Why do wizards appear here?

That giant magic really has the breath of life magic.

The surviving people were all saved by the Elf Queen, and her power is amazing.

“Elves? I thought you would never show up again.”

White looked at the queen and said unceremoniously.

“My point of view is the same as you, the human hero.” Queen Kerry Elizabeth replied, she smiled and looked towards others.

At this time, a large number of survivors have gathered in this ruin.

“I think it’s not the time to talk, there are still many lives buried in the mud, go and save them, humans…”

The Elf Queen raised her hand , The power of magic suddenly reappeared. Green’s magic power was like a wind blowing towards the surroundings. Near the wounded, green plants appeared on the ground.

This is a disaster.

The disaster caused by hero, but few people will know about it in the future, because the big powers and the adventurer union tried their best to cover this matter, Luas will not let this defeated war spread out. , Dragon Boat and Snake Wanfu who owns the hero do not want the people to fear the hero.


The rescue team of the union arrived first, followed by the Calis Empire. Hero White of Luas directly teleported the wounded back with magic.

A total of nearly 80,000 people died in this battle, with no more than 400 wounded. Under the terrifying formidable power, the unlucky people could hardly even leave their bodies. There is no doubt that the soldiers who died in the hands of the two heroes accounted for the overwhelming majority, and the president of the adventurer union made a long criticism of the two heroes for this. He was so angry that Face is red, and his voice was hoarse, but the effect was not obvious.

White yawned again and again, Klaus seemed to be asleep, motionless, and the two had no regrets at all. This is the punishment for their mistake, a verbal criticism, and then they are still hero, general and Princess, nothing at all. How could they have regrets at such a price.

President Mullen felt that he was a failure. What happened this time made him feel a great sense of frustration.

Everyone was riding in Phoenix’s flying boat. After some explanation, it turned out that hero Klaus signed a contract with the elf, and the latter provided him with food and allowed him to win the battle of Calis. And Klaus promised to guard the boundary of the elves and keep the secrets of the elves.

Everyone was surprised. To the east of Stone, the huge primordial forest over the mountain range was actually occupied by the elves. It was originally the territory of the Celestial Demon King, but it has now been occupied by the elves. Controlled.

They don’t know why the elves crossed the oceans and came here, but the allies against the Demon Race are back. This is not bad news at least.

Moreover, the power of the queen is enough to match the hero. Even if the elves are in decline, they still have a strong foundation. If you can have a good relationship with them, the benefits will be very great.

However, these have nothing to do with the union. Obviously the seventh hero has a special relationship with the elves, otherwise the elves will not help him. And Rael also has a relationship with the seventh hero. They know each other, and the person who made the elves intervene in this war is Rael Phoenix.

The winner of this war is not the Luas Empire, nor the Calis Empire, nor the adventurer union, but Leil Phoenix. She is the biggest winner. And the biggest loser is the adventurer union. They not only fought with the Calis Empire, but also fired Rael, missing the best advantage of cooperating with the elves. Moreover, the Luas Empire lost so many soldiers in this battle, they will never thank the union, absolutely not.

Moreover, the union has completely lost its dominant position, the situation has changed, and no one listens to them anymore.


“I hope you two can reconcile and don’t make such a stupid mistake again.”

Lair Phoenix looked towards the two, Also present here is President Mullen. He has no voice. This is the flying boat of the Phoenix family, not the union. Now Leir is not a member of the union. She has resigned from the union. A few days ago. The Elf Queen Isabella sat quietly in her position, and she hardly said anything.

There are four Prince Ilaire on the round table, and his life saving benefactor Leo.

“All this is a misunderstanding. The seventh hero did not collude with Demon Race, nor is it an agent of Demon Race.”

When Lei said this, Eli Er’s eyes were dim, and he lowered his head in shame.

However, White said displeasedly: “Then why can’t I explain it? I think the younger brother did nothing wrong. It was you, the seventh hero.”

Hearing that, Demon King was coldly snorted and said: “You are just looking for an excuse to invade our country that’s all. Even if I violate the agreement with the elves and tell them about their affairs, the result will not change. You will still be snorted. The army is attacking our country.”

“This is just your guess. The important thing is that you didn’t do that. This is your biggest mistake!”

“I would rather be destroyed by circumstances You, will not break your vows.”

“haha! This is so funny, it seems that someone is confident in their own strength.”

“You have also seen it. By the way, I have three chances to kill you.”

“What a coincidence! I have ten chances to make you disappear completely.”

“Then I would like to see Seeing.”

Demon King said this and looked towards the other person with interest. White frowned and looked at him hostilely. The two people’s personalities are somewhat similar. Especially not to admit defeat. This can scare the people around, if they fight here, the consequences will be disastrous, they have looked towards the only one Elf Queen who can stop them.

“Enough, Klaus, arguing is meaningless.”

Suddenly when the Elf Queen spoke, Klaus receded a little, and White also snorted and looked away. However, the elf queen looked towards White and said:

“You are the same, reckless lady.”

After hearing this, White complexion changed. She glared at the other person, but thought that the other person had Such a horrible magic, it seems that Klaus is along the way, and it will not be a good thing to have an affair with her.

She sighed, her eyes eased, and then she stood up.

“I remembered something important, damn it, I just came back from a place more than four thousand kilometers away, Elair! I’m back!”

“But we are just like this Go back…”

“Stop talking nonsense! I’m still looking for someone, one or two will cause me trouble!”

Speaking, White is in front of everyone, single Holding Eliel in her hand and throwing it into the Transmission Gate, she turned around and looked towards Demon King.

“When I see you next time, I hope we can have a good talk.”

After that, the Transmission Gate behind her swallowed her in, and the two disappeared completely.

The people present were dumbfounded, the female hero who insisted on going her own way just left…

However, after she left, everyone relaxed, at least the war was over temporarily.

At this time, Mullen remembered something. He lifts the head and looked towards Leir.


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