"I announce that the last round of this Chuunin Exam, a one-on-one battle, has officially begun! First, I will introduce the examiner, Konoha's senior technician, copy ninja, Sharingan Kakashi!" the host introduced excitedly! Hatake Kakashi, there was a dark wind behind him, and then a pale hand was placed on his shoulder.

"Let me do the next thing." After saying that, he threw the host away. "The first match, Kumogakure, Atsui; against Iwagakure, Akatsuki." He had no intention of adding anything else, and simply called the two contestants to the martial arts arena.

A figure flashed across both sides of the stand, Kumogakure on the left and Iwagakure on the right.

The yellow-haired boy already held the short knife in his hand, his eyes shining with worry but excitement.

"At least he's not a pervert in Konoha. This ninja should still be able to fight." Atsui became a little more confident. The honest Iwagakure ninja in front of him seemed to have never shown much strength. Maybe he could defeat it. One already.

In Chitu's eyes, he just thinks that this battle needs to be taken seriously as usual.

No opponent can be underestimated. This is the fighting principle of Akatsuchi.

"Are you ready? If so, let's start." Akatsuki nodded to Kakashi, then asked Atsui with a smile on his face.

He had seen this yellow-haired boy a few times, but he was not sure about his fighting ability.

"You can do it at any time!" Aziyi shook the short knife in his hand. Chakra accumulated in his dantian, ready to burst out at any time.

"So... the two genin are ready, and everyone in the audience is also in place. Okay, let's start the battle!" Kakashi flashed to the top of the audience and said to Suicide below, just using chakra to expand it. The soft, deep voice covered the entire training ground.

"Fire Release: Blazing Blade!" Atzei's chakra is not his strong point, and his plan is just to defeat his opponent in the shortest possible time.

The best thing is to kill the enemy with one strike during the first wave of attacks before the enemy can react.

But this is obviously unlikely...

He was facing Chitu, who was known for his defensive power. Even if he had Yu Ling's speed, he might not be able to break through Chitu's defense at once.

"Earth Release: Gangli Shiki Jutsu!" A simple and extremely simple ninjutsu. Although this is the only ninjutsu he is best at, when the stone giant slowly spit it out from his mouth and blocked it in front of his body , still had a big impact on Aziyi.

"What is this... Wow, my God, is this person who has never shown off anything before actually such a puppet master? How do you want me to fight such a big stone monster..." He becomes incoherent and can't stop talking when he is nervous. Mouth, this problem looks even weirder during a duel.

"Friend of Kumogakure, you can't defeat me." Akatsuchi manipulated the stone giant with a serious look on his face, spinning around him, closely following Atsui's movements.

"Ah, this...can't be right? Oh, it's troublesome..." It is obviously impossible to chop down the stone giant with Aziyi's knife. He has neither heaven-defying power nor extraordinary fire attributes. Usage. These two conditions directly cut off the possibility of him slashing the stone giant with his hands.

"If all you know is swordsmanship, you have no chance of winning against my Earth Release and Goli style techniques." Although Akatsuki's strength is not in attack, facing a "squishy" person like Atsui, A few punches should be no problem.

"Is that so... Then it's really my fault that I don't practice seriously..." As the saying goes, there is no such thing as a coincidence, and Aziyi just happens to be good at swordsmanship.

Ever since he was a child, except for trying to attach the fire attribute he carried to the blade, he has never used ninjutsu elsewhere.

Mid- to long-range battles have always been his flaw.

At a glance, the terracotta stone giant is a typical mid-range fighting method. It can kill Atzika to death, making the fight uncomfortable and unable to win.

On the other side, in the stands.

"It's over. Why did Aziyi meet such a difficult opponent? Really, if it were anyone else, wouldn't he be the same as chopping melons and vegetables?" Karui raised one foot. He stood on the chair and shouted excitedly, ignoring the other spectators around him and kept making noises.

"Please lower your voice, captain. These are Konoha's audience. If what you say is taken to heart... wouldn't we already be two corpses now?" Omoi felt that the atmosphere around him was uncomfortable. That's right. He quickly grabbed Karui, covered her mouth, and forced her down on the stool to prevent her from saying anything more.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup Are you still a member of my Kumogakure team?" Karui used all his limbs to break free ferociously, grabbing Omoi's collar with both hands and staring fiercely into his eyes. Many Konoha villagers around him were shocked. I was accidentally shocked, and for a moment there was a little confusion in the audience.

