Chapter 61 Laoshan Ghost King

 “Master, be careful!”

Taoist nun Emei, who knew she was no match, had already stepped aside.

At this moment, seeing that there was no ghost Xuluo under the bright golden Buddha seal, a chill suddenly came over his heart.

Master Huizhen stood still in mid-air. Before he could make any move, he felt a vast darkness coming from above his head.

“You are a bald donkey. Not only one thousand but also eight hundred people have died in my hands. How can you dare to block my way?”

Guixu Luosen whispered coldly, containing traces of anger.

The moment the **** palm, entwined with the source of endless evil spirits, landed on Master Huizhen’s head, the sky and the earth turned pale for a moment.

 The golden light collapsed, Master Huizhen’s face suddenly changed, and his entire face was distorted under Gui Xuluo’s palm!

His body plummeted and landed with a crash.

This scene caused the surrounding area to turn into deathly silence.

Taoist nun Emei's pupils showed fear. The master of Xuanmen and the Celestial Master of Taoism stiffened up, with deep fear emerging in their hearts.

In the distance, Wang Yue’s expression is calm and calm.

 He had already anticipated this situation.

With Guixuluo's strength, let alone the four legendaries joining forces to suppress him, even the one who ranks first on the legend list in their Xingzhou South Country can't do anything to Guixuluo.

 According to his original plan, the head of the family had already acquiesced to the fact that Wang Qiong had contracted Guixuluo, and launched a series of plans.

 There are a total of five aristocratic families in the South, and their Wang family is the head of the five.

 The foundation of the Wang family far exceeds that of the other four families. With the continuous development, the Wang family is not satisfied with the status quo and has the intention of annexing the four families.

  Because of the existence of certain rules, it can only be done secretly.

In this case, if you want to annex the resources of other aristocratic families and avoid being targeted by other powerful forces in the Southern Kingdom and even Xingzhou, then Guixuluo can only take action.

 Now we can see that Guixuluo is indeed an ancient evil demon!

 “Where is big brother?”

Wang Yue asked the people of the Wang family.

“He has been here a long time ago and should be watching nearby.”

 After receiving the exact reply, Wang Yue nodded slightly.

 On the other side, in the floating car.

  The expressions of the people in the Bai family who saw this scene turned dull.

“Isn’t even our Master Huizhen a match for this monster?”

Bai Feihong murmured to himself, looking at Master Huizhen who was knocked into the ground by Guixuluo's palm, his heart felt really cold.

“The world has not been decided yet, the outcome has not yet been decided, I believe in Master Huizhen!” Some members of the Bai family swear by it.

Bai Li, who has fully woken up, feels at home at this moment, looking into the distance with a little tenderness in her eyes.

There, she felt Shen Changqing's aura.

Facing the strong pressure of Guixuluo, her heart became very calm and peaceful, and she no longer had the previous panic and fear.

"I think we should retreat another three miles, no! Ten miles is better!"

Bai Feihong swallowed hard, and he vaguely sensed something was wrong.

Even if there are four legendary heroic spirits present, as Master Huizhen was shot down, the sense of security that he had brought quickly disappeared.

"If the situation changes, cancel the summons immediately without hesitation!" Bai Feihong said to Emei Taoist Aunt's contractor again.


 The sky above the Dongtian Palace ruins.

"who are you?"

Taoist nun Emei’s voice was trembling. She had never seen such a terrifying monster.

 “I am the Ghost King of Mount Laoshan.”

Ki Xuluo glanced at the entire scene, and the black mist surrounding his face dissipated, revealing a face without facial features.

The cloak slid down in the strong wind, reflecting the appearance of the devil.

The evil spirits of heaven and earth are rioting again at this moment. It seems that the territory is expanding and sweeping across, turning the entire Dongtian Palace into a netherworld.

As Guixuluo finished speaking, Emei Taoist Priestess was like a bolt from the blue, her eyes wide with shock.     “It turns out to be 伱!”

Ghost Xuluo at his peak was named Laoshan Ghost King.

Only when entering the twilight years, the Demon Era gradually declined, and this name disappeared along with the long history.

Taoist Aunt Emei has never heard of Ghost Xuluo, but she knows who the Ghost King of Laoshan is!

at the same time,

 “Da Luo Buddha’s Hand!”

There was a roar of thunder below without any warning, once again unleashing vast power.

The overwhelming golden light swept over the sky and turned into a thousand-foot-long Buddha's hand and continued to attack Guixuluo.

Master Huizhen's figure emerged from the ground. Although the body of the heroic spirit was somewhat broken, he was still fearless.

Gui Xuluo swept away the attack with cold eyes and raised his palm to suppress it again. Master Huizhen was horrified. The Buddha's hand collapsed and dissipated for the second time, and he was mercilessly blasted back to the original place.

“I don’t remember that you died in my hands.”

 Gui Xuluo continued to look at Taoist Emei, obviously surprised that Taoist Emei had heard of his name.

 Because basically, everyone I saw or heard about died.

“Laoshan Ghost King...I also vaguely remember this name.”

The master of Xuanmen stared at Gui Xuluo, his body trembling uncontrollably, and his pupils showing strong fear.

 In his era, the Laoshan Ghost King had become a legend!

 “Do you all know him?”

The Taoist Celestial Master felt strange in his heart. Judging from the performance of Emei Taoist Aunt and the Master of Xuanmen, the origin of this demon named Laoshan Ghost King seems to be far from simple.

at the same time,

 “Prajna Divine Palm!”

An indomitable roar sounded, and Master Huizhen's eyes were piercing with golden light. His roar stirred up merits all over the sky, and he gathered his original power to kill Guixuluo again.

 This momentum used all the strength of Master Huizhen.

He was like a sharp sword, rising straight from the ruins.

Without even looking at it, Gui Xuluo raised his palm and black energy rose up and turned into Senluo's face, shattering Master Huizhen's merits on the spot. He screamed and fell down with pain on his face.

 In the ruins, he looked at the other three heroic figures above and felt a little confused.


"he came."

 Gui Xuluo looked into the distance quietly, his eyes showing unprecedented solemnity.

The kind of oppression is beyond the past.

  Being delayed by the four legendary heroic spirits, he had lost the best opportunity to leave.

 Outside the realm, Shen Changqing stepped slowly into the sky, and ripples appeared in the sky and the earth.

 The aura fluctuations coming from Guixuluo have naturally been sensed by him long ago.

 “Laozi Qingyunzhai?”

Bai Feihong in the floating car in the distance saw Shen Changqing's arrival and immediately looked excited.

“No, this doesn’t seem to be Qingyunzhai Laozi, he didn’t have this level of power before!”

 The Bai family took a breath of cold air and soon discovered that Shen Changqing had completely changed from his previous heroic spirit state.

Not only the pure aura of righteousness and golden light of merit, but also an indescribably powerful source of power!

"Husband..." Bai Li's eyes were filled with mist.

Looking at the hiding place where the Wang family was, Wang Yue raised his head and saw the figure coming from the distance, and felt an inexplicable uneasiness in his heart.

 “Who is this?”

He fell in a deep voice, and the man who had been warned of death by the Great Xia Archbishop on the war boat spoke tremblingly:

 “Laozi Qingyunzhai, he is Laozi Qingyunzhai!”

 (End of this chapter)

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