped off. His eyes were wide open and his mouth was wide open, looking like he couldn't believe it. In this way, one was solved directly without any delay.

A little bit in front of Yu Ling's feet, an earthy tiger's mouth appeared.

"Phew. I almost fell into trouble here. These people's tactics are getting more and more interesting, and they actually cheat like this. What is their identity..." Yu Ling was a little scared, but he was almost defeated. He was deceived by a strong man, and once he made such a mistake, he would never have the chance to correct it. And it was this kind of tactics that made Yu Ling even more suspicious of their organization.

Ninjas value integrity.

He won't even joke about his death wish.

"There are three more. Huh? Oops, the chakra of the fire clone is not enough!" After taking care of the strong man in front of him, Yu Ling breathed a sigh of relief, but he saw the fire clone entangled with another male ninja for a long time. With the blessing of his flaming feet, the chakra was exhausted.

"The flames under your feet have weakened... Is it a deliberate display of weakness, or is there no chakra left? It's hard to be sure. Then keep consuming it." The male ninja stared at the fire clone, not letting go of any details that could be grasped, and carefully analyzing this The clone's combat ability and chakra stock. "For a clone, this amount of chakra is a bit large... He is indeed a genius that Danzo-sama is unwilling to let others get even if he kills him... Isn't he a genius?"

These ninjas are experienced in many battles, so they naturally know the approximate abilities and chakra content of a clone. Even if he is a jounin, the quality of a clone is probably about this. However, Yu Ling's clone only uses chakra of one attribute, which is condensed and blended. Using chakra of a single attribute naturally saves effort and has a huge reserve.

However, it is a fact that it has been exhausted now.

"Wind Release·Wind Cut!" Yu Ling ran over from a distance, formed a seal with his hands, and performed Wind Release directly at the feet of the fire clone. In an instant, the wind helped the fire, and the blazing feet under the fire clone became a little brighter. The fire clone didn't waste this opportunity. He stepped directly into the air and flew into the air by relying on the wind that squeezed the air.

"Is the effect of wind plus fire...it looks pretty cool. You can try it yourself in the future. Water Escape·Water Flow Whip!" While the enemy's attention was attracted by the falling clone above, Yu Ling was not idle. Directly use the most commonly used control ninjutsu to reach the enemy's ankle.

"The blood-stained snare is really troublesome. Let's deal with the clones first. Water Escape·Water Dragon Bullet!" This ninja used the water area summoned by his captain before and used a B-level water escape, intending to use this to repel the clones and remove them. An extra threat.

However, as an A-level ninjutsu, Blazing Kicks does not consume so much chakra in vain. The fire clone continued to walk in the air. Although the blessing of the wind attribute was slowly dissipating, relying on the open flames on the soles of its feet, it was still able to narrowly dodge the water dragon bullet that rushed straight up despite the effort.

"Can you still avoid it... Then, Water Release: Water Dispersion Senbon!" The dragon head that had just brushed fire in the air and passed by suddenly lost the maintenance of chakra, and immediately dispersed into water droplets. The next moment, it took shape again, transformed into thin needles, completed the turn in the air, still aimed at the fire clone, and surged down.

"There's nothing we can do next time. Let's see if we can control him. Thunder Release: Earth Walk!" While the male ninja was concentrating on controlling the water droplets, a water whip was quietly wrapped around his feet. Seeing that he had completed the operation, Yu Ling waited for the opportunity to twitch and sent another thunder stream upwards.

"This... when did you do this..." His feet were tied together and he was pulled to the ground without warning. "Fortunately, the clone was killed."

The fire clone was beaten into a hornet's nest in the air, but disappeared after a short time. And on the ground, several more invisible spells appeared. One of them was on the route where the man was dragged towards Yu Ling.


The thunder flow followed the water first and reached the male ninja, directly through his clothes and seeping from his ankles, gradually paralyzing him.

"Lei...I can't move my body. Is it paralyzed...Danzo-sama. I disappoint you."


This ninja crushed the talisman from above without any surprise, and the Fire Release and Black Smoke Explosion naturally detonated irresistibly.

"Oh? There is a charm there, I didn't even notice it. I originally wanted to get some information. I was lucky enough to kill two of them. However, in this way, the remaining two people will no longer underestimate the enemy. That's it. I can't hide anything from now on." Yu Ling thought silently as he looked at the ninja who was suddenly blown away.

as expected.

The wind clones that were fighting inextricably before were directly dispersed in the next second. "Kid, it's our problem to despise you. But we won't let you have a chance to develop." The female ninja returned the short sword to the sheath, stood up and leaned forward slightly, her eyes shining through the holes in the mask. A hint of cold light.

Behind the scenes, the storm howled.



It was as if a hole had opened beneath the ground, and all the water created before was rushing in one direction at high speed.

It's actually a hole. That should be the masterpiece of the earth clone.

Looking at it this way, he must have been killed by the captain.

"Kid, you must die."

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