Chapter 60 Bai Li wakes up

 What is Guixuluo?

Bai Feihong and many of the Bai family's children were a little confused, but looking at Bai Li's appearance, it seemed that they did know the demon under the cave.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sound of breaking through the sky.

Multiple dazzling lights arrived together with the roar of thunder.

Taoist nun Emei looked back and couldn't help but look overjoyed.

 Because she saw a familiar figure, Master Huizhen!


The old divine voice swept over the great power of merit and resounded throughout the whole world.

Master Huizhen stretched out Maitreya Buddha's hand. In an instant, it transformed into a thousand feet wide, and pressed straight towards the sky to suppress the demon's eye. This caused the source of evil spirits to fall apart, and the demon eye flew into ashes and was annihilated.

The countless skeletal phantoms that crazily poured out from the mouth of the cave were also swept away by the power of the thousand-foot-long Buddha's hand, and they let out silent screams and continued to disappear.

The Lord of Xuanmen and the Heavenly Master of Daomen who came forward immediately formed seals on their palms without any explanation, and used their magical powers to seal the mouth of the cave where black mist continued to erupt.

Taoist nun Emei saw this and joined in.

 The four legendary heroic spirits joined forces and quickly suppressed the black mist.

 The expressions of many members of the Wang family who were watching from a distance suddenly changed.

 “Third Master, this is something serious!”

“I didn’t expect that even Master Huizhen from Central Continent would come. Why don’t you lift the summons?”

"Absolutely not! If you lift the summons at this time, doesn't it expose us?"

Wang Yue, however, looked cold and attentive, not even the slightest bit anxious.

Soon, the seal suppression only lasted for a few minutes before it was shaken by the terrifying power, and the golden light spell collapsed directly.

The light around Emei Taoist Priest suddenly dimmed, and she stared at the entrance of the cave with an ugly expression.

“What kind of monster is this?”

The Master of Xuanmen still mobilized all his strength, but was forced to take a few steps back, feeling a little shaken.

 “He’s out!”

The Taoist Celestial Master looked solemn, and the Five Thunders of Zhengfa condensed in his palms.

 In front of everyone's sight, the huge hole continued to emit black light.

A figure in black robes slowly rose up, mist covering his face, revealing a cold one-eye with strong murderous intent.

 Under the suppression of the power of the four legendary heroic spirits, he had to interrupt the absorption of Rakshasa Jade.

 At this moment, Guixuluo fully appeared.

The ancient evil that once frightened the Six-Fingered Demon Lord, and that the Ghost Slave Cult wanted to summon at all costs, was clearly revealed in front of everyone.

 The four legendary heroic spirits all felt the extremely evil and deep fluctuations in Guixuluo's body.

 “The door of life and death!”

The master of Xuanmen looked serious and stepped forward to use the ancient magic.

As the origin of the vast power spread, a sky-high gate instantly condensed, and a terrifying suction force came from the door, like a call from hell, to imprison Guixuluo inside.

But Gui Xuluo only glanced sideways, and suddenly the evil spirits of heaven and earth rioted, turning into a ruthless suppressive force, and opening and closing like a devil's hand.

 In an instant, the huge door of life and death was crushed!

The master of Xuanmen looked in disbelief, and his body collapsed due to the backlash.


The Daoist Celestial Master also said nothing, and with a cold snort, he urged the Five Thunder Methods to reach their peak, and in an instant, the Thunder of Ten Thousand Methods struck down.

 The lightning flashed across the sky, and the destructive power fell on Guixuluo one after another.

 The next moment, boom!

The thunder collapsed, and a beam of black light burst out from Gui Xuluo's sleeves and turned into a black sword and swept away, cutting off Wanfa Thunder in half on the spot.

 The sharp edge came and landed in front of the Taoist Celestial Master. His pupils condensed violently, but at the critical moment, Master Huizhen took action, and his hands gathered together to grasp the black sword.

 In the collision of two forces, they dissipate each other.

As if he was on the verge of death again, the Taoist Celestial Master hurriedly moved away, a ray of panic rising in his heart.

 “This Heavenly Master is not his opponent…”

It was just one move. Without the help of Master Huizhen, he might have been cut in half with the thunder of ten thousand methods.

 “You all should stand down.”

Master Huizhen walked towards him slowly with a calm face, dazzling the heaven and earth with a vast golden light, just like a living Buddha!

Gui Xuluo stared at him coldly, that terrifying power of merit could indeed pose a certain degree of threat to him.

 Obviously, this was also an extremely powerful existence during his lifetime, and should be the Holy Sect Buddha Lord somewhere in the Xuanhuang Realm.


Just as Guixuluo was about to take action to kill everyone in the room, he suddenly seemed to sense something. When his one eye narrowed slightly, he glanced behind Master Huizhen.

At that distant location, he sensed an indescribable aura of merit, which was also heading here.

 The direction is exactly the same as the previous direction of King Meng’s Mausoleum!

One Eye showed strong fear for a moment. Without hesitation, he turned around and wanted to leave here.

 “Where to go!”

Master Huizhen saw that Guixuluo was actually trying to run away, so he immediately strode forward to gather Qianzhang Buddha's Hands, and suppressed Guixuluo again.

The sky and the earth exploded, and the unparalleled power shattered the black mist around Guixuluo, and even knocked Guixuluo down from mid-air, ruthlessly suppressing it on the ground.

The cracks like spider webs spread rapidly. This scene made the master of Xuanmen and the Daomen Celestial Master feel frightened.

 “Master Huizhen is so strong?”

As a person from the Ziwei Kingdom in Central Continent and ranked 19th on the legend list, there is no doubt about his strength.

 “Buddha’s Seal!”

Master Huizhen shouted loudly, and the divine sound spread and resounded throughout the heaven and earth, unleashing great power.

Even if a huge curse seal condensed and descended above Guixuluo's head, blocking all possibilities of escape.

The Nanhai Sword Masters who witnessed this scene from a distance, including Li Tongtong and Xia Beini, all breathed a sigh of relief.

Bai Feihong, who was in the floating car, also had a smile on his lips.

"As expected of Master Huizhen, he has solved everything with this move. The most important thing now is to find the contractor. Who dares to contract with the demon?"

As he finished speaking, he noticed something was wrong with Bai Li beside him.

 Her face was pale and bloodless, and more and more memories were fully recovered.

 The influx of memories reminded Bai Li of the horror of Guixuluo, and also of his own life of thousands of years.

Many people in Middle-earth have died in the hands of Guixuluo. It was an invincible existence and an ancient evil demon that was several times stronger than the original Demon Emperor.

 His power caused catastrophe in Middle-earth.

Only the paradise of Shiwandashan and the sealing barrier of Kunlun Mountain have become a haven for survivors.

"I remembered it, I remembered it all...Mother, Kunlun, and husband!"

Bai Li murmured to herself. When her body shook suddenly, it seemed as if a sleeping soul finally woke up. She opened her hazy eyes that had been covered in dust for thousands of years, and her pupils suddenly revealed wisps of clear light.

That is the look that belonged to the demon of the Fox tribe ten thousand years ago, and it is the ancient soul that has accompanied Shen Changqing for two hundred years!

 “I am Bai Li!”

 She slowly raised her head, her eyes reflecting the colors of that year.

 (End of this chapter)

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