"Can you restrain yourself? This is not a place where you can act recklessly..." Omoyi was speechless. He didn't want to say anything more, so he just softened his voice and said softly, as if begging for mercy.

He kept observing the spectators with his eyes, looking a little nervous and a little scared.

The looks from the people around him were so fierce that they could overwhelm him.

"Constrain it? Are you afraid..." Karui finally noticed Omoyi's winking eyes, and the climax of the explosion ended abruptly, and there was silence in the audience.

"Two Yunyin candidates, please sit down where you are and don't disturb the order of watching the battle. Thank you." Behind the two of them, a head of white hair was swaying gently in the wind. The smile in the absolute silence and the curved corners of the eyes looked so sinister.

"Yes!" His body stiffened inexplicably, and he sat back in his seat. His eyes were staring straight at Aziyi on the court. He didn't dare to move his body, and even his breathing was much softer.

"That's good. Just try to keep it." Then Kakashi disappeared, accompanied by a breeze.

"Huh..." Seeing that the person was gone, he managed to take a breath. Karui looked around, as if Kakashi would suddenly pop out from somewhere.

"Calm down, the jonin wants to kill us just by moving his fingers..."

"Okay, okay, shut up!"

"You are such a big... uh, stone giant, I don't believe it can keep up with my speed!" Aziyi suddenly accelerated like a mad dog, and his legs that were galloping around the red soil slowly melted. Make a shadow.

This was Aziyi's top speed. He maintained one direction and stared closely at the red soil in the circle. His spirit was always tense, and his muscles were naturally the same.

"Maybe I can't beat you in terms of speed, but you also can't penetrate my defense..." There's really nothing I can do about this stone giant with my mere sword skills.

After all, Akatsuchi has been practicing ninjutsu for seven or eight years, and his proficiency in manipulation is really comparable to that of a puppet master of the same age, and the strength of this stone giant itself is not comparable to that of a puppet.

"Don't underestimate my swordsmanship! It only takes one strike to split you in half!" Aziyi kept running, but couldn't find a chance to break through, and he couldn't help but feel a little impatient.

The dagger slowly ignited with flames, and the speed increased slightly.

"Can you use fire-attribute chakra...a bit..." Chitu didn't know how to evaluate it. Yunyin Village itself was good at thunder escape. If it was a thunder-attribute sword technique, it would be somewhat normal.

What's more, the thunder attribute restrains the earth attribute, which is considered common sense in the ninja world.

The fire attribute... was rare and had no effect. At this moment, Chitu unconsciously underestimated the enemy.

"Cloud flow·Fire Flame Slash!" A dodger appeared in the opposite direction. The sudden stop just caught Chitu's gap, and directly stabbed his slightly fat body with a knife.

With such a huge body, it is obviously impossible to dodge such a knife.

I want to hide, but my body can’t keep up. Of course, this also depends on his reaction.

"What...it happened to be just when I was distracted." The stone giant had already slipped out of Aziyi's offensive line due to a control error. It was absolutely impossible for him to rush back to defend.

And his own defense power should not be able to block this flaming knife. Even if he could block it, he would be injured at least.

"That's it, let's end the game!" Although the battle hadn't started long ago, Aziyi's spirit had been tense and he could no longer stand it. The resentment he had held in his stomach was concentrated on this knife.

"I'm not as weak as you think..." Chitu immediately lost confidence. In a one-on-one battle, one must have momentum. Without strength, there is a high probability that he will overturn.

He just roughly used his hardened arm to block Aziyi's knife, and moved the stone giant back little by little with his other hand.

"What I can do now... is just use my own body to delay time, and then let the stone giant kill him. This mistake is a bit serious, and putting myself in danger is my only chance..." After all, it is Rock Yin's child, Onoki's decisiveness is reflected at this time.

Most ninjas in other villages don't have this kind of spirit of not hesitating when faced with difficulties. It is this type of talent that is lacking on the battlefield.

"Did you use your own body directly? Does this count as admitting defeat? My sword skills are not that fragile!" In Aziyi's view, such a hurried move was more like a mockery of him.

Disapproval of his sword skills and fire escape...

"With this one strike today, I want to prove that my Fire Style is as strong as others' Thunder Style!"

The obsession that has been preserved since childhood may come true at this moment...

"How strong is his Fire Release? But... it seems that sword skills are the basis, isn't it... Then, Earth Release: Super Heavy Rock Technique!"

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