"That's it, then let's go with you." Kurotsuchi immediately put down his guard. After all, if he is an enemy and is attacked, his first reaction should be to defend, not to scream for mercy.

"Okay, okay, follow me. A team from Konoha has arrived first. There are currently six vacancies left for the third assessment." The chuunin described the current situation to the three Iwagakure people, and then Just shut up and lead the way peacefully.

He could feel that these three people were unusual and seemed to be a bit of a threat to him.

"That's it, but there are only two people in Konoha? Where's the other one?" Akato discovered something wrong. Eight minus six equals two, and this three-year-old child knew it. In other words, there were only two Konoha genin who arrived.

And in this forest, is there anyone else who can eliminate the powerful enemy of Konoha's team?

"Oh, it's like this. The oldest old ninja in the Konoha team has voluntarily given up. He is not willing to participate in the subsequent promotion assessment." The chunin passed him by in an understatement without turning his head.

"Coming!" A figure with blue light suddenly fell on Omoi's path. He had no time to dodge, so he could only draw his knife and slash horizontally.

This was the best reaction he could give.

"Senior!" Aziyi was immediately stunned by this. He held the short knife in his hand but did not make any movement. His legs were trembling uncontrollably.

In this appearance, he looks like a master who is no weaker than Yu Ling...

"You two, don't be nervous...huh? Who are you?" The smoke dissipated and Yakushi Kabuto opened his eyes. Subconsciously pushing up his glasses, he found that the two people in front of him were a little different from what he had imagined.

"These two people...are not Yu Ling and Yakumo." Looking at the two boys, one stared at him nervously, while the other kept shaking in fear, and he couldn't help but feel a little irritated.

These two people are of no use to him at all, and killing them will cause trouble.

"We still want to know who you are and why you have chased us so far?" Omoyi mustered up the courage to ask. He had no impression of this person, but he seemed to be one of the candidates.

"Konoha genin, Yakushi Kabuto. I thought you two were from Yu Ling's group, and I had something to do with them. Since it's you, let's break up. You have nothing to do with me." Yakushi Kabuto directly issued an eviction order. He was also ready to run away.

"Don't create extraneous problems." This is what he has always told himself.

"That's it." Aziyi relaxed a little, but the hand holding the knife was still shaking. Since they are not enemies, the two of them are a little safer.

"Then go ahead, let's leave first." After saying that, he took Aziyi's hand and left.

This man gave him a very dangerous feeling, and he didn't want to stay here any longer.

"Okay." Nodding his head meant he acquiesced, and turned to look at Jian Meicheng who was hiding in the dark, with a face full of disappointment and nowhere to hide.

He failed to get the information he wanted, and he didn't even see the person he expected. His evaluation of himself suddenly dropped a lot.

Not properly sensing the person in front of you, this is a big mistake for a double agent.

If such a problem occurs during the mission, he might lose his life.

"Let's go too. Kabuto Yakushi, finish the mission as soon as possible." Kenmizumi felt that Kabuto Yakushi's condition was no longer normal, and he was anxious to drag him away so that he could give Orochimaru an explanation as soon as possible.

"Okay, let's go ahead and talk about it." He deliberately chose the opposite direction of Yunyin's retreat and escaped into the forest without saying a word.

At this point, the forest slowly calmed down, and the fights in every corner also subsided.

The candidates arrived at the central tower one after another, but the difference in order resulted in different treatment. Everyone's room was different.

The pharmacist went in, showed his face, and then exited directly. Beside him, Ken Meicheng carried Akanekai on his shoulders as usual.

"Are you looking for Lord Orochimaru?"

"No, let's just go back to the village and wait for him. The risk of meeting here is too high. It's better for us to behave on other people's territory. Anyway, Lord Orochimaru will be back soon. We don't have anything to report. Just wait." Kabuto Yakushi was a little disappointed with his plan, so he didn't dare to go to Orochimaru. I'm afraid that he will also be dissatisfied with me, and then...

"Okay. But I need to take a rest. Akanekai is a bit heavy." Saying this seriously would probably only happen in a team like this.

There was no need to consider the feelings of the unconscious ninja.

Useless people are just trash in the team, they are a burden, they are things that do not need to be taken care of.

"Okay. There is a cave two thousand meters outside the gate of Konoha. Go there and rest for an hour, and then go on your way immediately."


On the other side, inside the central tower.

