The sky is extremely bright, and the countless Annihilation Lights are as numerous as the stars. Looking at this magnificent and desperate scene, there is only one thing everyone can do, and that is to look up. Watching all this happen.

This is the battle at the hero and Demon King levels. That terrifying destructive power can destroy everything, including innocent bystanders.

Suddenly, the Demon King floating high in the sky lifted the Broken Sword. The yellow cloak behind him was completely burned by flames. He lifted the head slightly, and Broken Sword burst into a terrifying light instantly. Rushing into the sky.

Behind the black clouds, the beam of light impacted on the giant magic array, like running water washing on the ground, the rays of light scattered towards all around of the magic array, breaking through the array in the blink of an eye.

There was a dull loud noise from high above, the clouds disintegrated in an instant, and the blue sky appeared in front of everyone. Hero White’s destruction magic was broken, which shocked her.

However, the endless square energy blocks in the sky still moved towards the ground. White lifts the head, she realizes that she overdos it, but now she can’t stop it all.

Elder lifts the head, he never expected he would die by his elder sister’s magic; Mullen also lifts the head, he never expected he would die in the battle between heroes, This is a ridiculous way to die.

Just when everyone thought they were dead, suddenly, there was a bang from the eastern sky, and the shadow of a giant tree appeared on the horizon. It almost covered the east, and in an instant, the green branches and leaves spread towards the sky.

This is a miracle. It makes people feel that they are extremely small, just like when they look up at the stars.

The blue sky was suddenly covered by green, and the sky was covered by the branches and leaves of the giant tree.

A miracle happened. The white destruction cubes suddenly collapsed from the inside, turned into green energy, and then turned into countless leaves, scattered on the ground.

There was a rain of leaves under the sky, and the world suddenly became green. Everyone present felt like an ant under a giant tree. The fallen leaves were bigger than people, but fortunately they It quickly disappeared, melted into the soil, and then the green seedlings burrowed out of the soil.


Malen lifts the head. He opened his arms and everyone was saved. This is Divine Vestige.

He couldn’t help but moved towards Dongfang and knelt down, and people from the adventurer union around also followed suit.

Leo, who was standing beside Eliel Prince, was still standing. He also relaxed and looked towards the east. The shadow of the giant tree was disappearing, and the sky gradually returned to its original appearance. He squinted as if he had seen something.

Something seemed to be flying in the sky, and after he saw it clearly, his eyes suddenly widened.

It was a flying boat, moving towards here, he was surprised.

The two heroes stopped fighting, and they quickly moved towards the ground. The two watched each other more than ten meters apart, as if the two sides reached a brief armistice agreement.

Demon King carries his left hand, and his right hand points the sword to the ground. White still maintains that offensive posture, staring straight at the opponent. But she did not continue to attack, and she seemed to understand that the battle between the two would not end so easily. If they continued to fight, it would only bring disaster.

Suddenly a speed of light shone between the two of them, and they looked towards the east at the same time, and saw a flying boat moved towards them quickly flying, and the light was emitted from the flying boat .

The surviving people looked towards the sky one after another. The union members such as Mullen and Leo were suddenly shocked. They clearly saw the logo on the flying boat, which was the emblem of the Phoenix family. And the source of that light was Leyl Phoenix standing on the deck.


Ma Lun couldn’t help but mouth opened wide. It was her who stopped the war, but how did she do it? That kind of large-scale magic is not like human magic.

He quickly got up from the ground and hurried towards the place where the flying boat landed.

In the squally wind, the black cloak was swaying desperately, surrounded by a huge sound of wind. Standing in front of the Demon King, White glared at each other. The space between the two was distorted. Their fight was not over yet, only in a more peaceful way.

Suddenly, the space was distorted, Demon King stepped back half a step, White took a two steps back, her face darkened, then lifts the head, gritted her teeth and looked at each other.

In the contest of magic power, the opponent won by half a point.

Seeing her lips moved, Demon King heard a voice that only he could hear.

“It’s kind of ability, but I won’t just let you go. One day, I will let you pay for what you did today.”

This is her At least Demon King understands the truce declaration, compared to her not launching an attack.

Demon King did not know whether to cry or laugh. This woman does have some ability. She is very sensitive to magic and magic, which makes him very difficult to shoot. And the appearance of the opponent made him a little surprised. This was out of plan. He didn’t expect that he would start a war with the opponent so early.

Fighting with a hero without making her aware of her identity is a very difficult thing. He had known it would evolve into this situation, so he should prepare more. Demon King looked towards Broken Sword in his hand, this shit is easy to use at all. Then he released the right hand and threw the Broken Sword aside. The moment the Broken Sword touched the ground, it was like broken glass, and it shattered into countless iron particles.

“I’m waiting.”

He also moved his mouth and responded with a magical voice.

White snorted and stops talking.



The flying boat landed steadily on the ground, the wind gradually stopped, and the surroundings became quiet.

I saw Leil Phoenix jump off the deck, she turned into a light, and jumped between the two. When the rays of light on her receded, Luas’s White suddenly raised his brows.

“It’s you?”

“long time no see, White Durex.”

“Heh, it’s really been a long time since I saw you. It has changed a lot, Phoenix Eldest Miss.”

White said with a sneer, they seem to know each other.

Raier lightly said that you have not changed at all, then he looked towards Demon King and said: “I’m here to stop the two, you can’t fight anymore.”

“It depends on what he means, if he is willing to surrender obediently.”

White raised his head and stared at Demon King. Demon King’s eyes did not dodge, but looked towards neither humble nor arrogant. other side.

“I’m very happy to accept it.”

Heard, Lei sighed lightly, and Demon King crossed his hands and tilted his head slightly to his left shoulder to show his attitude.

“You two, show me around, look, these are all your masterpieces, take a good look!”

Suddenly, Lei Er scolded loudly. Around, the original Snow Mountain had of course disappeared without a trace. The broken rocks and mud were exposed, and the whole ground was turned over.

Seeing this scene, Hero White was silent. Suddenly she looked towards behind and saw a group of survivors walking towards them. Among them, her younger brother was also one of the instigators of this war, Yi Lyle was being supported by Leo, walking towards this side.

Then she turned back and looked towards the flying boat.

“Speaking of which, why aren’t the people on the boat getting off yet? Are you waiting for any chance?”

White asked in a mocking tone.

She knew that the giant magic was not performed by Leier, she was not so capable.

Suddenly, hearing only the sound of a footstep, an elf wearing a vine and wood crown came out of the flying boat. She is very beautiful, and her body seems to glow with a warm glow, which looks very unreal.


“Queen of Elves?!”

White, the assisted Mullen, and the others present couldn’t help being surprised the sound of.

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