The last team to arrive has had a full day's rest, and it's almost time to start the final assessment.

Singled out.

"Dear genin candidates, you have finally reached the threshold to be promoted to chunin! In two hours, the daimyo from all over the world will arrive at Konoha's first training ground, and your one-on-one battle will take place there! Get ready. Are you ready? This is the entrance to a new beginning in your life, show your best!" Minato kept a gentle smile, his voice was slightly calm but still encouraged the genin present.

Opportunities like this are always so attractive but seemingly out of reach for young children.

When I actually walked in front of it, I felt more uneasy.

"The order in which you will appear will be determined by drawing lots from famous names from each country, which means you won't know who your opponent is until you appear on the stage." Before leaving the stage, Minato said this, and it covered the candidates like a dark cloud. of the head.

"Is this the way... Will people from the same village..." Chitu had a more delicate mind and immediately thought of this issue. Indeed, if ninjas in the same village fight, it will more or less lose the smell of gunpowder, and it will not be much enjoyable to watch. Naturally, there will be no promotion to chunin.

"This will not happen. Everyone will face ninjas from different villages to ensure that the competition is fair and just, as well as fiercely competitive." Minato added in the audience, and then left collectively with his men. .

The last two hours of rest time, after this point, is a one-on-one battle without holding back at all.

"Yakumo, how are you?" Yu Ling just woke up and looked at Yakumo next to him with a little worry. A ninja like her who has no ability to protect herself at close range is really weak in a one-on-one battle, and she might lose if she is not careful.

This also limits the strength she can show. Whether she is promoted to Chunin or wins, it is a big challenge for her.

"Just like that...it doesn't matter, I can do it!" Yakumo smiled at Yu Ling, trying to dispel his worries.

But she also knows that there will never be a weak person who can survive the forest of death. If she encounters a melee master, then there is probably no hope of winning.

The opponent she most wanted to face was Deidara. Deidara had absolutely no chance of winning at mid-range.

But it all depends on luck. If she is unlucky and encounters Yunyin, any one of the three people will have an overwhelming advantage over her.

"Really? Then I'll be relieved. Anyway, if you can't beat me, your own safety is important, so just seize the opportunity and admit defeat." Yu Ling nodded thoughtfully, his mind running rapidly. After going through all the possible situations, I came up with a universal solution: surrender.

"Can you have some confidence in me! Am I that weak? Even if I can't fight in close combat, won't I keep my distance? Besides, is my illusion just a decoration?" Yakumo suddenly exploded. He did that just now It's obvious that he looks down on her. He just feels that she has no chance of winning, and even her life will be threatened in the assessment...

How can you, a pretty lady, endure such anger?

Such well-founded disparagement...

It makes sense, but it doesn't make sense. But it’s unreasonable, and it’s damaging to one’s identity...

After saying these few words, I could only stare with big eyes.

"Your illusion is not a decoration, but neither is other people's fighting power... Your illusion cannot control everyone. There will always be a way to break it." Yu Ling suddenly lost confidence when he said this, although Yakumo didn't have it yet. I had used genjutsu on him, but before I just watched, a pair of Sharingan could still feel the energy contained in Yakumo's genjutsu, which was completely beyond my ability to resist.

Maybe there really is a way, but at least the current Yu Ling can't do it.

"You just don't think highly of me? Okay, then you can fight on your own! I'll watch the show! Okay?" After two words, he immediately turned around and left in anger. The little body holding the drawing board shuttled among the candidates, looking really pitiful and cute.

"I didn't say I don't like you... I just want you to be careful. It's good for you to be my teammate. I don't want to change teammates yet." Yu Ling pulled Yakumo, his tone was calm, as if Just like when talking about business cooperation, it is completely rational and devoid of emotions.

"I see, I thought you had something serious to say. Forget it, I get it." Yakumo's heart was moved for a moment when his hand was held, waiting to be bombarded by a burst of sweet words.

As a result...he only received the same instructions as usual.

With the black line on her forehead, she continued on her way.

"I heard that the final candidates are only children from Konoha, Kumogakure, and Iwagakure."

"Indeed! I heard that there is an incredible genius in Konoha this year."

"Hmph, I think the three Iwagakure children are rare characters."

"They are all good kids until the end. Let's see how they perform before we speak."

"Yes, it should be... there are still five minutes left, and the drawing is about to begin."

"Oh, let's see what kind of arrangements we old guys can make for them!"

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